Chapter 4 Back to 1955

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Marty's POV

I slam on the brakes as soon as I see the world around me change from 1985 to 1955. Lindsey gasps as she sees a barn in the distance.

"Marty!" She gasps, but I get the car stopped before we hit the barn. Old Man Peabody comes out and begins shouting at us. I shift the car into a different gear and pull away back out to the Lyon Estates sign where I parked about three weeks ago. Really, it was only a day or two ago here, but time has passed in 1985. I flip open the door and Lindsey looks around. "1955 looks boring," She says and I shake my head.

"You have no idea. When your whole existence is at stake, you have to learn to be careful," I say as I adjust my puffy vest. Oh boy, here come all of the comments about me being a sailor. 

"My whole existence isn't at stake. I'm just trying to fix the past so it is a happier time for me," Lindsey remarks as she checks over the car to make sure everything is still the way it should be.

"So, I'm guessing you know a lot about cars because of your dad?" I assume and Lindsey examines the engine.  

"Yeah, Dad had me working in the shop since I could be taught how to do things on the car," Lindsey says as she checks various things on the car over, "I studied somethings, but cars were my real school. Until I got to high school."

"Wish I could have done something like that. Done music instead of other school stuff," I say and Lindsey shakes her head.

"It's different when..." She starts and closes the lid of the car. Lindsey climbs up on top of the hood of the car and looks at me. She folds her hands and gently begins to fiddle with her thumbs.

"When what?" I ask and I think I see a tear roll down her cheek.

"Nothing, it's all in the past," She says and quickly wipes the tear away.

"At this point, it could be in the future," I remark and Lindsey nods.

"That's why I brought you here. You probably know how this works better than I do and you probably know how to keep both of us alive and existing. I need to change something here in the past," Lindsey says and I nod.

"I figured that's why we came back. What do you want to change?" I ask and Lindsey takes a deep breath.

"I want to keep my mother from dying," Lindsey says and I cock my head.

"Lindsey, if she died of something like child birth or something unpreventable like a medical condition, we can't stop that," I tell her but she shakes her head.

"No, she died of unnatural causes. Everyone says it was a car accident, but Dad and I both know that there is more to it than that," Lindsey tells me, "I came back to figure out who she was friends with or what she was involved in.  I am going to stop her from getting herself killed."

"There's only so much we can do with that. Besides, if we interfere with this too much, it could mess things up for everyone or someone else may wind up dead," I remind her.

"Are you just telling me to give up? I am not giving up on this. This is my mother's life and she is alive and well right now!" Lindsey shouts and I gently shush her.

"Keep it down," I whisper and the two of us look around nervously as a car drives by.

"We need to go into town and find my parents," Lindsey whispers and she sees the sign for Hill Valley, "Two miles? I can't even walk one!"

"It's really not that bad, let's get going. The sun will be up soon and there is still a me who is leaving for 1885 today to avoid," I say and the two of us walk towards town. The walk is silent for the most part, but the silence does not feel hostile like it did early. Maybe there is more to the Tannens than most people give them credit for. As we get closer to town, Lindsey looks at it with shock.

"This place is actually clean for once!" She exclaims and I chuckle.

"That's how you know you aren't in 1985 anymore," I say and Lindsey nods. I spot a clothing store and walk over towards it. The woman who owns the store is just flipping a carboard sign hanging on the inside of the shop door from closed to open. I walk over and open the door for Lindsey. A tiny little bell tinkles above us and the middle aged woman who had flipped the sign turns to face us.

"Hello there! How may I help you?" The woman says cheerily.

"We're just here to buy some clothes," I say and the woman nods. Lindsey buys a couple of blouses and skirts that she groans about under her breath. I buy a couple of new shirts and another pair of jeans. It will take me about a day before I can get to Doc's and use some of the clothes that I used the week I stayed here. Maybe Doc has some clothes that Lindsey can use too. I pay for the clothes and a bag to put the clothes in, and we quickly change into the clothes in the changing rooms. I step out holding my other clothes and the woman at the counter notices my red-orange vest.

"I have always thought that young people make some odd fashion choices, but life preservers? That is absolutely ridiculous," She says and Lindsey rolls her eyes.

"Uh, yeah," I say shifting my weight from one leg to the other awkwardly, "I should get going." The woman suddenly walks out from behind the counter and over to Lindsey.

"I feel like something is missing from your outfit," She says and she wanders off into somewhere else in the store. I look down at my shoes and make a mental note to grab that pair of black Converse from Doc's when I stayed here for the week.  Lindsey crosses her arm and glares at me.

"Why are you letting her to do this to me?" She hisses and I shrug.

"I'm not about to tell her why we are here," I say and Lindsey rolls her eyes again.

"You owe me, McFly. I don't do skirts and blouses," Lindsey says and I sigh.  The woman reappears holding penny loafers with a socks and a bandana.

"Here, try these on. The look just isn't complete unless you wear those," She says and Lindsey groans, but complies. Turning to the mirror, Lindsey ties the bandana around her hair and the woman claps excitedly. I can see the tiniest trace of a smile on Lindsey's face, but it disappears after a split second.

"I look the part," Lindsey says and the woman becomes confused.

"What part?" She asks innocently and Lindsey shrugs.

"Doesn't matter," Lindsey answers and gently lays some coins in the woman's hand before walking out the door.

"Well, I hope her cute looks offset your interesting fashion choices, young man," The woman says and I smile politely at her.

"Thanks for the help and please excuse my friend. She appreciates it, really," I reassure the woman before walking out the door. Lindsey is leaning against the doorframe looking after a boy walking down the sidewalk.

"He's kind of cute," Is what she greets me with and I follow her gaze. One of Biff's friends is walking down the sidewalk with what appears to be a coke in his hand.

"You can't hang out with him!" I say loudly and Lindsey looks at me confused.

"I can hang out with whoever I want. Besides McFly, you owe me one," She says and takes off after the boy.

"No, Lindsey!" I say, but Lindsey takes off anyway.

"Hey there," I hear her purr to Biff's buddy, Skinhead. Skinhead smirks and takes Lindsey in.

"Hello, gorgeous," He replies and I stop dead in my tracks as the two quickly become enthralled with each other. Why does everything in the past seem to want to hang by the tiniest thread possible? I decide to go back to the first place I went in the 50's. Goldie greets me with a huge smile.

"Hi, Calvin! Lorraine is still talking about the incident with Biff and his car. It is all she and George have talked about for the past week," Goldie says and I smile at him nervously.

"Oh, wow. Didn't think I was so memorable," I say and fiddle with my hands nervously. Goldie nods and goes back to dancing with his broom. A few moments later, Lindsey shows up with Biff and his entire crew in the square. I sit in a booth and watch from one of the diner windows as Lindsey stands very close to her future father and Skinhead. Suddenly, the diner door opens and my parents enter.

"Marty!" George cries at the exact same time Lorraine yells,

"Calvin!" Lorraine sits down next to me in the booth and gives me a big hug before moving back to her boyfriend.

"How was the rest of the dance?" I ask and Lorraine gushes,

"Oh it was just wonderful. George and I have been together all day today." George smiles nervously at me.

"I know it's only been a day, but it is good to see you, Marty," He says and I shake hands with him.

"So, where have you been?" Lorraine asks and I think for a second.

"Uhhhh, well, I went and bought some new clothes and hung out at Uncle Doc's," I say and Lorraine smiles at George.

"Doctor Brown's? He's your uncle?" George asks and I nod.

"Yeah, my parents are out of town, so I uh hang out with him most of the time," I say quietly and Lorraine and George nod.

"Are the stories true?" George asks me nervously and I shrug.

"If the stories are true, then aren't they more than just stories?" I ask George and he thinks for a second.

"Marty has a good point, George," Lorraine says to a now slightly dumbfounded George. He looks at me and cocks his head.

"So, they aren't just stories?" George asks me and I shrug.

"Uncle Emmet has me sworn to secrecy and I can't break that. It wouldn't look good for family relations and stuff like that," I explain and both of my parents nod.

"Well, that seems fair. Calvin, we really don't want to intrude," Lorraine says and I put up my hands.

"Oh no, it's just fine," I say and at that exact moment, the doors to Lou's swing open and Biff and company march through. Lindsey's arm is linked with Skinhead's and she points at me when she sees me.

"McFly!" She yells and I point to George.

"I'm not a McFly. My last name is Klein, miss. I think you have me mistaken for my good friend, George," I say and try to coax Lindsey into playing along with my charade.

"Don't be stupid, McFly," Lindsey says as she lets go of Skinhead's arm. George begins to get defensive and I put my head in my hands.

"I haven't even said anything!" George cries out and Lorraine puts a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"Hey, gorgeous. Come back here," Skinhead says to Lindsey, "Biff don't like to start trouble with George McFly. Especially after..." Skinhead is cut off by Biff slapping him hard on the back of the head. 

"We don't talk about that!" Biff yells and Lou hollers from behind the counter,

"Could you kids take your racket outside? It's bad for my business."

"Sorry, Lou. We really weren't trying to cause any trouble," George apologizes and tries to pull Lorraine out the door. The two are stopped by Biff and Lorraine stomps on his foot. George balls his hand into a fist, ready to defend his girl, but Biff raises his hands up in surrender.

"Alright, alright, Sorry, McFly!" Biff says and George takes Lorraine by the arm. The two of them walk out to the square and Lindsey looks at me coldly.

"Well, Klein. I see that we have a lot of catching up to do," She says and I run a hand through my hair nervously.

"Uh, yeah. I guess we do," I say softly and Biff points a finger at me.

"You! Calvin Klein!" Biff shouts and Lou yells again,

"Take it outside, Tannen. If you're gonna beat up the poor kid, don't do it on my clean floor!" I take this chance and start to chase after my parents. Maybe my dad would let me crash at his place for the night. After what happened when I first met Mom here, I don't think I'm spending the night at her house even though she is with George. Still, I don't want to take that chance. I spot my parents walking past the courthouse.

"What happened to the clock?" I hear Lorraine ask George. He gives an answer about a lightening strike and I smile.

"You bet it got struck by lightening," I whisper to myself when suddenly, someone grabs my collar.

"Well well well. Calvin Klein," Biff snarls and I struggle to get out of his grasp. Lindsey and Skinhead are standing off to the side snickering with the rest of the group. "It's about time I caught up with you," Biff continues and then he slams me into the tree. My hand flies to my head and a huge pain comes over me. I fake a  major injury and Biff turns to his buddies, "Get a load of this guy. Can't even take one..."

"Punch?" I ask as I shake out my fist from punching Biff. Biff holds his face and his buddies glare at me. Lindsey glares at me as well. I guess I get defensive when Biff beats up on my parents, so it makes sense that she is defensive even though her dad is being a complete jerk. "I got somewhere to be," I lie and I take off in the direction towards where my parents' houses are. I see George riding his bike and Lorraine sitting on the handlebars. Her small hands cover his as they ride down the block. I run up towards them and George smiles at me.

"Hi, Marty. Did something happen with Biff?" George asks and I nod.

"Yeah, can I maybe spend the night at your place, George?" I ask and George raises an eyebrow.

"What about Doctor Brown? I thought you were staying with him," George asks and I think for a second.

"He doesn't really want me around right now. He, uh, has plans," I say and George shrugs.

"I guess you can," George complies and Lorraine pouts a little bit.

"Or you could spend the night at my house, Marty. There is plenty of room," Lorraine says with a smirk and George crosses his arms.

"Lorraine, I thought we went to the dance together!" George cries out and Lorraine chuckles.

"George, I'm just teasing. I was just offering in case Marty needed a place to stay," Lorraine replies, but she sends a wink in my direction that makes me shiver the slightest bit.

"I think I'll stay with George," I say and George smiles.

"Good! I am going to pedal Lorraine home, but I can meet you at my house, okay?" George asks and I nod.

"Alright, I'll see you there," I say and I run off towards my old man's house. So much has happened and I haven't even been here 24 hours. Why does time travel always have to be so complicated?

Doc's POV

"Where's my kid?" Biff Tannen shouts in my ear and I look around.

"I don't know!" I say and I scan the garage for any sign of Marty or Lindsey.

"She has been going behind my back for three whole months now and you knew nothing about this!" Biff shouts and I shake my head.

"I haven't exactly been here. Marty has been looking after the place for me and I didn't want to bring my beloved Clara into a timeline where she didn't belong," I explain and Biff glares at me.

"Whatever kind of weird experiment you are up to has to stop. My daughter is the only family I have left!" Biff shouts and I raise my hands in the air.

"I'm sorry, but I can promise that I did not conduct any experiments with your daughter. Marty is missing too. Something must be very very wrong," I say and I gasp at the tire tracks.

"YOU KIDNAPPED TWO TEENAGERS!!!" Biff roars and I shake my head again.

"No, it's something far more dangerous than anything I could ever do to them. They have done it to themselves!" I tell Biff and Biff folds his large arms across his chest.

"What did they do?" Biff asks and I scratch my head.

"Marty and Lindsey have time traveled and I don't have a clue as to where," I conclude and then the reality sets in. "Great Scott!! Marty and Lindsey could be in grave danger!"

AN:/ So no huge cliffhanger this time. This chapter wrapped up pretty nicely. Biff is still kind of a jerk to everybody and he absolutely hates Calvin Klein. What are your thoughts on this chapter? There are some good twists on it that I was not thinking of until I sat down to write this. 50's clothes you can just use your imagination with and things will get better for Marty. With this story, I'm a little worried that Marty is not going to be the main character and in a way he isn't, but he is still the hero and you see the story from his perspective. We will have to see how he handles all of the challenges that Lindsey brings with her idea of time travel. She is just getting started too.  At first, I was kind of struggling to write some stuff and then, I really wasn't. Thank you to everyone who has been reading this. You guys are great and please don't be shy with your comments. I really like to know what you guys think so I can make the story better! Thank you for taking the time to read this. I like to thank those of you who vote, comment or doing whatever it is you do to support this story!!! Hopefully, this will be updated again soon! See you around, friends!!

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