Legendary Power: The Power of Mythix

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Stella was busy designing her clothes while some insects entered her room. She began to scream and shout and went out of the door. Bloom, Musa, Tecna, and Aisha were also annoyed by the insects and saw that they belonged to Flora. Flora summoned a Treemans Orchid to calm down the insects after which Roxy entered the room and asked the Winx to help her to transform Griffin back to her real form. Flora then told Roxy and the Winx to come to her room where she gave Griffin a potion she made from her plant's immune system, the potion looked as though it was working but it failed and Flora suggested Roxy ask Professor Palladium for help. Roxy left the room after thanking the Winx, when Griselda came in and told the Winx that Faragonda had summoned them to the History of magic classroom. There, Daphne and Faragonda told the Winx about the Legendarium and Eldora, a fairy godmother who used to be the keeper of Library of Alexandria until it was lost. Daphne also told the Winx about the Library of Alexandria which was located in Egypt, Earth.

On the other side, the students of Alfea, Lori, Evie and Carol were ready to leave with the Winx, while the Trix arrived turning Lori, Evie and Carol into frogs and themselves into the three girls. When the Winx, Daphne and the Trix (disguised as Lori, Evie and Carol) were about to leave, the Specialists and the Paladins came to visit the Winx and Daphne.

After the Mummies were defeated, Selina summons the Sphinx, which began to wreck havoc on Alexandria in Egypt. The Winx were forced to deal with it and lead it away from the Lost Library and the tourists. While they were busy, Selina teleported to the Library of Alexandria to find Eldora's diary and destroy it because it was the only link to telling how to seal the Legendarium for good. Due to the fight with the Sphinx, the Library of Alexandria was about to get buried under rubble and become lost forever. Bloom headed back to Library of Alexandria to look for the diary before it also got lost.

The rest of the girls, after a harrowing fight, were given a chance by the Sphinx to stop it by solving its riddle with only three tries: "There are millions of books in the Lost Library. How many letters are there in those books?"

Chatta impulsively shouted out a random large number, which probably wasn't even a real number, and wasted the first chance. Tecna used a program to calculate the number and gave her rough estimates. To her shock, it was also wrong. With one try remaining, Chatta figured out the riddle; the first part of the riddle was a distraction to over-think it, and the answer was 10. There were ten letters in "those books". The Sphinx was shocked that his riddle was solved and screamed in disbelief as it was once again sealed. Meanwhile, Bloom used her senses to find the diary, then was shocked at the appearance of Selina, who was revealed to be a childhood friend of hers.

Leaving Egypt, the Winx flew towards China, following the path of Eldora in the hopes of getting any clue on finding her and sealing the Legendarium once and for all. They were still unaware of the Trix hiding in their diguise as Alfea freshmen students. They came across the Great Wall of China, where Daphne suggested continuing their search on the ground. They stopped at a nearby village at the foot of the wall to ask for information.

After tying the balloons down, the girls headed to a restaurant to ask about Lu Wei while the Pixies stayed behind. Daphne tried to talk with a waiter, who just blew them off and told them to grab a table. The Winx had no choice but to do so and order some food while they were at it. Stella was about to order something, but was cut off by Daphne who inquires the waiter about Lu Wei. The waiter told her he knew nothing and took their orders of dumplings. When their orders were carried out, Icy used her magic to lace the food with a sleeping spell. The girls ate their dumplings, then immediately fell asleep at the table. Meanwhile, Chatta went to try and get some food as the other Pixies sans Piff followed. They became alarmed when they saw the Winx asleep and the freshmen standing menacingly over them.

The Trix were prepared to take the diary of Eldora, but then decided to take the opportunity to kill the Winx while they were defenseless. Fortunately, the Pixies flew in and defended their bonded partners from them. The Trix finally dropped their disguises and fought against the Pixies. Piff then woke up and entered the fray to wake the Winx up. They were shocked to see the Trix and as they were about to transform, the three witches teleported away. The waiter from before showed his gratitude to the Winx and the Pixies for saving his restaurant and told them where to find Lu Wei, the last dragon tamer.

At the mountain temple, they met Lu Wei. Daphne and Bloom tried to get him to help, but he blew them off.

At Cloud Tower, Stormy was angered they missed their chance to finish off the Winx, but Icy said they needed to bide their time. Selina muttered to herself she needed more power to free Acheron before getting called upon to use the Legendarium. She used it to summon green dragons to invade China.

Back at the Great Wall, the dragons came down upon the Winx. They quickly transformed to fight them off. Daphne told Bloom that frontal attacks wouldn't work on the dragons due to their speed, so she had Flora and Layla set up some traps to slow them down. They managed to ensnare two of the dragons, then Lu Wei flew in riding a magenta dragon trying to fend off the remaining one. He noticed something odd about their collars before getting knocked off. He was saved by the Pixies. The trapped dragons broke free and they all attacked Lu Wei's dragon. Lu Wei told the girls the dragons were uncontrollable unless they were fitted with the Pearls of Restraint, and they could be found in the nearby mountain. The Winx had no choice but to go to the mountain cave and find them to stop the dragons. A dragon attacked Musa and Tecna, then Musa found a pearl and lodged it into the dragon's collar. Stella took another dragon for a ride before getting a pearl placed on it by Aisha. Daphne found the last pearl, but got knocked out of the air by the last dragon and Bloom quickly flew down to grab the pearl before finally placing it on the dragon. The three dragons immediately became tame, and Lu Wei expressed his gratitude. Bloom then inquired about Eldora, and he replied he had no idea where she had gone to. However, he did know she once mentioned retiring to a place surrounded by her favorite type of flower, which he showed to be a kind of crystal flower. Flora, being the botanist, had no idea what kind it was, much to the shock of the other girls. Bloom suggested taking it back to Alfea to have it studied. Daphne then suggested to Lu Wei to have his temple open to tourists, which he agreed on.

It started off with the Trix attacking a school of psychics, where they took control of the students. They got a psychic message from Selina, who offered a plan to take down the Winx.

At Alfea, the Specialists and Paladins were training through the obstacle course. They finished their workout and decided to go see the girls. Riven decided to stay behind, and Kiko engaged in a play fight with him, which ended in humiliation. With the Winx, Flora was still perplexed at Eldora's flower, and Bloom suggested taking it to Palladium after his potionology class. The Pixies decided to break into his lab to see what's going on.

During the class, Palladium began his lecture on potionology and used his lesson to restore the three freshmen students who had been turned into frogs by the Trix a few episodes back. He got annoyed when he saw the Pixies accidentally make a mess on the table next to him and shooed them off. He resumed his lecture on how to make metamorphosis antidotes, which Roxy took an interest in. He then told Roxy to work her animal magic to amplify the potion he mixed to use on Crow Griffin, who then reverted back to herself. Griffin was woozy and nearly collapsed, but was caught. She insisted on seeing Faragonda quickly, but Palladium has his students take her to the infirmary to recover. Flora then quickly asked Palladium about Eldora's flower and if he could identify it. Unfortunately, even he couldn't, but he was surprised to hear the name Eldora. He revealed a fairy of that name once lived at Alfea and taught floral magic at the school's greenhouse. Flora was shocked to know there was a greenhouse on the campus without her knowledge, and Palladium said it was because it had been closed and abandoned ever since Eldora left, locked away in the vaults. An excited Flora ran to where it was, followed by the others.

At Cloud Tower, Selina proposed to go to Alfea. Darcy and Stormy were skeptical about her plan, but Icy gave her the go ahead.

Back at Alfea, the Winx were prepared to head for the vaults, then were met up by the Specialists, minus Riven. Musa asked about where he was, and Timmy responded that he stayed behind to train more, but he said hello. Musa looked away, disappointed. Bloom was happy to see Sky again, then got taken by surprise when Selina suddenly showed up. Bloom introduced her to the others as her childhood friend growing up on Gardenia, then asked why she was in Egypt. Selina claimed to have also been in search of Eldora, as she was her fairy godmother and due to her connection with her and her magic, the Trix tried to kidnap her. Bloom assured her that she'd be safe with them. Sky, however, was a bit suspicious, and asked her how she even knew where to find Bloom, who replied it was her "fairy instinct". She offered her help to find Eldora, which the girls accepted. The boys saw the girls off, and Sky still sensed something off about Selina.

They reached the Alfea vaults, which Flora opened. Before entering, Tecna stopped Selina, as she pointed out that only Alfea students and faculty were allowed to enter, and those who weren't should get clearance from Faragonda. Selina argued there's no time for that, and Bloom vouched for her. After Stella spelled appropriate outfits for the girls, they entered, which was like a huge exotic forest. Flora then pulled out Eldora's flower, where Bloom asked if Selina recognized it. She replied she didn't, but the answer could be found in the greenhouse. They all split up to find a matching flower. While the Winx were looking about, Selina cursed a batch of roses. Once Flora went to smell the batch, she immediately collapsed. Bloom was shocked to find out she had been poisoned, Bloom didn't know what to do as the only one who could counteract floral poisons was Flora. Selina asked if there's a potions lab in the greenhouse, and Stella asked how she would even know what to do. She replied she learned floral magic from Eldora, so she would know how to counteract it. Bloom took Selina with her to find the potions lab. Aisha suggested going to get Palladium in the meantime. When no one was looking, Selina secretly cursed a set of plants turning them into huge plant monsters that attacked Stella, Musa, Tecna, and Aisha, trapping them in the greenhouse. The four transformed to fight the plant monsters and protected the incapacitated Flora.

Bloom and Selina found the potions lab, then a plant monster broke through the window. Bloom transformed to fight it and told Selina to concoct an antidote. Selina smirked as all was going according to plan. She spiked it with a lethal poison and proclaimed to Bloom she made an antidote just in time before tossing it to her. She told Bloom to hurry and get it to Flora while she took care of the plant monster. Once Bloom left, Selina simply reverted the monster to its former state. The Trix observed the event from Cloud Tower and were impressed at Selina's subterfuge.

At the Alfea infirmary, Griffin told Faragonda and Palladium how the Trix had taken over Cloud Tower and how they planned to take over all the schools in the Magix Dimension. Faragonda assured that they would be stopped. Sky then walked in and asked Faragonda about the whereabouts of the Winx, bringing up his concerns about Bloom's friend, Selina. Griffin's eyes widened at the name and quickly told them all that Selina was in the employ of the Trix. Sky's instinct was proven to be right and quickly went off in search of Bloom and the others to warn her before it was too late.

Stella, Musa, Tecna, and Aisha continued to fight off the plant monsters until Bloom arrived. They told her to go help Flora while they deal with them. Bloom came down and was about to give the potion to Flora, until it was shot out of her hand by Helia, much to her confusion. She looked up to see the Specialists, Paladins, and Palladium in the greenhouse. Sky told Bloom that the potion she almost gave Flora was no antidote. Bloom was confused as to how since it was given to her by Selina, and Palladium pointed out that it was actually a poison. She became horrified realizing she had come close to accidentally killing Flora. Palladium quickly gave Flora a real antidote, and the guys assisted the other girls in staving off the plant monsters. Flora got up and reverted them back to normal. All cheered at the victory, but Flora noticed Bloom feeling traumatized.

At the gates, Bloom was in a state of self-loathing, blaming herself for what had happened, because she trusted Selina, and nearly got the others killed for it. Daphne and the others tried to reassure her that she couldn't have known since she had been deceived, but Bloom insisted she needed to leave for a while. The girls were disheartened to see her leave. Sky met up with Bloom and also tried to reassure her, but she told him she probably didn't believe in herself anymore. With a heavy heart, Bloom left for Earth.

At Cloud Tower, the Trix interviewed new student applicants, and rejected many due to their harsh standards, even going so far as to reject an applicant for simply resembling Bloom. They decided to go plan an ambush for the fairy.

At Alfea, Griselda was doing an inspection check through the halls, and went to investigate the sound of classical music playing. She came across the magical gymnasium, where the Winx and Specialists were training. Aisha proudly told Griselda about the official opening of her gymnasium, and the latter believed Fairies and Specialists working out together seemed a bit inappropriate. Aisha argued that it's something they needed as distraction ever since Bloom left. Griselda admitted that with Bloom gone, everyone had been feeling a bit down, so she left them to their business. Aisha instructed Stella, Flora, Musa, and Tecna on some ballet movements, then Stella complained about it. She suggested a style change, and Aisha scolded her saying they were training for endurance not appearance. Stella added some fake wings on the others for "authenticity purposes" and led the others in the movements. However, the wings proved to be a bit unwieldy, causing them all to crash, much to Aisha's annoyance. Aisha told Stella to quit fooling around, who took offense and left. Tecna and Musa went after her to try and calm Stella down. Flora suggested to Aisha that they should go back to Eldora's greenhouse to do more investigating, but Aisha declined, saying she'd rather continue her training. All this was observed by the Pixies, who saw that the Winx were not the same without Bloom. Lockette was especially down at knowing Bloom wasn't around and made the decision to go to Gardenia, and the Pixies followed. After the workout, Roy and Nex challenged Aisha in a roller-blading race, which she gladly accepted.

At Gardenia, Bloom sat in her room depressed, and Mike tried to cheer her up with a stage magic act but failed. Vanessa then reassured Bloom that she would eventually figure out her problem and that they'd always be there for her. In Griffin's office, Selina was having a secret meeting with Acheron, who told her that if the Winx weren't stopped, they would eventually meet up with Eldora. Before Selina could continue, she quickly ended the contact when the Trix entered. They used the viewing orb to discover Bloom was at Gardenia, and told Selina to start an attack. Selina then used the Legendarium to awaken the vampires who were also known as Children of the Night to invade Gardenia and hunt down Bloom. The vampires arrived in Gardenia and went to infiltrate a goth party being held nearby.

Flora was in Eldora's Greenhouse and used a spell on the plants to give them a voice in order to communicate with them. She asked the plants to identify the flower of Eldora. None of the plants knew, but one pink tendril did. According to it, it was called a Lenusha, a very rare flower that grew in one place that was in Gardenia. Flora gasped in shock and recalled what Lu Wei told her and the girls back in China. Unfortunately, the tendril didn't know an exact location, but now at least Flora was able to narrow it down.

In Aisha's room, Musa and Tecna dragged Stella in to get her and Aisha to talk things out. Instead, it just turned into a big argument between the two. Flora came in and quickly broke it up to tell her findings on the Lenusha. Because it's in Gardenia, she took this as a sign that they should be with Bloom no matter what. They heard a sad Kiko come in, obviously depressed at not being with his owner and friend. Stella picked him up and reassured Kiko that they would all see Bloom soon.

With Bloom, the redheaded fairy was still in a slump, trying to figure out why Selina would turn on her the way she did when they used to be so close growing up. She looked upon an old kiddie drawing she did of herself and Selina when she was a child, then noticed the picture contained crudely-drawn shots of Eldora's flower, which was in a place called the Forest of Flowers, their old hangout spot. Bloom at that point realized the fairy godmother lived right there in Gardenia.

In the Gardenia streets, the Pixies teleported in where they witnessed the goth party goers walking by. They become shocked when two party-goers actually saw them. Amore then sensed the vampires approaching and noticed something off about them. The Pixies followed them to the party. At the party, the Pixies sans Lockette were having themselves a good time, while Lockette berated Chatta for forgetting why they were there in the first place. As the party went on, the vampires got to work. One by one, they used their powers to hypnotize everyone there, effectively turning them all into mindless slaves. The vampires gave their orders to take over Gardenia and to seek and destroy Bloom. Lockette immediately went up and attacked the leader, but was in over her head. She screamed out for help, where Bloom picked up from their psychic bond. Bloom quickly transformed and headed out to find her. Lockette dodged the leader vampire's attacks and nearly got hypnotized into becoming a slave, but was saved by Chatta. Before the vampires could attempt to hypnotize the Pixies, Bloom barged in and attacked them. After temporarily knocking them out she took the Pixies and escaped. She asked what they were doing there in the first place, and Lockette replied that they came to visit her and wound up in that party. Bloom couldn't believe that actual vampires were in Gardenia, and realized the Legendarium was responsible. The vampires immediately found them and attacked. Bloom and the Pixies fended them off, but the vampires were more resilient than they originally thought.

At Alfea, the other Winx sensed the trouble Bloom and the Pixies were in. They quickly made their way to Gardenia. Meanwhile, Bloom continued her endless fight...

Continuing from the previous episode, the Trix viewed with delight through the viewing orb of the situation in Gardenia. They had Selina order the vampires and their slaves to attack Bloom's house. Mike and Vanessa went to check on Bloom, then were taken by surprise at seeing Bloom fly in through the front door with the Pixies. She quickly sealed off the door and had the Pixies do the same with other possible entrances in the house. Mike and Vanessa were confused as to what was going on, and Bloom quickly explained that the town was being overrun by vampires. Soon, the house got surrounded by them. One of them managed to break into Bloom's room, but was quickly ejected. Bloom had the plan to lead them away from the house and people in general to prevent anyone else from getting turned and had Lockette teleport them out of the house. Getting the vampire's attention, Bloom and the Pixies led the vampires away into a forest clearing where they continued to fight them off. Before they could get overwhelmed, the rest of the Winx appeared and repel the vampires. Bloom and the Pixies were happy to see them again, and Flora told of their findings about the Lenusha. Bloom gave her input on where to found them from her own discovery. As this was going on, Stella looked about the forest, feeling a sense of familiarity from it. Bloom replied that this was the place she first met her when she was fighting Knut six years ago back in the series pilot episode. Stella remembered and looked back on said incident, then mentioned how far Bloom had come now compared to back then. Bloom apologized for running away and committed to sticking with them from now on as she couldn't imagine what it would be like without them in her life. Tecna then reminded the others that the vampires were still at large, and Bloom contacted Daphne for advice on what to do next. Normal anti-vampire means wouldn't work, but Daphne told them that the only thing they could use against the vampires was daylight. Musa argued that they couldn't wait for daylight to come as it could be too late, and Stella reminded them all that she's the Fairy of the Shining Sun.

The girls walked through the streets, noticing how eerily deserted they were. Aisha elected they search undercover so as to not to attract too much attention. Stella then spelled herself as a street cleaner, and Bloom as a broom, much to Bloom's annoyance. She told Stella that street clothes would suffice for now.

They continued on and noticed a goth fashion contest taking place at the city square. Stella was stoked at entering, but Bloom told her they didn't have time for that. Amore sensed the vampires nearby, and they all fanned out to look for them. As they did that, Stella went off to register herself in the contest anyway. The other girls got cornered by the real vampires after getting surrounded by the slaves. Soon they got overpowered and drained of their energy, knocking them out. The vampires then took them to their hideout to drain the rest away. Stella, meanwhile, was trying to figure out how to fill in certain parts of the application form considering she's not from Earth, and became horrified when she saw the vampires flying off with her unconscious friends in tow. She got surrounded by the slaves, who prevented her from transforming. The Pixies quickly came to her defense and knocked out the slaves. With them out, Stella finally transformed and went off with the Pixies to find the vampires. Stella and the Pixies came across an abandoned mansion in the middle of a forest, the hideout of the vampires. Inside, Bloom, Flora, Musa, Tecna, and Aisha were held in place on some racks where the vampires planned to drain them completely. Bloom was first on the list, and Stella broke in to stop the vampires. The vampires had now been jacked up on fairy power, so they were much stronger than before.

Stella then used her power to emulate the sun of Solaria, effectively bringing daylight into an enclosed concentrated area. The vampires disintegrated on the spot, and the other Winx became released from their thrall. The other slaves followed suit and were released from their mind-control. The girls left the mansion, and Stella panicked, remembering the goth fashion show she signed up for. Bloom and the others reassured her that they'd make it in time and ran for it. At Cloud Tower, the Trix were infuriated at the turn of events. Selina promised her next chapter will be even better, and Icy warned her that for her sake, it had better.

The goth fashion show was nearing its end. Stella quickly made out a fashion spell on the other Winx, but panics at a spider and reverted. She tried again as her name soon got called up. Stella and the girls walked up on the platform in their new outfits, which Stella called "A Shimmer in the Shadows". In the end, Stella won, much to her surprise.

At Bloom's home, Eldora was introduced to Vanessa. She commented that today was an appropriate day to meet Bloom's mother, much to Bloom's confusion. Eldora reminded her that it was in fact Mother's Day right now. She then spelled a living magical plant for Vanessa as a gift. Stella then spelled some Spring season clothes, but it caused sneeze-inducing pollen to fly about. After clearing up the mess, The Winx congregated in Bloom's room to talk with Eldora. Going through her notes, Eldora said that one of the keys to sealing the Legendarium was getting something that originated from the Legendarium world. She once got word that such a thing was located in Tir Nan Og, but she couldn't find anything at that point. Aisha commented that maybe now would be different since they had a few friends there. They went off to Tir Nan Og and met up with Nebula, who had converted Morgana's castle into a school of Fairies.

At Cloud Tower, the Trix use their own convergence to condense the power of the schools they'd taken over into magical amulets that amplify their powers. Selina asked why she didn't get one, and Icy simply stated her book was enough while hypocritically commenting that "some people can be so greedy".

Back at Morgana's castle, Nebula showed the Winx the Mythix Wands on display in a vault. According to her, seven fairies from the Legendarium crossed over to the real world and traveled the many worlds of the universe, including Earth. She also mentioned that the wands were impossible to hold until a fairy had proven herself before them. Aisha believed they'd proven themselves many times from all their battles against the Legendarium monsters. Suddenly, the castle was under attack by the Trix and some witch recruits. The Winx came out and transformed. Eldora also transformed to join in on the fight. During the fight, two witch recruits sneaked past and enter the castle. Bloom quickly followed them to stop them from getting to the wands and easily dispatched them.

Selina watched from the viewing orb as Acheron was annoyed that the Trix wouldn't share their power with Selina in order to free him. Selina had another alternative in mind: that was Bloom's Dragon Flame.

Due to the Trix's new amulets, they were holding their own against the Winx, Eldora, and Nebula. Inside the castle, Bloom got ambushed by Selina, who entangled her with an ethereal snake. The other fairy students tried to fight her off, but got chased off. She then mocked Bloom at their meeting again and asked if she's happy to see her. Bloom tried to talk sense into Selina that Acheron was too dangerous to free and to trust in Eldora. Selina retorted that Eldora was dead to her and that Acheron was the only real friend she had before trying to extract the Dragon's Flame. Bloom, got angry and defiantly blasted Selina back to stop her.

Outside, The powered Trix were overwhelming the others until Bloom came out. Icy then pursued her into the castle, cornering her into the vault where the wands were at. As Icy was about to launch a powerful spell, Bloom realized the amulet was giving the witch her power boost. Taking a gamble, Bloom shot the pendant, destroying it. This also caused Darcy and Stormy's pendants to shatter as well. Realizing their power boost was gone, the Trix and their minions retreated like cowards.

In the vault, Nebula thanked the Winx and Eldora for saving Tir Nan Og, Then to their shock, the Wands phased through the glass display to the Winx and Eldora. Tecna stated that this definitely meant they had proven themselves as fairies before the wands. The time had come to enter the Legendarium World.

Using the Ancestral Wands, The Winx and Eldora attained Mythix forms and entered the Legendarium World. They came across a huge gate, and the spirit of the gate welcomed them. Bloom asked it how to lock the Legendarium. It replied that they must find two certain items that was the Fantasy Emerald and the Silver Spear. With both relics, they would form the Legendarium Key. They could find them with the power of the wands. Bloom suggested going to Alfea to get better understanding of how to use the Wands.

At Alfea, Daphne met Eldora. Bloom asked if Daphne knew a method to use their wands, and she summoned forth a book. Giving instructions, she had the Winx use a tracking spell, which formed a magical hologram of Cavalera Island. Eldora elected to go right away, but Faragonda came in and halted them. First, there was something in the courtyard they all needed to see.

At Alfea's courtyard, a celebration was taking place in honor of Mother's Day. A portal opened up to reveal the mothers of the Winx (excluding Musa's mother), including, Marion, Vanessa, Luna, and Morgana.

The Winx and Daphne arrived on the beach of Calavera Island. Soon, they were met with a Red Fountain ship, and greeted by the Specialists and Paladins offering assistance. Daphne told of a cave called Bahoomundo, where pirates had hidden a great treasure. As the group walked, they were surprised at the sudden appearance of Eldora, who told them that they wouldn't find the Fantasy Emerald in the real world. She teleported away once the locals arrived. When Bloom asked about where to find Bahoomundo Cave, the locals immediately got scared. A boy told her that they'll need to see the Wise Woman of Calavera. The Specialists and Paladins stay to investigate the island further while the Winx go visit this Wise Woman. The girls arrive at the Wise Woman's hut, who told of how a pirate ship, the Occulta, had sunk near Bahoomundo many years ago. Even after the pirates died and became zombies, they never left the ship and moved the treasure somewhere else, where they've guarded it since. The place was underwater near where the old lighthouse stood. She then warned that once the fog rolls in, so does the Occulta and its pirates.

The girls regrouped with the guys about their findings. Helia pointed out where the lighthouse was, on a lone island off the coast. Timmy had a way to get to it.

At Cloud Tower, Selina was annoyed how the Trix still weren't sharing any of their power with her, making it impossible for her to free Acheron. Acheron was also annoyed at this and suggested she do something about it. He instructed Selina to offer the Trix a way to enter the Legendarium World.

On the beach, Timmy had built a raft to get to the island, in which the other balked at. Aisha then materialized wind surfers made of Morphix, which everyone appreciated. While they elected to take the wind surfers, Tecna and Timmy took the raft. They all turned it into a race to see who got to the island first. Aisha and Nex did a little bonding, much to Roy's displeasure. Tecna and Timmy's raft hit something, causing it to sink and forcing them to swim the rest of the way. They all arrived at the base of the island where they found an underwater cave. Stella freaked out when she saw fog rolling in. Jumping into the water, they entered the cave and came up in an underwater cavern. Bloom and the others summoned forth their Mythix Wands, which began to react to the place. Daphne then reminded them what Eldora said earlier, that the Fantasy Emerald could be found in the Legendarium World.

The Trix observed the events through the viewing orb, aware that if the Winx did find a way to lock the Legendarium, they're back to square one. Stormy suggested ambushing them right now, but Darcy asked how they could do that without their power amulets. Selina then came in and offered a way for them to enter the Legendarium to acquire the power needed to defeat the Winx. Darcy was skeptical, wondering why Selina was just mentioning this now. She replied that there was no need for it before, and then informed them the Winx had the ability to enter the Legendarium. She suggested the Trix should go lie in wait for them, which Icy agreed to. Selina then teleported the Trix into the book.

In the cavern, Bloom told the Specialists and Paladins to head back since they're the only ones who could enter the Legendarium. Eldora then teleported in to see them off. However, she gave them all fair warning not to stay there for too long or they could risk getting trapped there forever before teleporting away. The guys saw the girls off, telling them to hurry back as soon as possible. The Winx went Mythix and entered the Legendarium World. Unlike last time, they found themselves on a ghost pirate ship, the Occulta. They were surprised with the appearance of the Trix. They had no time to wonder how they got there, as a fight broke out. As it escalated, both parties became shocked when the zombie pirates of the Occulta emerge.

A fight broke out between the Winx, the Trix, and now the Pirate Zombies in a three-way battle. While the Winx fought, Bloom went off to search for the Fantasy Emerald. She got pursued by Icy, then stopped by Eldora, who warned Bloom that her time limit was almost up before disappearing. Icy regrouped with Darcy and Stormy, telling them about the time limit, then quickly left. Bloom continued to frantically search for the Fantasy Emerald before their time limit was up. After a few moments of searching, Bloom noticed a big emerald embedded in the ship's bow. Plucking it out, she regrouped with the rest of the Winx and they teleported out, crashing onto the cavern ground. Eldora teleported in to congratulate the girls on a job well done before porting out again. They left to return back to Calavera Island.

At the island, the Specialists, Paladins, and Daphne walked about. Thoren was uncomfortable about not being able to enter the Legendarium, and Daphne reassured him that the Winx could take care of themselves. Sky and Riven challenged each other in a boomerang match. After Sky caught his, Riven threw his elemental boomerang, which nearly clipped Brandon, Helia, and Timmy, then knocked over Roy's coconut smoothie. Roy then grilled Nex about his relation to Aisha, which he replied that she simply liked who she liked. At that point, the Winx arrived with their prize, the Fantasy Emerald.

At Cloud Tower, Selina awakened the Occulta pirates into the real world. The ship materialized off the coast of Calavera, and soon it docked and dispensed a legion of Pirate Zombies. They invaded the island and terrorized the locals. The Specialists and Paladins broke out their weapons, and the Winx transformed to fight them to defend the island and the emerald. Realizing that they were outnumbered, Bloom used her Friendship Flame to allow the people of Calavera to help defeat the pirates and finally send the Pirate Zombies back where they came from.At Cloud Tower, Selina awakened the Occulta pirates into the real world. The ship materialized off the coast of Calavera, and soon it docked and dispensed a legion of Pirate Zombies. They invaded the island and terrorized the locals. The Specialists and Paladins broke out their weapons, and the Winx transformed to fight them to defend the island and the emerald. Realizing that they were outnumbered, Bloom used her Friendship Flame to allow the people of Calavera to help defeat the pirates and finally send the Pirate Zombies back where they came from.

The Winx Club, Daphne and Eldora searched for the Silver Spear in Alfea's Magic Archive. They learned it was in Fearwood Forest, Canada and headed there with the Specialists and Paladins. On the orders of her master Acheron, Selina unleashed werewolves from the Legendarium to attack the Winx to prevent them from finding the Sliver Spear at any cost, as it would stop her from releasing Acheron. Selina gave Icy ancient much stronger powers from the Legendarium. Icy went to Fearwood Forest to stop the Winx. She froze Helia's heart, and a furious Flora went alone into the Legendarium world to rescue her beloved boyfriend from the Snow Queen's frosty wrath.

Flora managed to defeat Icy the Snow Queen and rescue Helia. However, Helia's heart itself was frozen with dark ice, and not even Daphne's immensely strong healing abilities from the all-powerful Dragon Fire could save him. Meanwhile, Icy attacked the town of Fearwood and freezes everything and everyone in solid ice and snow. The Winx club went into battle and eventually defeated Icy the Snow Queen and saved Fearwood forest from eternal frost.

Stella became Queen of Solaria but for only one day. Darcy turned Cloud Tower invisible, which prevented the Winx Club from using the key to lock the Legendarium for good, and the Trix headed to Solaria. Selina summoned Solaria's magic mirror to deal with them. Soon, Stella got a mad craving for power and started attacking Bloom and Aisha. The witches of Cloud Tower got a royal invite due to Stella and the Winx must deal with. Stella went to her room, and Brandon showed up to find Darcy there after his weapon inadvertently broke the mirror. Stella returned to herself to find Darcy fleeing with her crown. An angry Stella went into the Legendarium world alone to reclaim her crown from Darcy but ended up in an endless maze of tunnels with a mythical Minotaur.

In the Legendarium world, Stella tricked Darcy into giving up her crown and defeated the Minotaur. Stella attacked Darcy but she got away. Back at the Solaria palace, Bloom and the others were still fighting the witches while King Radius and Queen Luna were protected by Bloom's Red Dragon Orb protection spell. With help and guidance from Eldora, Stella escaped the maze. Stella decided to throw a party to make up for her mistakes. Selina sent a monster that nearly devoured everything. Until the fed up Winx put a stop to it.

The Winx headed to planet Zenith to earn a special kind of techno-magic to find the invisible Cloud Tower and meet Tecna's parents. Selina released Frankenstein from the Legendarium, who quickly developed a huge romantic crush on Tecna. The monster abducted Tecna and took her into the Legendarium world, and the Winx Club followed him to save Tecna. However, before they succeeded in saving Tecna, Stormy showed up and stood in their way.

They fought, and meanwhile Frankenstein saw Stormy, and fell head-over-heels in love with her instead. He took a flower and broke the door of the castle and ran to Stormy. He gave her the red flower and lovingly hugged her. The change in Frankenstein released Tecna, and the Winx Club escaped the Legendarium world back to the real world, as Stormy who got back to Cloud Tower with the flower Frankenstein gave her. This caused the Trix and several Cloud Tower witches to laugh at her."

Musa opened up a music-themed Cafe in Alfea. This drew the attention of Stormy and the freshmen and sophomore Alfea students. Roxy and the other students attended the grand opening. Selina sent the cunning and mischievous elf Rumpelstiltskin to take Musa's voice, which he did.

To save their best friend, Bloom, Stella, Tecna, Flora, and Aisha went after him in the Legendarium world. The Winx battled him but failed to get the Vial containing Musa's voice and headed back to Alfea, still pondering about a plan to get The Vial.

The Winx went back to Alfea, after their failure against Rumpelstiltskin inside the Legendarium world. They were resting and thinking on a way to defeat him and take Musa's voice back. They figured out how to defeat him, and eventually went back to the Legendarium world. They were fighting him, and eventually he offered the Winx a trade: Musa's voice for the Legendarium key, as he wanted it for his collection of magical artifacts.

The Winx agreed to the trade, the crafty elf smashed the vial pendant that contained Musa's voice so it would return to her. In Alfea, Musa was fighting some witches from Cloud Tower and successfully defeated them. Riven tried to talk to Musa about his past actions; lucky for her, her voice returned in time and they make up. Musa thanked the Winx Club who informed her they had lost the key for her voice.

The Trix challenged Bloom to fight Selina in a one-on-one duel. Bloom agreed, and the two former best friends battled one another while the rest of the Winx were fighting the Trix. Aisha went into the Legendarium world to rescue the pixies from the Gloomy Wood Trolls and succeeded in freeing the pixie elders and their friends from their imprisonment in the fictional world.

Back at Alfea, Selina refused to listen Bloom's warnings about Acheron's evil, as she strongly believed that her master would never lie to her. She eventually restrained Bloom with her snakes spell and managed to steal a tremendous portion of the mighty Dragon Flame from her former best friend. She jubilantly flew back to Cloud Tower to release her one true master, Acheron, at last. Bloom went back and told the Trix about Selina's actions against them, and the Trix angrily left to find out if this was true.

With the immeasurably limitless god-like power of the Dragon Fire now in her hands, Selina released Acheron at last. The Trix were shocked when the dark sorcerer explained that Selina had never been really working for them in the first place and that she willingly was for him. He overpowered the Trix with ease and permanently sent them into the Legendarium world within their own mythical tale. On planet Domino, everyone prepared for Daphne and Thoren's wedding. During the ceremony, Bloom was contacted telepathically by a betrayed and tearful Selina who told her that she had released Acheron and he was now stripping the magical universe of magic except those who carried the wands and dragon flame. Acheron gloated and revealed to a hurt Selina that she was never meant to rule by his side with extraordinarily strong powers and all he intended to do was to rule all worlds of the whole magic universe, including Earth, for himself. He sent Cloud Tower falling and the Winx arrived just in time to stop it. Bloom saved Selina. The battle against Acheron began. Selina felt remorse but Bloom told her to open up the book. Acheron followed her after summoning dragons around Cloud Tower after a quick fight. She used the magic of the crafty elf garden to entrap him in a mystical box Eldora gave for just the occasion. She traded him to Rumpelstiltskin who called Bloom a brave and wise fairy and gave her the key. Just as she was about to leave, the Trix showed up.

Stella, Musa, Tecna, Flora and Aisha still fended off the dragons. They asked Selina for help after getting her powers back. She stated she couldn't release Bloom without releasing the Trix. Aisha doubted her until she flew to defeat the dragons by removing its power supply. The powers stolen from all the magic schools were returned and the Winx watched with delight. In the Legendarium world, the Trix brutally attacked Bloom all at once and nearly killed her. Bloom managed to find her inner strength and bravery and kept the Trix inside the Legendarium world while she returned to the real world. Bloom tried to lock the book until Selina pointed out its keeper needed to lock it. She gave Selina the key who chose to lock it, therefore imprisoning both the Trix and Acheron inside the evil magical book for good. Back on planet Domino, Selina made up with her fairy godmother and returned to being a good fairy under Eldora's tutelage once again. She gave Eldora the locked up Legendarium and apologized for her actions. Daphne and Thoren's wedding went on. "At the end, Daphne threw the bouquet, which was caught by Kiko. She and Thoren rode off in the carriage pulled by Peg (from the second movie) as beloved husband and wife, which concluded the sixth season.

Tony had many more adventures with the Winx, including defeating Miss Faragonda's former Alfea roommate, Kalshara, and her bumbling brother Brafillius, who were after Fairy Animals, looking for the one with the Ultimate Power. It turned out none of them had the Ultimate Power. Instead, they were all pieces of the Guardian of the Ultimate Power, the Swan of Infinity. Kalshara ended up having to team up with the Winx when Brafillius was used by the Trix, who had somehow escaped the Legendarium World, and the Trix even had their own fairy animals, whose powers and appearances mimicked their own. The Trix were ultimately defeated, and Brafillius rescued. Ultimately, though, Tony wound up settling down with Nara and ruling Popularis alongside her. Aurora wound up marrying a young poet she'd met on Domino during Daphne's coronation party, and ruled her home planet for many years.

The End

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