Chapter 10 - We ride together, we die together, Best friends for life

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Danny —-)

After a minute of talking on the phone, Brayden abruptly interrupted us with, "Danny." I turned to face him, and he continued, "When was the last time you saw the coach?" He inquired

“Coach? I saw him last, it was in the final, then when I went back on campus he had already left the team also he left with my money”

“Dude what are you talking about? What money?“ He asked

“We did a bet before the final, and that was the only reason I went to the campus. I thought my money was ready. Unfortunately, he disappeared,”

“Well, I'm chatting with him now…he congratulated me for creating the most famous game in the world at the moment, and for winning, he also invited me in his first game with his new team,”

“No way, where exactly is that football game, tho?“ I asked him

“It's actually footsoccball,” He stated

“According to whom?“

“According to coach to stop the debate once and for all, by the way the game is here in France, is that a coincidence?“ Says my best friend

“Well, good for us, can I go with you? If yes, don't tell him I'm coming with you,”

“Well, he brought me 4 tickets, he Said I could come with Darcy and her mother for a double date,”

“Unfortunately Darcy is not here but you can just bring him any bitch you found outside, there a lot who will be happy to be with him,” I rambled

“Don't let him hear you beside I got the perfect bitch in mind,” he stated

We started laughing.

Then he continued “ About that I never tell you what was the most disrespectful thing he said to me before Darcy won A+… He said I quote 'I know that you can't be with a cutie for even 3 seconds without diving on onother one' He even add ' he knows that I can have all the girl in the universe except one' talking about Darcy,”

I was out of breath cause I knew that 100 percent of what coach would have said.

“He wasn't lying tho, you almost not having her at all till you guys pulled up that I thought was the impossible, but you guys prove me wrong, ya'll prove everyone wrong,” I responded

I inhale and exhale, then I carry on “please Brayden don't do anything stupid to her cause she got Hella feelings for you,”

“ I know… I promise you, brother, and even if you see that we were a bit lost the way to each other, believe me, I will find my way back to her,” he replied

“I believe you… I just said that cause I don't want to see you hurt again, like the last time, I thought you were never going to be in love again after what happened with Kishara and Jordany but she as the Angel incarned came out of  no where and change that even if it was almost impossible,”


“You guys were meant for each other,” I stated

“I thought I'll never heard you talking about Darcy that way and opened up for me like this ever again,”

What can I say, even me? I was taken aback. I recall how poorly things turned out the last time I did that.

“For you, I will always but for a girl. I don't think it will be easy,” I replied

“Yeah about that, sorry, man, Isabella wasn't meant to be with you. She is such a player and a player we're detect them when we see one… you deserve better,”

Yes, I was referring to that when I said that it went badly. We have never been so fortunate to find the right one, though, and that is why we decided to play the game in the first place. I apologize if our paths crossed and you believe that I played you because I never got back to you; it was not my fault; rather, it was the fault of the person who crushed my heart before I met you. The first rule of this game is to not get attached if you want to survive.

“Thanks to you. I saw the real her, and I'm proud to call you Brother. The only one who will never betray me… see you've been betrayed so many times, your other best friend who wasn't me, you demon ex and when you have the chance to do it to someone you love, you didn't without knowing the true feelings of that person,”

“It's you. You mentioned that I do not like to put someone as important to me through the kinds of things I have gone through, things that broke me into a million pieces and required me to pick them all up piece by piece. I promise not to let that happen to you, and I have faith that you will not do that to me either.I simply trusted the wrong people, but I have learned my lesson and will know that I want it to happen again if it does.


“We've been in the fight for so long together, and we are still going to fight till we find a way out of this”

I look at him. He looks at me, and then we look at the movie. we were watching “bad boys” it happened that the movie was at the part where they say the famous line.

We look at each other again, and we say together at the same time “we ride together, we die together, best friends for life!”

After a few minutes, he says “ I still have bad feelings that I'm not done being through challenges, I feel like something worse is coming”

I take a glance at him. I know that he is tough he is always been the muscle, the one who was always been there for me, in a fight cause i was the worst when it comes to fighting, the one who never back down from a challenge the one to never worry about in whatever the situation he was into, he'll eventually find a way out like always, he's Brayden mother fucking Pierce yo. Except that when he was at his lowest, i was not there for him cause i was on the other side of the country. So when i saw my chance and i took it, I responded

“ I was never there, but now I'm here. we'll be waiting for it together, my man”

He sobbs “ God knows how I missed my Gran pa he was always been there for me but now his dead…”

P.S.: Brayden started having flashbacks from something  that happened 2 years ago.

"Hey, here's my favorite Gran son!!!"

"I'm glad I am your favorite, but did you forget I am also the only one?"

"You know he is not going to respond to you when his eyes are glued to this soccer game," says Grace

"Hahaha. I know what I also know is that he is messing with me. "

Then, jump to another flashback when Ben, also known as Gp, was on his death bed.

"Do you still believe that our family is not cursed? see, despite you trying to stop the game, something happened and stop you from proceeding, so you played till you won her," he asked.

"Why the sudden change, I thought you said we weren't cursed,"

"I never said that, I said we'll never know, guess what? i was right. We'll never know," he added

Then Brayden started laughing.

"We gotta stay positive, you know," says Brayden while smiling.

Another flashback of him still on his death bed.

"I have a confession to make," said Ben


"I got another daughter who I didn't know off until now. Did you believe a word of what i said?"

"What? What are you even talking about, Gp? "

"Come here, let me tell you my other daughter's name in your ear so no one can hear us and promise me you will find her and provide her with everything she need and make part of the familly,"

"I promise," Brayden simply replied.

"Her name, her name is..."

The next thing we know is that Brayden was screaming on his GP body laying on the bed.

He came back to the present.

Danny POV.

“You're got me… and I know I missed him too” I continued

We lay down together, we turned and looked at each other in the eyes, and then we started laughing like babies.

“Look at us talking about what we've been through and crying like baby's” He whispered

“I'm not crying, am i?“ I responded

He looks at me once again and sees water coming out of my eyes, then he say “No you are not,”

We started laughing again.

Then Beautika came in “Hey guys,”

“Hey, you are finally back. How was your little trip?” I asked her

“Honestly it was great, I know all the street of Paris only today,”

“Except that I missed you guys not gonna lie,” she continued

“Oh sorry for that, we're couldn't go with you today, we were going to take care of something important. This is actually the reason I'm here,”

“Okay, next time then,”


She entered the bath for a quick second.

“What is up with you two?” I asked Brayden cause he was cold as ice when she got in the room. That was when I knew something was wrong.

“Nothing,” He responded vaguely

“Obviously, it's not nothing you guys aren't talking,”

“Alright, alright, I just messed up, man, but I'll make up for it,”

I was like, what did he do this time, but he said he'll make up for it, so whatever.

“You better cause she is a nice girl,”

And when she gets out of the bathroom, Brayden finally breaks the silence and talks to her.

“Hey, beautika...”

“Wassup?“ She replied

“I know tomorrow is our last day and we probably aren't going to see each other for a long time when we go back to LA so let us make up for today… i mean let me make up for last night,”

“But you didn't do anything wrong last night it was my fault, i started it.”

“Please, just shut up and listen to me,” he ordered her

That's my Brayden, I keep my serious side trying not to laugh, but if you were in that room at that time, you'd found it very funny.

“It was my fault I messed up, I was the first one to broke one of the promises we make to each other so let's do this right… I got four tickets for a footsoccball tomorrow, one for me, one for Danny, one for a surprise for our old coach who invited us and the last one is yours if you accept to come with us. What do you say?”

She smiled and say “ Did you just say footsoccball? Is that new?“

“not really, it's a long story. I'll explain later,”

“Yes, I will come with you guys!” she said

“Yes!!” I screamed out of excitement

“Wait, wait, wait, did you just say you got a surprised for coach? Who is it? Please don't tell me it's really Darcy's Mom?” I continued

“Are you crazy? No gosh, no, it's not her, but better, You'll see tomorrow,”

All of a sudden, Brayden's phone started ringing, he looks at the phone and then looked at us. And he say “ Darcy…she always calls me at this time when I'm about to go to sleep and early in the morning,”

“I would've done the same if i was her,” says Beautika

“Right,” I added

“Shut up, you two,” He yelled at us.

“Hey, my queen of Heart!!!” says Brayden to the person on the phone.

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