Chapter 19: MK II

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Natsu: I've already figured out your magic.

Happy: Yeah !

Totomaru: Ugh...

"Now... Do you have any idea on Aria's current location ? I have something to tell him, that involve my fist and his nose.


Happy: What's that ?

Totomaru: He can't be planning to do that... ?! This room doesn't have any means of staying horizontal !!

Natsu: Horizontal ?!

"It's not looking good for you here, Natsu..."

Totomaru: Finally, it has been activated... SUPER MAGE GIANT PHANTOM MK.II !!

Natsu: Uu... Uug... Ughhh...

Totomaru: Wh... What's wrong with this guy... ?

"I guess this whole place is moving a little too much. We really need to do something about that, it's starting to be a real problem."

Totomaru: He can't deal with vehicles ?!! At last !! A chance to turn things around !! You can say "Flames won't work" all you like, but I wonder what will happen if you try to eat it like this ?! My ultimate magic, rainbow fire !!!

"Hold on to me Natsu, we need to get you out of here first."

Totomaru: Stop ignoring me ! EAT THIS !!!

Totomaru: Wait- WHAT IS THIS ?!! Huh ?

"This time, I won't complain that you're late, given the suspiciously good timing."

Gray: Natsu, you're pathetic, you know that ?

Elfman: Vehicles shouldn't make a man sick, he should make them sick !

"There isn't a damn logic here, Elfman..."

Natsu: Ohhh... ! You guys are just to cool ! Seriously- Blegh...

Gray: So this is what's left of Jupiter ? Huh, nice work there. But why did it suddenly start moving and lurching ?

"It did ? I'll check what's going on outside."

"It... Started writing something... A magic seal ?"

Cana: This seal... IT'S ABYSS BREAK... ?!! Isn't that one of the forbiden spells ?!

Loki: Such a huge seal... This is bad !! The dark blast will destroy everything all the way to Caldia cathedral !!!

"Uh oh..."

"So in short, if we don't destroy that giant real quick, we're all fucked."

Natsu: Liar !!

Gray: And why would he lie about that exactly ?

"The whole guild is a mage, and is preparing a spell to take out everything all the way to Caldia cathedral."

Gray: That's half the town !!

Natsu: What kind of magic could do that ?!

"... Aren't we all experts when it comes to destruction, after all... ?"




"Mmm... Hey Mew, how long do you think it'll take for the spell to be completed ?"

Mew: Given the writing speed of the giant... I'd say ten minutes or so...

"We definitely need to hurry... i'm counting on you to protect the guild, I'll deal with that giant myself."

Mew: Roger that. Don't end up dying this time, please.

"Why are you worried ? You know me, right ?"

Mew: That's why I'm worried...

Natsu: I just got a good idea, guys !!

Happy: What ?!

Natsu: If we beat up Jose, this whole battle will be over, right ?


Natsu: OUCH ! What was that for ?!

"Stop spouting nonsense, Natsu. Jose is on par with the master in term of magic. Even if we gang up on him, we have no chance of winning against him."

Natsu: But the old man's not around ! So who's gonna beat up Jose ?!

Happy: You idiot, Natsu ! You really had to make me remember that ?!!

Natsu: Eh ?!

Happy: That's right... The master and Erza aren't around... This battle, in the end, someone will have to take out Jose...

Natsu: But WE are here, aren't we ?! Right ?!

???: How sad...

"Oh ? You finally show yourself..."

Aria: When the wings of the dragon rot and fall away... Yes, all that remain is a dragon's corpse.

Natsu: Huh ?

Happy: This guy's one of the element four !!

Aria: I am called Aria, pinnacle of the element four. I have come to slay the dragon.

"Allow me to correct you on one point: the only corpse that will rot, will be yours."

Aria: I'm rather impressed that you are still able to Stand. You two are quite something..

Natsu: Damnit... !!

Aria: However... Before my "Airspace" magic, there is nothing that you can do.

Happy: His magic is invisible ! What should we do... !!

"He's not just powerful... There's something fishy about his magic, its dealing way more damage to me than it should."

Aria: And still you get up.

Natsu: Well, I can't just let you beat us... We're mages from Fairy Tail... YOU'RE JUST MAKIN' ME MAD, YOU BASTARD !!!!

Happy: Guys...

Aria: Airspace... Zetsu !!


Happy: He's too strong... This is the strongest of the element four... !

Aria: There is always somebody stronger than you, dragon.

"We're not going down !! Chaotic dragon..."

Natsu: Fire dragon...

Natsu/Y/n: ROAAAAAAR !!!

"What ?! Where did he go ?!"

Aria: It's over, dragon... You are about to experience the same pain as Makarov... Airspace... Metsu. Your magic shall be reduced to nothingness !!

Natsu: Oh shi-

Happy: GUYS !!

"Ughhh... Not... Not again... ! NOT AGAIN !!"

Natsu: H... Huh... ?

"Finally... I knew, that it wouldn't take you so long... Erza."

Erza: With all the berries you left us, wouldn't it be more strange for me to not get here ?

Happy: ERZA !!!

Aria: Oh... ? How very sad... For the necks of the dragon and the Titania both to be handed to me...

Erza: The one who dared to touch the master... That was this guy, right ?


Aria: Hahahah... If I am going to be fighting against the mighty Erza... Even I shall have to take this fight seriously.

Gray: His eyes ?!!

Mirajane: yes... Aria always keeps his eyes closed. Apparently keeping them closed is the only way he can keep his immense powers under control.

Elfman: What the hell ?!!

Mirajane: At any rate, if we run into Aria, we have to defeat him before he opens his eyes !! If he does that, we may lose all hope of winning the battle... !

"I am afraid it's not that simple... I had a hunch, but now I'm sure of it... He is using draconic magic, and that's the reason why he has been dealing so much damage to me in this fight."

Erza: But isn't Gajeel the only dragonslayer in the guild ? How could he use dragon magic ?

"The answer lies in his actions... I believe he, and most likely Jose, know about my nature. They know that I'm a dragon."

Erza: Even if it's true, it still doesn't explain how he can use dragon magic without being a dragonslayer...

"It is pure hypothesis at this point... But I believe him or Jose has found one my crystal, and has been using it recently. That would explain why he didn't finish me off..."

Erza: Because Jose wants to seize the one still in your possession...

Aria: Precisely. Master Jose has send me to assess your power, and to make sure he wasn't mistaken about the crystal's power. And now, thanks to it, we were gifted an amazing power, beyond everything we could dream of ! Now... Come at me, dragon !

Aria: I have activated the airspace of death, Zero. This airspace consumes all life. I shall drain the life from your body, and take away what remains of your power.


Erza: magic that consumes life... ? WHY DO YOU FIND IT SO EASY TO STEAL PEOPLE'S LIVES AWAY ?!!! YOU BASTARDS !!!

Aria: Now let us have some fun.

Aria: I wonder... Can you survive this airspace ?

Natsu: Guys !!!

"It's not a question whether we can survive, but how long it will take us !! Come to me, SCYTHE OF DESTRUCTION !!"

Aria: Wha- ?! No way... ?! THEY'RE SLICING UP THROUGH SPACE !!! WAIT-



Erza: Master could never be defeated by the likes of you...

"That tale, will never appear in your saga."

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