Chapter 1: School for Monsters

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"Okay class. Now, what have we learned from our history lesson? Hm?"

The room was filled with silence, save for the murmurs of the many slightly confused Monster children. However, one amongst them had the moxy to raise their hand. "Ah yes, Asriel, if you would,"

Azzy smiled as he came up to the board and turned towards the class. The lesson had basically went over his battle with Frisk in a nutshell. He was proud of his sacrifice that day, and he was willing to share his pride with his peers. He puffed out his chest and sighed.

"The child in the story demonstrated a skill known as Determination. With this skill, anyone can overcome anything." He said with a smile. "Heck, she was able to overcome limitless attacks... because no matter how much I- I mean, Hyperdeathicus tried, she wouldn't give in." He smiled.

Frisk smiled over at him and nodded, encouraging him to continue. And he did. "Determination is key. With it, anything is possible."

The class smiled and clapped, showing true admiration for the small goat-child. Asriel returned a small, warm grin, before heading back to his seat. Frisk smiled at him pat his head, which caused him to blush a little. Finally, once the class was settled, Toriel spoke once more.

"Well class, it's been a wonderful day for us. The bell should be ringing in a moment so for now I say you all think about what comes next." Tori said before she prepared to be seated. However, a small dinosaur child stood for a second and Tori focused her gaze on him. "Yes?"

"What do you mean, Ms. Toriel?" He asked confusedly, causing the class to murmur along in confusion.

The old goat-woman smiled and moved back to the board. "Well, it's simple. You kids are constantly on the go, running amuck with sometimes no sense of what you're even doing." She said with a giggle. "But there is always room for sense in the chaos. Having a clear idea of what you should do next makes life easier, and more fun!" She smiled and briefly gazed around, noticing she had only confused them more.

"Oh boy, I'm not good at explaining this, am I?" She asked herself before trying again. "Well, another thing. Sometimes, there comes a time in life where it feels like there's nothing to do anymore. Like you've seen all there is to see..."

"But do not take this to heart. Because no matter what you may think, there is always something new to discover. A new game, a new friend, a new chapter of a new life!"

"And our story is a great example. Once, we were just "monsters," rummaging in a cave like we were good for nothing, mindless creatures. But look at us now! Overcoming that issue was a story of great importance! But that story is over, and there is nothing we can do to change that."

The class looked up at their teacher in wonder, and all except Frisk and Asriel couldn't help but smile. Azzy and Frisk new better... they new about the resets.

Toriel's speech was uplifting.. but it would be short-lived. Inevitability both children knew, that there would come time when the loop would need to reset. Whether forced, or automatic.

The fact it hadn't already was strange, to say the least.

Tori continued nonetheless. "However, a new story is only just beginning! The world is changing... change is good." Tori said with a warm grin. "So my children, I ask you all to never focus on the past, and always look forward."

Suddenly the bell rang, and the kids began to scramble up. Tori stood by the door and high-fived each kid as they ran by, until the only two left were hers, Asriel and Frisk. "Come along, my children. Let us go home."


You've let your people die.

You've let your friends die.

You've even let your loving brother die.

But above all.. your worst mistake? Is that you let the human who caused it out into the world.

I've seen it happen, so many times. And there's always a twist no matter how nice things may seem.

You must really not care at all, isn't that right, lazybones?

Yesss... yess you know I'm right... because I'm Gaster. Your guide... and your worst nightmare... you know I'm right.. and you know that your job is not yet complete.

So what are you waiting for? Get a move on Sans.

Sans awoke with a start, panting as he looked around the room. He was happy to find that he was in fact not on his couch in Snowdin, but on a warm bed. He smiled to himself.

It seemed the resets had stopped for Sans, and he was glad that he was finally getting to see more of the story. But his meetings with Gaster had started to become more frequent, which meant something was wrong.

He got to his feet and walked out into the hall. Him, along with Undyne, Papyrus, and Alphys, had bought a house in the suburbs. They enjoyed it a lot. He peeked into the first room.

Inside was a sleeping Undyne, she had one arm hanging off the bed... which presented a nice opportunity to prank the fish warrior, but he decided he would wait for that later. He closed the door and moved on.

Across the hall was Alphys' room, he opened it to see Alphys was also fast asleep, a empty bowl of what was once instant noodles sitting on a nightstand next to her. She had fallen asleep reading some kind of Anime-Romance novel, this was evident by the small red bloodstain under her nose. He chuckled to himself and closed the door.

Finally, at the end of the hall, was Papyrus' room. He reached for the doorknob, and hesitantly opened the door. As he pushed it open, the door made a creak, which caused Papy to stir a bit in his bed. Sans stopped, not wanting to awake his brother but still looking to see if he was alright. Luckily, this was the case.

He sighed and went back to his room, hopping up atop his bed and laying back, staring up at the ceiling.

Sans felt himself swell with anger, he felt his fist clench and his bones boil. His right eye flashed blue as he angrily huffed.

"This has been a good run," He started. "So Gaster... I promise..."

"I won't let it end."

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