Chapter 1

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A/N: Stanford isn't going to be in this one. I don't hate him anymore, it's just too late to add him in. (I'm editing the original A/N) So...yeah.

Dipper sat with his legs crossed, Journal 3 in his lap, on his bed. Mabel was throwing some clothes in a bag, humming some song that Dipper vaguely recognized. He was thoughtlessly flipping through pages of the Journal, his mind wandering. The page fell open to reveal the information on a certain polygon Dipper had had too much of the past week, and Dipper looked up at his twin.

"Mabel?" He called. With a toss of her brown hair, she spun around to grin at her brother.

"Yessum?" She replied. Dipper leaned back against the wall, taking his hat off for a moment to run his hand through his hair.

"Do you remember Bill?" He wondered. Mabel's smile faded and she went back to packing.

"Cipher? Yeah. How could I forget?" She responded, her voice lacking the usual cheer that came with it. She snapped her bag closed and smiled again. "Why do you ask?" Dipper sighed, scanning Bill's page in the book.

"He keeps appearing in my dreams. I think...I think he's coming after us." He admitted. Mabel pursed her lips, picking up her bag.

"Well, so long as you don't make a deal with him or do anything stupid he should remain in the mindscape, right?" She pointed out with a smirk. Dipper shrugged.

"Theoretically." He allowed. Mabel punched his arm lightly.

"Then you've got nothing to worry about, bro bro!" She laughed. Dipper smirked.

"Yeah, I guess." He agreed. Dipper walked with Mabel downstairs. He waved awkwardly to Candy and Grenda, who were waiting for Mabel in their car. Mabel gave her brother a quick hug before running outside. Before Dipper could go back upstairs, someone called his name.

"Dipper!" With a slight groan, the teenage boy entered the living room, where his great uncle Stanley was getting ready to leave.

"What's up, Grunkle Stan?" Dipper wondered as Stan walked past him into the kitchen.

"I've gotta go pick some stuff up," he informed his grandnephew, grabbing his keys from the table and heading to the front door, "so try not to do anything stupid while I'm gone." Dipper frowned, crossing his arms as his Uncle patted him on the back and left. When the red car pulled away, Dipper threw his arms up, exasperated.

"Why does everyone assume that I'm going to do something stupid?" He exclaimed. He turned back around and went inside. Not two minutes after Dipper shut the door, there was a loud knock. Dipper took a deep breath to calm his rising anger. He spun around and yanked the door open.

"What!?" Lack of sleep was making him quick to snap. Dipper quickly apologized, standing up straight and shoving his hands in his pockets. There was a boy in front of him that looked maybe sixteen or seventeen. His hair was brown except for the top, which was yellow. His had on a yellow vest over black clothes, also a bow tie and black gloves. One of his eyes was covered by a triangular eyepatch, and his visible eye was filled with mischief as he smiled at Dipper. Something about hims seemed so...familiar, but Dipper couldn't place his finger on it. The boy tipped his black top hat, giving a small bow.

"How's it going, Pine Tree?"


"So, let me get this straight... You've been trapped in the form of a human, thus trapping yourself in reality. want my help to figure out who did this to you? And in return, you will never harm Mabel for the rest of her natural life?" Dipper clarified. He was leaning against the wall of the attic, watching as Bill Cipher examined his bleeding nose in the mirror. Bill laughed slightly.

"Yeah, that was the deal we just made. Great job, by the way. You've just done everything your sister and uncle told you not to do!" He reminded the boy. Dipper crossed his arms, glaring at the demon. Bill laughed again, dabbing at the blood coming from his nose. "You've got quite the punch, kid." Bill noted. Dipper shrugged, standing up off the wall. He walked up and looked in the mirror over Bill's shoulder.

"I've been practicing. Always wanted to punch you in the face. And now that you're here, I can." He hissed. Bill smirked and leaned back so that he was whispering in Dipper's ear.

"You wanna hit me again, Pine Tree?" He teased. Dipper shoved Bill away from him angrily, making the demon laugh as he fell against the wall. "Ooh! Fiesty!" Bill narrowed his eye, grinning. Dipper jabbed a finger at him.

"Shut up." He snarled. Bill chuckled and dragged his pinched fingers across his lips, then pretended to toss the key, mimicking the signal Dipper and his childhood crush used to use all the time. Dipper clenched his jaw and his fists. Bill grinned and Dipper launched himself forward. He grabbed Bill by the shoulders and threw him to the ground. Bill's laugh rang in the air as he fell to the ground, his smug grin never leaving his face. Dipper grabbed Bill by the shirt and raised a fist, seething.

"This isn't the mindscape, Bill. Here, I can kill you." Dipper pointed out. Bill tilted his head to the side.

"Hmm...but you won't." He tapped Dipper on the nose, and Dipper dropped him, stepping away. Bill crossed his arms behind his head and smirked. "Your uncle's calling." Dipper furrowed his eyebrows.

"Huh?" He questioned.

"DIPPER! Come help me with this stuff!" Stan shouted from downstairs. Dipper shot Bill a final glare before running down the stairs to help his uncle. No deal was worth this, but...Dipper would put up with it if it meant Mabel would be safe.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! YAY BILL! Haha! Pain is hilarious!

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