Chapter 136: Rift

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"A- Ah, Erza, you... You were awake... Hum, how much... Did you hear ?"

Erza: You weren't exactly subtle about all that, you know ? I also saw the bookmark about that rule.

"Hah... Hehehe... Guh, it hurts... man, we both got pretty messed up by that, didn't we ?"

Erza: It really reminds me of Tenrou island... But we're still here.

"What a sad woman she was... A family reunion like that should've been a happy time, but because of Zeref... And Acnologia..."

Erza: Even so, my only parent is the master... And my future relative is just in front of me...

Natsu: So... I'm gonna die ?

Igneel: Yes. When the Dragon seed and Demon seed merge... You will no longer be able to live as a human

Natsu: ... Mh. There's still so much I wanna do. And I still gotta defeat Zeref and Acnologia.

Natsu: OW ! What was that for ?! Don't you have any pity ?!

Igneel: Try listening all the way through for once. I said that the mixing of the two seeds is what will kill you. So don't let that happen. Choose one.

Natsu: Choose ? How do I do that ?

Igneel: You must bear a strong will. Decide who you are ! Are you dragon ? Or demon ?

Natsu: A dragon... Or a demon...

Igneel: You already know the answer, don't you ? Natsu !

Natsu: Hey, wait. I don't choose either. i'm a human ! I'm Natsu Dragneel !

Igneel: ... You see ? You do know the correct answer ! You were reborn through demonic power, and raised by a dragon, but you are human. It was your doubt about your humanity that caused the seeds to grow

Natsu: ... Dad !

Igneel: Now, you're ready to move on, right ? On your own two feet.

Natsu: Yep.

Erza: What is this... ?

"It's the same as last time ! Hang on tight !"

August: So Irene... has fallen... ?

Zeref: The Universe One effect is vanishing. The world will return to its proper shape.

Warren: It's Magnolia ! We made it back !!

Max: This is our own turf !!

Bickslow: Don't let your guard down !! There are still a lot of enemies left !!

Freed: First master, what are your orders ?!

Mavis: This is our home ground !! We know which positions are easy to defend, so go to one now ! And don't forget to scout for enemies behind us !!

Laxus: Gramps... Just a little farther. I'll get you there, don't worry. We're goin' back to the guild. Back home.

Elfman: I- is he really down... ?

Lisanna: Finally ! And it took the both of us.

Ajeel: Not... Yet... I... Can still...

Yajeel: Ajeel. Let's call your fight over.

Ajeel: G- Gramps...

Lisanna: Your grandfather ?!

Elfman: You two are family... ?

Yajeel: Both sides are losing what is precious to them in this war. It should not go on...

Elfman: This war ? That happens in all wars. You've been winning all this time, so you've never noticed... How much loss there's been in the countries you've defeated.

Yajeel: Please... You may take my life if you wish, but spare my grandson, I beg of you...

Ajeel: Don't lower yourself like that, Grandpa !!

Elfman: Cut that out, would ya ?

Lisanna: My brother and I don't murder the people we fight !

Ajeel: ... Brother ? You two are family, too ?

Elfman: Everybody in the guild is family, but Lisanna's my sister by blood.

Ajeel: ... Ya look nothin' alike !

Elfman: Shuddup !!

Lisanna: Well, you two don't either...

Lucy: I'm glad we're back in Magnolia and all, but... Where's everyone who was with us ?

Happy: Carla, Porlyusica, Wendy, Ever, and...

Brandish: Us.

Lucy: Brandish !

Dimaria: EEEK !! NOO !!

Natsu: Sorry about before. I don't remember much, but... I guess I got carried away. See, I thought Lucy was dead, so...

Dimaria: S- STAY AWAY !! Randi, save me !!

Brandish: Well, we'll take our leave now...

Lucy: Where will you go ?

Brandish: After all that happened, I'm not in the mood to become your enemy again. But, I have no intention of being your ally either.

Lucy: I see... I hope we meet again.

Brandish ... ... You're such a pain.

Evergreen: Natsu ! Lucy !

Natsu: Ever ! You've got Juvia !

Lucy: Porlyusica and Wendy are with you, too.

Happy: Carla !

Wendy: We've been searching everywhere, but Gray is nowhere to be found !

Porlyusica: if he's up and moving around, he must have a death wish !

Lucy: Gray is...


Happy: What's that sound ?

Carla: Up there !

Natsu: Somebody's on top of the cathedral...

August: So I ma the only one of the 12 still fighting... ? O, children of the emperor ! O Twelve, pride of the empire ! Prepare yourselves to offer up your flesh and souls to His Majesty !!


Natsu: H- How magic power can one guy have... ?!

Lucy: The atmosphere... The ground itself is shaking !

Brandish: ... "I hope we meet again"... ... We won't. Because you went and made August mad...

August: For I, as a child of the Emperor... Shall vanquish the enemy, even if it should cost your souls as well !

Gildarts: Sorry. I just busted up a church. Let me handle that guy.

Natsu: ... ... let's go ! We're headed straight for Zeref !!

Happy: Aye sir !

Lucy: What about Gray ?!

Natsu: It's okay ! I know where he is !

Zeref: I never thought you'd be the first one here. I was predicting Jellal or Laxus. Or maybe even Y/n. This really is a shame.

Gray: Ain't it time for you to run along home ? See... You're sittin' in my spot.

Zeref: You've just put yourself in a situation that will cause Natsu the most grief.

"You shouldn't move around so much, Erza. It was already lucky for us to reappear right next to Fairy Hills so we could treat your injuries, but in the end..."

Erza: I know, we need Wendy and Porlyusica... But knowing they were able to heal the others is good... Ugh-.

"Hey, take it easy now. I said hosting two souls in one body isn't natural, so it took a serious toll on you."

Erza: How many... Are there left ?

"Zeref, of course... He's at the guild hall. There's also that August guy fighting Gildarts... Other than that, I don't think there are any enemies left-"


Erza: Wh- What kind of magic power is this ?!

"Again... It's the third time... It's him !"

Acnologia: ... I am bored ! I am bored of the whole world, Black Wizard !

Erza: ... 'Who is he... ?! This magic... I've felt it somewhere before...'

Acnologia: ... ... So, it was you ! You were the one who gave humans dragon slayer magic ! In a sense, that would mean you're my mother, then. My mother... AND MY SINS !!


"... Stop that. She's already gone, don't desecrate her body like that."

Acnologia: ... You, woman. You have a similar scent to her. And you... Yes, you're that one on the island...

Erza: Who are you ?!

"You already know who he is... The wings of darkness..."

Erza: Acnologia...

Acnologia: if anything... I praise you on your stubbornness. Never before has anyone faced me two times and lived to tell the tale.

"I suppose it's time to see who will prevail in the end... the rising king..."

Acnologia: Or the Fallen God !

"Heh... Or perhaps... the third one ?"

Erza: Jellal ?!

"I knew I felt something familiar approaching. Care to lend a hand ?"

Jellal: That's why I'm here. To put an end to this ! Be judged by the Seven Stars !!

"Sixfold elemental dragon secret art..."



Jellal: He's eating...

"The magic ?! What kind of element does he have ?!

Acnologia: Fu... Element ? Trait ? I don't have one. I am the final dragon... The ultimate dragon who devours all magic... I AM THE DRAGON OF MAGIC, ACNOLOGIA !!

Jellal: All magic ?! Does that mean that magic won't work on him ?!

"Even Dragonslayer magic..."

Erza: He's even more powerful then when we fought him on Tenrou Island !

"Just another proof on how much he was toying with us back then..."

Jellal: Right now we've got to retreat !!

"Ch- Christina ?! What is Blue Pegasus doing here ?!"

Ichiya: Y/n-san~ ! Erza-san~ !

Erza: I- Ichiya ?!

Ichiya: Hurry up and come aboard~ ! We have to get that creature out of Magnolia~ ! We'll use the ship to draw him away~ !

Erza: But-

Ichiya: There's no time ! Hurry~ !!

Jellal: Let's go ! At least it will buy us some time !

"Ichiya, I've never been that happy to see you appear ! But... Can we really outrun him like that ?!"

Ichiya: You should know better than to underestimate Christina~ ! And besides... If we can lure Acnologia to a certain place, we may have a chance to beat him~ !

Erza: I- is that true ?!

Ichiya: Can you confirm that~ ?

???: Yes.

"Uh... You... You are..."

"Lucy ?!"

Erza: No... They look alike, but it's not her...

Anna: My name is Anna Heartfillia. I think you are quite acquainted with my descendant, are you not ?

Jellal: Descendant ?

Erza: You are... Lucy... I don't understand !

Jellal: Nevermind that, you said you had a way to defeat Acnologia ?

Anna: We mustn't be hasty. Everything must come up in its proper order.

"Anna Heartfillia... Weren't you the one, 400 years ago..."

Anna: yes. I was the one who taught language and human culture to Wendy, Natsu, and the others 400 years ago. And along with the dragon slayers, I traveled through Eclipse into this age. Into the year X777, all to defeat Acnologia.

Anna: 400 years ago, there was nothing that could defeat Acnologia. That's why the dragons pinned their hopes on the future. They put themselves into the bodies of the dragon-slayers and cameto the future... Or rather, this present.

Erza: Yes, we were told by the dragons. If I recall correctly, this is the age when magic is the most prevalent...

Anna: Yes... This era has proven to be a wise choice in that aspect. Zeref created the door, and I opened it.

"Hold on, hold on... Zeref created it ?!"

Anna: He had studied time in great depth. Though he hadn't been able to fulfill his greatest desire, which was to return to the past... I think he still had hopes for the future. And the one who connected us to this age was Layla Heartfillia. I opened the entrance, and she opened the exit.

Erza: Lucy's mother ?

Anna: I accompanied them through the door to explain the situation to her, and to raise these children. But due to an unthinkable accident, when we opened the door they were all scattered. And well... I think you know the rest...

"We literally lived through all of what followed..."

Anna: but in the process of finding them all, I discovered something... Awful. Perhaps "It" was caused by the accident with Eclipse, or was generated by something else entirely, I cannot say. I have been keeping a low profile because I was investigating and preparing "It" for use.


"It's best if you tell us what exactly this is, because I think he's gaining on us !"

Anna: "It" is a very strong and dangerous power... No, not a power, more like a concept... "The Space between Time". Our only hope is to seal Acnologia within it... And nullify him !

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