Vows To Protect Her

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Isaac was busy sorting things out for his temporary hideouts in one the provided dorms General Armstrong had been willing to give due to her being impressed by his motivations and his volunteer to join Briggs forces. Of course, of all that, he would have to undergo advanced training to match her soldiers in order to keep up and fit to lead, especially since his role as an alchemist.

Buccaneer had been the one that helped him the most when it comes to moving and to deal with his job quietly. He too was the only one who knew of his and Sahara's status as spouses and their risky positions as the real founder and leader of Anti Establishment Movement.

"I knew it", smirked Buccaneer as he put one of the crates inside Isaac's room.

"About my involvement with the movement?", Isaac asked sharply as he unfolded his things on the floor to sort them.

"It's a damn pity Central was one of the military that never encountered with a real vicious threat. The General herself even questioned their competence and awareness that they apprehended the fake leader. The group that had been heavily infiltrated the occupation can't simply surrendered lightly while getting close to crack the puzzle. I don't know about your involvement but I'm not surprised that the 2 of you were the real deals behind the scenes. It takes an extremely cunning and smart people to do the snooping behind bars while making a fake deal that the group had been apprehended. That was the second phase, right?", Isaac could only chuckle over his sharp guess. No wonder General took him under her wing.

"You have no idea how hell it is in there. I always knew there's something wrong with the system by the time I signed up over there. Like there's something sinister about the country. By the way, thanks for helping me through all this. I'll promise to explain everything what happened and about our discovery. Just so you know it's a top secret project, of course", Isaac thanked him while massaged his right arm.

"Just helping an old buddy in hand. Come to think of it, I didn't know that Sahara is a younger sister of Roy Mustang. They did not look alike and..", Buccaneer glanced at him in disturbed look "She's more experienced in hell than he is. She's also capable in fighting alone and extreme brilliant woman in her age regardless in books and fields, both. I'd say, it'll be more miracle if she as well join our forces. We could use capable fighters like you spouses"

"Yeah, they are biological siblings. I knew this fact when I stayed with them even when the terror took toll on her childhood", Isaac narrowed his eyes on his palms that rested on his lap as he sat at the edge of the bed. "The one thing I regret the most is turning her into a murderer. She single- handedly murdered the remaining bastards on earth. She's only 6, dammit. As pragmatic as I'll ever be, the last thing I ever wanted is to turn a child into a nightmare. Not only that, she harbors feelings for me as she's thankful for showing her the true colors of the world. I could not feel more remorse when I saw her again during Ishval Civil War. That's why I left her as soon as she recovered from her trauma. I feel like I'll be a bad influence to her future. I have no idea she's devoted to me.", Isaac could not help but blush. "I admit she is pretty for a child and turned beautiful when she's 16 during the war. Some Higher Ups could not take their eyes off her with curious stares. I did not expect her to be my wife for 3 years now."

"Hmmmmmmmmmm..........", Buccaneer stroked his jaws as in deep thought as he spoke. "Your meeting with her is a mix of horror and romance type. But out with it...", he formed a knowing smirk at his old friend. "How good were you in bed?"

"IN BED?!", Isaac almost cut his tongue as he snapped at him while fell on the ground in shock.


Sahara waited for her brother as Roy signed up the discharged form. She felt an emptiness inside her, due to be separated by her husband, who's going to reunited with her at a right time someday.

Someday, she gulped agonizingly inside..........

"Let's go", Roy walked to her in ease with a small smile formed on his lips. "To your real home."

The two walked quietly through the hallway that led to the exit of the hospital, where Lieutenant Hawkeye waited outside the vehicle, saluted her superior and exchanged smiles with Sahara, who gave a faint smile only before she opened the door to get inside the back seat with a duffel bag she placed beside her.

The rode back there was a complete dead silence as the only thing that can be heard is the wheels being stirred and the movement of the car.

"Soo....", Roy decided to break the awful silence. "I was hoping if you can tell me what you've been doing for the past 7 years ago and how did you manage to get in here in all the sudden?"

Sahara was unfazed as she glanced by her window side while she responded. "I joined a secret force and it was dismantled a few years back..."

Both Roy and Riza were silent about her withdrawn demeanor. They both knew her very well as she was deployed to the war at the very young age and that tragic battle left her horrified and trauma over the hellhole she encountered. Oh, er.. speaking of that.. she already witness hell....

"...........", Sahara widened her eyes in interest as she felt familiar over the road they just drove past. Riza had to take a different route due to a festival being held at the center of the town and people were busying purchasing and watching the event in excitement.

"...This route lead into the woods that can encounter with 3 different tunnel. One of them named Elend. That route leads straight to my old house... or our parents house..", Roy glanced back in wary as Sahara remained emotionless as she simply retained her composure without any change movements.

"...Ok, then. Lieutenant, can you turn back to take that route that leads to Elend village?", Riza complied as she turned the vehicle around to drive where Sahara lead just now.


"Recall back old memories, good and bad. The place where I was loved and also the place I knew the meaning of cruel life..", Sahara reminisced back her childhood life quietly as she stared up in the sky as they had finally reached the old cottage that took toll of her tragic life. Riza locked the car as she and Roy slowly walked to where Sahara stood.

Roy could never imagined his sister was in a complete emotional withdrawn state right now. No words he can used to soothe her agony heart as he narrowed his eyes in despair. If only he knew he had a sister back there, he.. he...

"Sahara!", Riza called in surprised as Sahara simply opened the door that led to the entrance.

Roy quickly ran after her, worried that other demons were in there wanting to hunt her down in this isolated place. Riza followed the long lost siblings in suit in order to keep a close watch on any intruders or human traffickers.

Sahara looked down and widened her eyes. Her mother's corpse still laid on the ground, without any signs of decaying or being rot, as though she had just been murdered. Blood remained fresh and bring strong scent in the air.

"So, this is where....", Roy paused as he spotted his mother's unrefined corpse laid sprawl on the ground as Riza placed a hand to cover her mouth in shock and terrified. So this is the place where his mother was brutally murdered. Roy's face began to change color as his horrified features took over and put his gloves in his pocket.

"Mother.....", he knelt down, his body suddenly tensed in despair as he slowly brought his mother in his arms and silent tears rolled in his pale cheeks as he embraced his mother closely he had been separated for that long. Slowly, his sobs began to release as he fought the urge to hiccup and burn the place down had he encountered any #### demons that waited around her to sell her and their mother as sex slaves.

Riza watched in sympathy as her Colonel hugged his late mother in his arms and sobs began to shrill in the silent house that used to be peaceful and full of happiness. She remembered those times when she cried and hugged her father when her mother succumbed to an illness and died when she's in her preteen years. That was when her father grew into deep depression and sought to further his study in alchemy to ease those thoughts and Riza felt like he's no longer a loving father she used to know, more like a restless slave that had been put to work for eternity.

"I'm h.. h.. here, mo..mother..... I'll promise to look after her from now on", Roy suddenly flung an arm out and motioned for his younger sister to come to him. At first, Sahara was reluctant but seeing how agony Roy looked right now, she decided to ease his mind and slowly knelt to his side and let herself being pulled in a big family hug, as Roy's sob began to take place in the quiet woods. He had just reunited with his sister and now, he found out where his mother's life had been taken. He could not say anything as he wanted to enjoy this remaining seconds in a bear hug he formed. Sahara only remained silent as she buried her face in his chest in content.

"Colonel...", Riza had no choice but to interfered with the sad reunion.. "Please calm down, sir. You..."

"No, I'm fine, Lieutenant..", he muttered lowly, his hands hadn't released the family members he possessed in his arms right now. "I just finally being reunited with my mother. Even as she's been tragically killed by those bastards.."

"........She's beautiful..", Riza quickly corrected herself as she cleared her throat. "I mean your mother, she's..."

"She'll always be beautiful, Ma'am..", Sahara mumbled softly ."Even if she's in different world right now..."

Roy decided to finally pulled out. He ignored the blood stench in his right side of his shirt as he still held his dead mother firmly in his arm while Sahara moved away from his grasp. "We need to give her a proper bath... and soon a proper funeral.."


Not many people were presented during the funeral of their mother somewhere around Central park.Madam Christmas, her girls, Alex Armstrong, Hughes family, his own squad unit and surprisingly the Elric brothers attended the funeral as they're the only ones Roy knew and trusted to keep an eye on his remaining family member. He and Sahara stood by the center of the grave their mother had been buried as they read out her name.

Yu Yan Mustang

1868 - 1897 ( Age 29)

(A beauty with a beautiful smile)

Sahara stood still with her hands clasps with each other on her sides as Roy only narrowed his eyes on the grave they just buried his dear mother. It would be a deceive if none of them hadn't shed any tear throughout the entire service. Riza and Maes watched their comrade in sympathy as the 2 siblings simply stood still with tears flowed to their cheeks.

A few moments later, Sahara was seen talking to the girls as they introduced to each other and a hug from her Aunt as guests started to depart the place. After they left, Sahara turned to see her brother and Riza still stood by the grave as she walked to them to tell them she'll be in the car before she left them.

"Colonel, are you alright now?", Riza asked softly in concerned.

"...Yeah...", Roy murmured quietly as he glanced up on the sky above while darkness hid his face by now. "..It's a good day to rain, right?"

Riza looked aside as she replied "But it's no rai...", she paused when her Officer began to shed silent tears as he simply looked up "..Yes, it is raining.."

"Well, yes it is...", Riza quickly corrected as she too glanced up above the sky as Roy quickly wiped away his tears with a tissue as he glanced at the grave one last time as he knelt down to get a closer look on it.

"Mother...", he cooed softly as he kissed on top of the grave. "Your son needs to get back. As you can see, my good friend and most trusted Lieutenant is still with me right now. I promise I'll take good care of my sister and never let her off my sight ever again. I'll find out who's behind all of this and avenge your death, I promise you", Riza looked shocked as she heard him said that. After that, the 2 slowly left the graveyard to the car.

"But Sahara already killed the bandits..", Riza recalled what her Superior told her.

"Those are the bastards who had been told mother was there. I'm going to find out who's behind all this facade and remove the discrimination of other small ethic groups. I'm going to make sure none other people suffer from being prejudiced. Are you with me, Lieutenant?", he glanced sideways at Riza with a serious look.

"Do you even need to ask, Sir?", she asked quietly as they finally reached in the car and silently drove away from the place of despair.


Later, night descended as the Mustangs siblings sat still by the dining room. Sahara had finished cleared off her things inside a room her brother provided. It didn't took that long since she didn't have that much to bring from her home and 'out there'. Now, Sahara sat across her brother as Roy frowned with a mug in his hand.

"Bro.. Brother...", she stammered quietly as she pushed a plate of half eaten fruit cake aside as she stared at him. "Don't blame yourself, Brother... We never asked for this to happen. Those demons had been killed in a brutal way for their punishment..", her voice suddenly cracked into sobs." I wasn't strong enough. I'm sorry... Please don't hate me..."

"Sahara, I will never hate you!!!", he suddenly slammed the mug, startled her a bit as he glared at her with tired eyes. "What do you expect me to do that time?! You're only 6!!! Those bastards simply wanted the 2 of you for their sick pleasures and I will not rest until I find out who's responsible for Mother!!!!", he suddenly grew quiet as he stood up, his mug still on the table as he glanced aside "I'm sorry, Sahara. I need rest. I'll see you again in the morning. Good night...", with that, he quickly left the hall to have a good rest in his room.

Sahara cleared the plates and checked the place to make sure the house was clean as it was one of her top priorities before she gone to her room. It was a medium sized and fitted perfectly for herself. The boxes had been emptied and had been put aside.

( Changes: a pair of white sandals, 2 more pillows, leather chair at the study table, no laptop and a chocolate handbag placed on top of the cupboard beside her bed)

She changed into a loose white blouse  sleep shirt cotton nightwear blouse long sleeve loose sleepwear that reached her knees before she turned off the lights as she finally cried softly about the event that occurred the entire day.

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