Comfort To Intimate

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Isaac narrowed his eyes on the ground in relief and shame filled his void as his wife stood by the window frame, giving him an unfazed look as she folded her arms on her chest. Considered they're lucky for not getting caught with Sahara's swift scoop as he's been lifted in the air while found him panting on the side of the alley. She expertly managed to slip into Amestris without anyone's knowledge and blend in the situation well.

Somehow, he muttered. He found his wife's job is far too perfect than he had been done. She told him just now about homunculus that made him arch his eyebrows. Alchemy can create something like that?! He didn't know at all that the High Military will create something sinister like them. He only focused on the points of the activated circles and the military being secretly corrupted. He never thought his wife will do her research thoroughly as he was probably seen as the leader in the Movements' eyes.

His right arm had been fully healed by her natural Alkahestry technique. Now, he guiltily sat on the edge of their bed as they secretly took cover in the isolated woods farther from the military's eyes. The other Movements had been spread out to not raise any suspicion.

"Dear....", she softly called him as she walked to his direction. "What you just done was an unforgivable mistake. You exposed OUR group into the public eye and now it's only a matter of time before they start to gather data and found the list of the members of the group."

"Tch.. Every beginnings needs to have a hurdle to test their endurance of the test. They were still farther from the truth. All of those soldiers, still too gullible to abide those High bastards. From draftee to the State Alchemists, all too caught up with their mission to serve the military to see the truth.", he sneered scornfully as he wrapped an arm around her waist as Sahara already stood in front of him.

".... You know how cunning they are in pertaining the information from the outsiders clutches. Your rashness not only caused our intel at stake, but now they put a HUGE bounty on your head!!!! One wrong movement while operating outside there and you'll be done for.", Sahara's expression showed that she's in the verge of strangling and hugging, but in the end, she chose to stand still while lectured her almost- got- killed husband.

"I don't give a damn..", he turned to his sides as Sahara continued.

"What did you see when you infiltrate Amestris that night?", Isaac kept quiet as Sahara kept brooding him with this heated questions. He knew his action were beyond suicidal but he could not help but furious that the entire country is still unaware of the danger they lived in.

"Have you misjudged their strategy as usual? I know the Amestrian aren't famous for handling real danger but that doesn't mean they weren't prepared for death. Central Troops have been given strict orders from Top Brass to shoot on the spot without a thought.", Sahara slowly walked closer and sat on his lap while caressing his cheek. He did not react as he frowned at he floor in remorse.

"...In case you haven't noticed, I never misjudged things! I just assumed them to be the worst so I can.."

"What? Destroy the circle and had I not rescue you....You.. You.. w.. will.......", Sahara didn't let herself finished as she brought his face closer. He couldn't meet her eyes. He had hurt her feelings, once more. His face hid in the shadows as Sahara shed silent tears.

"I lost my parents and childhood at such a young age, Dear. We came from different path and are 2 different people trying to survive in this cruel world. You...", she stared at his handsome features as she brushed his face gently. "You showed me the real truth of this cruel world. You told me not to hesitate to fight back. Fight what's right and best for survival. I.. I have no one else in this world. My world is now beautiful because of you. I couldn't live without you by my side. And sooner, we're going to focus on our family and have children. Please, Dear. Don't conceal things from me. You're the only one that kept me moving forward. I........"

She paused in shock as Isaac suddenly pulled her into a loving tight embrace, wrapping his arms around her slender back as he slumped his face on her right shoulder.

"....It's because I couldn't afford to lose you that drove me to act in a suicide way. We are going to have a family once this is over. I told you before, haven't I? I'm going to build us a big and beautiful cottage and raise beautiful daughters of our own.", he pictured himself playing with 3 beautiful daughters while Sahara combed his hair by the woods before Isaac looked up to see his beautiful wife crying. He nuzzled his nose with hers as he formed his usual grin. "There's no way in hell I'm gonna lose to that Bradley! I'm gonna slice that damn bastard on the spot if I'm not......."

He blushed and taken aback when Sahara leaned in for a loving kiss to which he returned while brought her closer to his chest, an arm wrapped around her shoulders as Sahara put her hands on his broad chest. Sahara crawled closer as she suddenly straddled him as Isaac moved backward before he stopped when he felt soft pillows behind him.

"Silly, Dear...", she only smiled as she caressed his handsome features as Isaac only stared at her dumbfounded. "Not everyone can be strong all the time. No need to force yourself."

He silently just sat still while he embraced her dear life as he shed quiet tears as he buried his face on her collarbone. Sahara just ruffled on his back lovingly, letting her husband clung her tightly as she too cried. "I'm too grateful you're alive now. Please... please do not do anything rash. I'm begging you. I love you soo much to see you get killed."

The let themselves got cozy in the warm embrace as they wanted to cherish these moments they managed to have after the act Isaac pulled a few hours ago.

Isaac silently sniffed his wife's scent. He suddenly had an odd feeling burning down his stomach. He had been an old man for his entire life. He never had any intimacy with other woman during his youth. It could either be he's too engrossed with his research to find a partner or because women feared his intimidated features. He felt he wanted more than just hugging and kissing his wife. He.....

Sahara gasped when she felt her her husband nibbled on her collarbone, leaving some love marks on them. She blushed when she realized her husband must be on those.......mate mood, er, you know....

"De..Dear...", she tried to stop him but he managed to smoothly grabbed her hands and pushed her to the mattress, switching positions with his as he spread her  slim slender legs around his torso, as his mouth had moved to her shoulder blades. He looked up to give his embarrassed wife a reassuring look while he slowly started to take the lead. He could not wait long enough!! They've been married for almost 2 years now and they still haven't been experienced passion with each other on their first night. Clothes had been cascaded on the floor as sounds of gasps and grunts filled the room. He groaned as he untied his hair as he let them flowed on his back.

Sahara didn't expect the make out to be this heated. She was currently grasping Isaac by his shoulder for life as he took one of her beautiful breast into his mouth. Her legs crossed against each other as they're being wrapped around his waist. Isaac didn't know the taste of a woman would be delicious. Much more if the woman he made is purely based on love. His hands moved to some parts where he could already feel the sweat of love burning more. He grabbed her by her thighs as he explored more on the passion of his spouses' body.

"D.. Dear....", she moaned quietly as she clung on his shoulders firmly as she feared for what will come on wards.

"Dear.....", Sahara had the courage to look up as she gulped before she looked up at her husband, who looked like he tried to muster his love and lust in balance. "I'm scared... I...."

"It's alright, Darling. We will bear and share the passion together. We've been together for a quite long time and haven't done anything due to our busy schedule and my reluctance due to your age. But you've changed into a young beautiful adult woman. An adult woman who can melt a man's heart just by looking at you. I concealed my urges to not hurt you but we both know we bound to experience passion sooner or later. But I...."

"Ok. I accepted, Dear...", Sahara smiled faintly as she massaged his right muscled arm. "Just please don't be rough....I'm..."

"Shhhhh......", Isaac smiled that only Sahara knew it was his genuine one as he slowly entered in, as Sahara choked an agony cry over the new sensation filled inside her.

Unbelievable, Issac gasped as he grunted over the feeling of tightness surrounded him. He also could not believe they would wait too long to experience this. He caressed her cheek as he looked at his wife who, like him had already lost her virginity in this heated moment.

Sooner, the grunts escalated into soft groans as they speed their movements. Isaac made sure both of them were in comfortable position as he carefully proceed on the love making. Sahara could no longer feel agony as a sudden rush of the need to release soon came as they both reached their climaxed soon enough. Isaac gripped her by her waist as she only laid back in exhausted, her face hid in shadows as she blushed madly.

Isaac scooped his wife into his arms as he smiled wearily at her. He just used an amount of energy to release something that's been built up inside of him. Ugh! He groaned as he just remembered something. They just got back from his suicidal attempts and haven't taken a shower yet!

"I'm sweat as hell!", he groaned as he lifted his wife in a bridal style, who only wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she leaned closer to hear his heartbeat on his chest. "Let's take a bath at the fountain nearby."

"But we're naked...", Sahara trailed as he shrugged off while locked the door to their cabin. "We're the only ones here and if they had some nerve to see your body, I'll simply slice them with the water. No one leaves a scratch on you and gets away with it!!!!"

She laughed over his protectiveness as they soon reached the beautiful fountain situated near their cabin. She started by brushing soap on his hair as Isaac felt content in this point. Things were too content at this point. Sahara could only brushed his hair lovingly as she finished rinsing them with water. He slyly wanted to play with his wife by rubbing soaps on her breasts as she blushed madly over the stimulation. She was being pulled closer as the result.

"You... you're not satisfied yet..", she trailed in anxious as she noticed her husband still had a look of lust on his face. He smirked as he scooped his wife in his arms, making her sit on his lap as he whispered. "Sorry, Darlin'. I just have weird urges building inside me. Wanna help me with that?", she blushed but suddenly she cupped his face as she gave him a heated kiss as Isaac wrapped his arms around the back of her neck before they began another journey of passion in the fountain that night. The sounds of soft moans could only be heard in that isolated woods.


Somewhere in the special cell for an extremely dangerous criminal, a familiar yet eerie aura surrounded him as his face concealed in shadows as he smiled slyly.

"You seemed to have a good time, Isaac, my friend. Soon enough I'll be taking her as my own, just you wait..", he trailed off with his maniac laugh as the laughter ceased when an officer stopped by his cell.

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