Chapter 3

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Dipper opened the fridge, completely at a loss. What did you feed an all-powerful dream demon? Especially one who has never eaten before? Dipper closed the fridge, rubbing his head under his hat. After a few moments of debate with himself, Dipper decided to go with the safe, default option; a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich with some chips. Dipper finished making the sandwich and tossed the peanut-butter covered butter knife in the sink, returning the jelly to the fridge, the peanut-butter to the pantry. He then grabbed a small snack bag of potato chips, and headed back upstairs. He opened the door with his elbow, pushing it with his shoulder.

"I didn't know what you would like, so..." Dipper trailed off. The room was empty. He kicked the door closed and walked in, setting the food down on the nightstand. "Bill?" Dipper looked around the room, expecting the dream demon to jump out at him, shouting "boo," but no such thing happened. The room was completely quiet, safe for the sounds of outside. Outside! Dipper spun around and looked at the attic window adorned with a symbol not unlike Bill's. The window was propped open, and Dipper specifically remembered it being closed before he left. Dipper groaned and leaned out the window. His eyes swept the premises, and he considered calling out, but he didn't want to draw attention to himself, so instead he looked for possible escape routes from the bedroom window. It was hardly possible to reach the roof from here, and the drop was pretty much straight down. He could have managed to jump to one of the trees. Or, knowing Bill and his obsession with pain, he had just jumped. Dipper imagined the grin on his face, his vest tails flapping as he laughed, falling to the ground. But, surely Dipper would have heard the laugh, or at least the impact of the fall, which would have surely broken a few bones. Dipper pursed his lips. So maybe Bill didn't jump. Dipper began to search the rest of the house, checking every room. Save for his Uncle's, that is. And still, no Bill. Had he managed to climb to the roof, then? Dipper ran out of the living room and headed to roof. Once there, he scanned the premise once more. Nothing. Dipper groaned and sat down on the roof, remembering all those years ago, when he had made a deal with the dream demon just to get a passcode to the computer Soos had found, which Bill had ended up destroying anyway. Dipper sighed and put his head in his hands. And now, Bill Cipher was loose in reality without any idea of how to be a human being. Dipper didn't know who he was worried for; the people, or Bill.

"I'm not as clueless as you think, Pine Tree." Dipper's head shot up and he saw Bill floating in the air in front of him. He was lying on his stomach, his head propped up in his hands. "Hi there." He greeted. Dipper sighed in relief.

"There you are! I was looking everywhere for you!" Dipper exclaimed. Bill smirked, rolling over in the air onto his back.

"Yeah, I know you were. Oh, and you still are." He informed the boy. Dipper furrowed his eyebrows.

"Wait...what?" He inquired. Bill laughed and dropped onto the roof beside Dipper.

"You fell asleep, Dip Dop!" Bill explained. Dipper made a disgusted face.

"Don't call me that." Bill shrugged and jumped to his feet. "What do you mean, I fell asleep? I've been looking for you!" Dipper insisted. Bill tapped Dipper's hat so that the rim came down over his eyes.

"That's what you think." He said as Dipper repositioned his hat. Bill snapped his fingers and his cane appeared in his hand. He leaned against it, waving one hand around in the air. "You see, I've been experimenting with the limitations of this human form, and..." Bill grinned and his eye and hand lit up with blue fire. "Well, let's just say things are a bit different in reality." Dipper said nothing as Bill tossed his cane into his other hand, the fire going out. "You see," Bill pressed the end of his cane against Dipper's chest, "since I'm in reality, I can make you fall asleep. So, basically, you came to the roof looking for me, and I," Bill leaned forward, smirking, "sang you a lullaby, shall we say?" Dipper knocked Bill's cane away and stood.

"Wake me up. Now." Dipper ordered. Bill frowned and jumped into the air again, putting his cane over his shoulder, propping his arms up on it.

"Aw, come on, Pine Tree! You're getting the sleep you've been wanting!" He pointed out. Dipper crossed his arms, giving Bill a look. The dream demon sighed. "Fine then, Captain Buzzkill. Be that way." Bill snapped his fingers and Dipper jumped awake. The sun had set, and Bill was no where to be seen, once again. Dipper sighed, rubbing his eyes, and headed back to his room. He laid down on his bed, hoping that Bill would leave his dreams alone for once. Dipper rolled over onto his side and came face to face with Bill Cipher, who was floating horizontally in the air next to his bed. Dipper let out a scream, scrambling away from him. Bill laughed, sitting up in the air. Dipper put a hand to his chest, trying to calm his racing heart.

"Don't worry, Pine Tree!" Bill tapped Dipper's forehead and the boy's eyelids grew heavy as he fell down to his pillow. Bill grinned. "A night of dreamless sleep coming right up, courtesy of Bill Cipher!" Dipper fell asleep to the sound of Bill's laugh, and, for once, Dipper didn't mind that sound echoing in his head...

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