♡ Family ♡

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The ball was coming to a close, and there was now eleven people in the corner. Two men by the names of Doc and Ren also came to the corner to make out. The corner could not fit eleven people, so everyone was squished a little bit. They soon all became comfortable with each other, and by the next ball they spent half the time chatting. 

"Hey guys?" Scott asked as the end of the current ball grew near. 

"What?" Was heard from various people in the corner. 

"Even though we just met, I feel like you all are my family. I mean, obviously Xornoth is my brother but still." 

"Aww, I feel like we're family too!" Said Shelby, throwing herself forward to hug Scott. Katherine hugged as well, and soon it was a big group hug. 

"We need to find a new spot, this is crowded. I'll look around, since it's my kingdom." The cyanette announced from the middle of the hug. They all filtered out (slowly, as not to draw suspicion), all returning to their own kingdoms. Jimmy stayed to try to find a good spot that would be big enough. 

~Time Skip to End of Ball ~ 

"I don't think anyone goes this way..." Scott said, leading Jimmy down hallway after hallway. Theread was a dead end slightly smaller than the current one they used. 

"Damn it. Too small." The cyanette leaned against the wall in the corner and heard a crack. 

"What was that?" The blonde asked, shaking slightly. Scott continued to lean on the wall. 

"It's nothing, don't wor-" there was another cracking sound, and a pre-cut square from the wall gave out. The square was at floor level and was big enough to crawl through. 

"Let's go through!" 

"No, Scott. It could be dangerous." Scott peered into the room on the other side. There were a few couches in front, but he couldn't make out much more than that considering lack of light in the windowless room. The cyanette crawled in, Jimmy following reluctantly. The light switch was found, and the room was lit up. It had no entry other than the hole in the wall. There were couches and a few tables, and the floor was red carpet, while the walls were old wallpaper displaying poppies. 

"It's perfect." Both said at the same time. 

~392 words~ 

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