Chapter 104💧

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You walked threw the door.

You are going to win this. Its three against three.

You were about to walk you got a massage on your phone.


Hey (y/n) me and leon won't make it to watch your battle and guess why? LEON GOT LOST. This is the third time now.
I am looking for him but i'm sure we will meet you outside the gym.

Have fun

Oh come on my baby leon got lost again??

Such a stupid cutie pie

Anyway you walked into the battle field.

This is such a wierd feeling....

You saw nessa walking up to you.

She said and walked off sassy.

This is going to be fun.

You walked to the otherside.

She turned around and all of a sudden her leg went high up in the air.


She send out Goldeen

And you send out Riolu

You were allowed to go first

"Riolu use double kick" you said

Riolu charged charged forward and hit Goldeen once. It took him down 15% and then again. He was half way dowm.

Just one more time and he'll be down

Nessas goldeen uses Horn attack. That was really effective it almost took him down

"Riolu stay stong you got this"you said

He looked back and smiled

"Riolu use double Kick again!" Riolu charged charged forward and hit Goldeen twice.

Goldeen fainted and went back into his pokeball.

Next she send out Arrokuda.

You send Riulo back and send out Torracat.

Maby not a good idea but you had too.

She send out Arrokuda

Arrokuda used aqua jet Ouch! Torracar went half way down.

Torracat saw that you are worried and dicited to give his best

"Torracat use bite" torracat charged forward and bite Arrokuda

It was a critical hit and Arrokuda fainted.

One more pokemon to go.

"Torracat come back good job" you said and he went back in his ball.

Next she send out Drednaw.

And you send out Mimikyu.

He was shy and looked at you

"Don't worry mimikyu i am here. Lets show the world what we got" you said

He nodded and faced Drednaw.

"Time to dynamax!" You said

You got out your pokeball he went back in and the pokeball got bigger.

You turned around and threw it up in the air and a bigger version of Mimikyu came out.

She said and dynamaxed her Pokémon.

"Mimikyu use Max Darkness!!" Mimikyu send out two dark things witch hit Drednaw and K.O drednaw immediately.

Drednaw went back into his pokeball.

Mimikyu also went back into his pokeball.

You jumped up and down! You won! You god damn won!!

She said.

You left the to the lobby.

You smiled like an idiot. You woooonnnn.

"Hey wait!" You heard someone say

You turned around and saw.....

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