♡ Happily Ever After ♡

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~2 years later~

Today was the day. Scott was going to propose. Most people in the corner were married, and as King of Rivendell he needed a co-ruler. He was currently in the hidden room, setting up. Others were there too. Grian, Mumbo and Scar put up lights, Shelby and Katherine were doing Scot's makeup and outfit, Xornoth and Joey were supposed to be fluffing pillows, but they were just making out in a corner. Oli was practicing his lute for the momemt, now that he was the official bard of Rivendell. 

It was perfect. Scott had a bouquet of poppies to give to his boyfriend. All that was missing was Jimmy. 

"Hello, can I come in?" Jimmy's voice came from the entrance. Perfect. 

Oli cupped a hand around the edge of his mouth. "Yup!" 

The blonde walked in, wearing the suit he wore when they first met. Scott stood in the middle of the room, vases of flowers on either side of him. He held out the bouquet of poppies. 

"Jimmy, you are my favorite person to ever have graced my view. I dream about you day and night, my petal. I love being your boyfriend, but I can think of something better." He went down on one knee and pulled out a ring with emerald and sapphire embedded in it. 

"Jimmy Solidarity, will you marry me and be my flower husband?" 

Jimmy had a hand over his mouth and happy tears in his eyes. "Oh my cod, yes! Of course!" He leaned down and kissed Scott, grabbing his fiance's face. He slipped on the ring and admired it. Everyone was cheering, laughing, and having a good time together. 

~ Time Skip ~ 

"Jimmy Solidarity, do you take Scott Major to be your husband?" 

"I do." 

"Scott Major, do you take Jimmy Solidarity to be your husband?" 

"I do." 

"You may exchange vows." 

"With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way into darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine." Jimmy teared up as he said these vows. Scott repeated the vows. 

"With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way into darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine." 

They exchanged rings, and their officiant, who for some reason was Joey, said they last part. 

"I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss." They smashed their lips togther, cheers erupting from the crowd. The separated and looked at each other. 

"Tilly death do us part." They said in unison. 

~456 words~ 


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the story and the adventures of this silly bunch! 

-Oli ♡

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