Four - The Big Ball!

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{Third Person PoV}

Vendetta wakes up in his bed and stretched, getting ready for the day. He stood up and looked at the rose. The Mysterious Pun Master... In Vendetta's mind. Vendetta felt like he seen him before, but can't put a finger on it...

Vendetta took a shower, put on his regular clothes on, feed Chap, cooked breakfast, and ate toast. Poptart fetched the newspaper from the front door and looked at it and she stands next to Vendetta, Jerung, and Richard.

She gasped and said, "Catgirl saves the day again! I can't believe that we have a magical girl in this world now!" She smiled and looked at Vendetta.

Vendetta looked down at her with a plain face, not knowing what to say. He looked at the robot and cyborg next to him, seeing if they going to speak first. "Well, it is wonderful for the world actually, having a magical girl isn't that bad." Jerung talked shyly.

"Yeah, and make the officers to rest." Richard told them, as he set up the table, unsure of what to say. Poptart look up at Vendetta, wanting for an answer out of him, knowing that he will say something mean or don't care at all.

Vendetta smile at Poptart and said, "Well, you're both right. But I really want her moves. Maybe I can learn something or two from her." Poptart smiled. "I know! All the powers and backflips! It's so cool!"

Miss Mahogany came into the dining room, looking all tired and wearing her robe as she have her messy, raven hair. She don't care of what are they talking about at the moment. "Breakfast is done? Good." She said and sat down, starting eating.

"Everyone, I'm having a ball tonight for business. I want everyone to be ready, and watch out for sneaky Catgirl and Black Angel." Mahogany said, and everyone nodded, knowing what to do.

Vendetta went upstairs and press the message button on his magical watch. Vangel's voice came up on the watch, and having the sounds of a video game in the background. "Hey, V, what is it?" Vangel said, thinking it's a mission.

"Mahogany is having a ball around 6 pm. I feel like those TV heads are going to be there."
"Oh! I know! That's the ball mom and dad got invited to this morning."
"Good. We have them as the same place that we can watch them. Chap will tell us if we have a mission or not. Also, we can hang out and stuff like that around town."
"Cool! I will be there!"

Vangel hung up and Vendetta looked at Chap, that was eating a carrot. Vendetta wants to know about the Mysterious Pun Master, maybe Chap knows.

"Hey, Chap, who's that Pun Master from yesterday?" Vendetta told the bunny, that looked up to him. Chap explained, "Vendetta, I don't know who exactly the Pun Master is. I felt a strange energy from him, but a good one. He's really none of us, but still magical."

Vendetta was stunned. "I really want to see him again..." He mumbled, and remembered The Pun Master's blue, icy eyes, and the beautiful smile he has.

"We also need to protect the Crystal Cat, and stone that helps the Silver Tower, that's on the moon. But first, we need to find the crystal and the king and queen." Chap explained.

"Hm? Maybe they're hiding." Vendetta suggested, and Vangel ran into the bedroom door, not knowing what's going on.

"I'm here!" Vangel shouted and panted, as Vendetta look at him and thinking that he ran here. "You don't have to rush, Vangel." Vendetta told him. "But there was a dog chasing me..." Vangel replied and stood up.

Vendetta fed Chap and went towards Vangel. "Let's go. I have to buy stuff for the ball already." Vendetta told Vangel, and went out of the door. Vangel followed him.

Vendetta and Vangel walked towards the shop area. Vendetta looked at the list and tripped on someone, then fell. Vangel helped Vendetta up, then the unknown man stood up and hold up the shopping list.

"Oh, you're Miss Mahogany's butler and hitman, Vendetta. I know by this shopping list, and I heard about you all over town, buddy." The man recognized the yellow butler. "Who are you?" Vendetta asked the mysterious man.

"I am Micheal Schmidt, one of the known policeman in the force. I'm going to Mahogany's ball, tonight. Let's talk more, cutie." Micheal took out a pen from his pocket, and wrote his phone number on the back of the crippled grocery list.

Vendetta blushed, and said, "W-Well, okay." "Good. Now, carry on, now." Micheal told him as he left. Vendetta stared at him, then start back walking with Vangel.

"He looks familiar..." Vangel told Vendetta as he looks at him. Vendetta was red, then looked at Vangel and responded, "He does, actually. Well, let's go back to the mansion." Vangel agreed, and they go to the mansion.

~ €°~°£ ~

After Vendetta has done his chores, he is in his room with Vangel, getting ready for the ball. Vangel is wearing a tuxedo, too. Vendetta looks down at his own, that reminds him of the Pun Master.

Where are you?  Thought Vendetta. Then, Chap spoke up, "Vendetta, Vangel! We have a mission!" Vangel groaned, and argued, "Do we have a mission everyday?!" "Maybe," Chap fell into silence, then said, "But that's not the point right now!"

"What's our mission?" Asked Vendetta. Chap responded, "Five TV Heads; three younger ones and two older ones, will crash the ball any second from now. You guys need to change quickly and fight so no one can see."

"Yes, sir!" Vendetta and Vangel agreed. "Good, I will be here if you need me." Chap then eats his carrot. "Five TV Heads, huh?" Vangel sighed to Vendetta. "I know, I know. It will be easy peasy. Like the last three missions." Vendetta replied.

They both exit the room and going to the ballroom. There was a lot of people there. They can see Poptart and Jerung serving the guests as Mahogany talking to Jay and Scarlet.

"Hey, Mom and Dad is here," Vangel whispered to Vendetta. " Wanna go see them?" Vendetta replied, "Yeah, sure."

They both go to Jay, Scarlet, and Mahogany, as the three talked. "Hello, mother and father. Hello, Miss." Vendetta greeted formally. "Hey, my sons, how 'ya doing?" Jay replied in joy and hugged Vendetta.

Mahogany looks around and spoke up, "Hello, Vendetta and Vangel, I hope you both are watching out tonight." Vangel looks up at Mahogany. "W-watching out?" "Yes, for those Magical Duo girls." Mahogany sneered.

Vangel looks at Vendetta and said, "S-Sure." Vendetta looks at his wrist, and see that the watch is beeping. He looks around and see that Vangel's watch beeping, too. "Ven, Chap wants us." Vangel whispered to Vendetta.

"Vendetta, Vangel! The TV Heads are here! The TV Heads-" Chap stopped talking as screaming filled the room, glass shattering, and people rushing to find a place to hide. "Vendetta, Vangel, transform!" The brothers hear Chap say. "Catgirl and Black Angel Makeup!" The two transformed into their outfits.

"Okay, Vangel, take the people in safety, I will fight all the TV Heads." Vendetta told Vangel. Vangel nodded, and led people to the garden. Vendetta pulls out his wand and say, "Catnado!" The wand formed wind out of itself, and some of the TV Heads few back to the wall, already have broken screens and parts falling out.

Vendetta kept on fighting on the TV Heads, kicking, punching, hitting him as fast and hard as he can Then, an older TV Head punched Vendetta in the face, and Vendetta fell on to the ground. When he got up, the TV Head that punched him was on the floor, not responding as the other TV Heads. Vendetta looked around of the silent room, until he hear breathing behind him.

He turned around and saw The Pun Master, standing in front of him. "My love, I have helped you with your mission." He spoke. Vendetta looked around, then at the last TV Head. "You punched that guy for me?" The Pun Master got closer to Vendetta, and whispered, "Yes." The Pun Master grabbed Vendetta and takes him to the roof.

The Pun Master let go of Vendetta, and Vendetta looked around. He looked at the moon and told the Pun Master, "Wow, the moon is so beautiful tonight." The :Pun Master gets closer to Vendetta, and whispered, "But you're more beautiful." Their noses touch as they feel themselves breathing. Vendetta got closer to his chest, feeling their heartbeat. Then, his lips touch Vendetta's lips. Vendetta blushed, but he loved the warmth of his kiss, so, he kissed back.

After a couple of seconds, they pull away, and the Pun Master left, without saying a word. Vendetta looked into his hand and found a red rose. He looked up and cannot find the Pun Master in the dark. Vendetta was stunned, as he stands there, alone. He looked at the moon, that was full and bright. Vendetta hold the rose against his heart, wishing he can see him again.

"Vendetta! Is it clear yet?" Vangel's voice came out the watch. Vendetta responded, "Yeah, it's clear. Everyone can come back in now." Vendetta sneaks into his bedroom and changed back to his tux. He set the rose next to the old one that he had before. "The Pun Master was here, wasn't he?" Chap asked Vendetta out of nowhere. "Yes, Yes he was." Vendetta replied. "Be careful who you trust, Vendetta." Chap told him, then eat his carrots in silence.

Vendetta doesn't want to answer Chap advice, since he was right about it. Vendetta don't want to be too attached to the Pun Master any soon. He walked out of the room and see Vangel, Jay, and Scarlet running towards him.

"Are you okay, Vendetta?" Scarlet asked in concern as she see all the bruises on his arms and face. "Yes, but I'm glad that you, dad, and Vangel are okay." Vendetta replied and tells them to go home safely. Scarlet, Jay, and Vangel went home and Vendetta went downstairs. Mahogany angrily command him to clean up with the other servants and went to her room. He did what she told him quietly. He cleaned up as he overhear Poptart talking about the Magical Duo to Jerung, and that brings a smile onto his face.

After he cleaned the mess, it was 11:54pm. he took a shower, wore a tank top and yellow and black pajama pants, and laid onto his bed. He looks at Chap, that is sleeping in his cage. Vendetta looked at the ceiling and he got one question in his head,



Hey guys, it's Ashanti and I'm sorry that I have not updated in a while, school and trying to get a social life by being into my school's art club. Sorry, but this chapter was actually rushed. Here you go!

- Ashanti

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