Chapter 4

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Diana POV

I woke up slowly raising my head up to look around my room, I saw Anti asleep on my sofa could've sworn he was ment to stay awake but on well, I smiled gently choosing to wake him up so he can go sleep in his bed and also so he isn't worried that I'm not in my room when he wakes us. "Anti?" I gently nugged him causing his eyes to flutter open his deep pits of eyes staring into mine "what's up Di?" He yawned "you probably should go sleep on something more comfortable then my sofa" I giggled causing him to jump up "wait I WAS SLEEPING!" "Ok shush your mouth unless you want Dark to find out" I waved my hands down, he slapped his hand over his mouth realising he fucked up "whoops" he whispered "ok go get some sleep in your room I won't mention that you slept on my sofa" I smiled "thank's Diana your a life saver, literally" he walked out my room to his so I went downstairs.

Danny was watching TV good old fashioned English kids TV shows "my English homie how's life?" "Life sucks dick like useal Limey" (that's an English stereotype nickname) "if I'm a Limey what are you?" "A mug of tea" "good boi" I sat by him watching "why of all things are you watching the original  LazyTown I know it's amazing an all but I don't see you as the sorta adult to watch it?" I asked curious (LAZYTOWN WAS MY CHILDHOOD FAVOURITE SHOW BACK WHEN I WAS 10) "cause why not I may be a pyscho but I am still a kid at heart just I'm a more dangerous one" "alrighty!" We watched until Mare and Mad walked in "you 2 are complete kids" "yeah they are" "yeah we are" I grinned causing Danny to laugh statically, Danny, the traitor, switched to the News "you changed LazyTown for the News what are you!" I barked at him "he's an adult" "screw being an adult." 

??? POV

Glitchipler told us the news, they have a girl with them, a weak spot, a normal human. I instructed him to call my associates, they needed to hear about it this as it maybe the only chance we have! Glitch strode back into the room, his Iphone in hand "they are ready to meet up and discuss the situation" he told me "goody, remember to get Shadowiplier to watch them we can't have this girl getting away" "yes sir."

PewDIE.exe POV

"Dark are you sure about this?" I asked him he was truly mental if he thought I'd do this "yes Pewd" he told me carefully bringing down the orb from the shelf about the size of a goldfish bowl. "I don't think this is necessary" "it is to protect Diana, you know what the others are capable of and if they take her all of us will literally be too deranged in anger to think clearly so we need this incase."

I heard a shout from behind me oh no the mystic was home we raced out of there teleporting back home sneaking in through the backdoor. We saw everyone gathered round the TV watching the News and being boring "at least put on something interesting on" I grabbed the controller switching  to some show called 'LazyTown' "kids shows hell yeah!" Both Danny and Diana crawled towards to TV settling in a pile infront of it, muttering things like 'yes' and 'happy  days' everytime something even remotely eventful happens they freak spouting off names I had never heard of.

Once it finished we went to have lunch and Anti came downstairs, he sat next to Diana and Danny who were discussing the show "wow you two like that show alot" Anti commented eavesdropping "there's a reason for that buddy~ that show encouraged a whole damn generation to...." after that I stopped listening to their bullshit only hearing snipits about excersise and children. Dark shut the fangirls (oooo roased Danny) down after about 5 minutes "SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTHS BEFORE I RIP THEM OFF!" "Ok yeesh Dark could of just been polite" "that's not in his nature Di" Mare commented.

??? POV

Everyone was gathered in the room mostly covered in darkness as there were no lights in the room only a small window. "So they have a girl with them" he asked "yes this is a chance we can't pass up" I explained grinning widely "she'll be a perfect tool" I heard another laugh.

Shadowiplier POV

I saw them all fall asleep on the sofa later that evening but of course someone stayed awake to make sure Diana's safe, it's funny how they think one person can stop us from taking her, it was Dark this time. Diana was asleep with her legs against Danny's back, Danny was resting on Anti while Anti was almost falling off the sofa from their combined weight. Blank, Mad and Pewd were all on seperate chairs snoring softly. Dark was up and alert scanning the room with his eyes luckyly passing over me as I was in the small shadow of the entrance corridor, he was sitting with Diana's head in his lap stroking through her hair is it me or do all these guys have a thing for her or something I don't know all I knew was Dark was the most dangerous of the lot apart from Anti so I should try and take her tonight if that's what they want.

I decided to locate where she lived in when she wasn't with them so I found a shadow inside her handbag which contained her ID in it (I can change size depending on how large the shadow is I'm going through) I found out her full name, data of birth etc so choosing that to be my moment to leave I vanished, this should help me find her address.

A bit short this chapter was but it's here, sorry I haven't wrote in a while I've just been lazy

Author x

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