Chapter 10- Avery's POV

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Avery’s POV

I had been cutting myself off from everyone else. My normal happy; sociable and care free self has turned into a depressive teenager, like most have been once or twice in their small teenager’s life span.

I had never been the average teenager with mood swings; attitude problems and insecurities. Okay, maybe I have my insecurities but I do not allow them to take over my lifestyle.

One thing that has changed me, more than ever. Finding out about something I never thought would or could be real. Vampires. Vampires, was he mad? Kol wouldn’t lie to me, right? Of course he would, I had known him for a matter of weeks, maybe he was just a deluded drug user, or something along those lines.

But vampires, really? Couldn’t he come up with anything remotely plausible? Obviously not. My mind was on over drive trying to contemplate the likelihood of vampires on this earth.

Every aspect of vampires went through my mind: the fangs; the blood drinking; pale skin and the danger all of that holds. If he wasn’t lying of deluded, then I wasted time being heartbroken over his brother forbidden any further contact. Why did it have to happen to me? Me, of all people. I had never done anything overly wrong. Yes, I lied but it is hardly going to win me criminal of the year.

Ever since he told me I had tried to huddle myself up into my bedroom, locking out all of the world problems. Of course Caroline and I have different ideas. She wanted me to come out of my room and socialise with her, Jeremy or anyone.

Jeremy seemed overly worried about me. He phoned me seven or eight times a day but I didn’t answer him. His text messages were piling up into a tangle of useless messages questioning my welfare.

I gave up the essential aspect in my life- food. I couldn’t eat, it was painful. The idea of my eating and not being able to see Kol. I wanted to be able to be able to not speak to Kol without it feeling like my parents died again. Sadly it always did.

All the pain and anxiety I put myself through ended with Caroline. My darling cousin who made me leave my room. She also (somehow) made me tell her about Kol, Jeremy and Klaus. Luckily she didn’t find it stupid; Caroline actually promised to talk to Klaus.

I thought she’d speak to him and I’d be able to speak to Kol again, get him to tell me about the whole vampire thing. Sadly she came home and told me to avoid Kol. Why, I don’t know. I couldn’t just avoid him. I needed answers and I wasn’t one of those people who would sit back and question the answers.

I needed to escape the prison Caroline had put me in. I was isolated in my room like before, but now it was worse. She, Jeremy or one of her friends would always be with me- at all times. This was just to stop me from running back to Kol. They may not have told me to my face, but I could just tell without them doing it for me.

Somehow I had to escape our home without Caroline catching me going somewhere else. I’m pretty sure she’d kill me if I went somewhere she didn’t want me to.

Packing up my handbag with my phone, purse and IPod before slipping on my shoes and grabbing a jumper. Sneaking down the stairs, I tried to reach the front door before Caroline caught me in sneak out mode.

“Avery Forbes, where do you think you going?” I heard Caroline’s voice from the top of the stairs I had just descended.

“Um… I’m going to go to Jeremy’s. We have some homework that’s due in tomorrow and you know I don’t get history. He said he’d help me,” I shrugged, hoping I could get away with my lie.

“Do you need a lift there?” She questioned coming down the stairs and walking over to me.

“No thanks, I need the exercise. Thank you though,” I smiled opening the front door being persistent with going to the Mikaelson’s.

“Are you sure? Honestly I don’t mind taking you,” She smiled back obviously being as persistent as I was.

“No I’m okay, really,” I stated, “Bye Care.”

With that I escaped from the house. Running down the pathway, I put my earphones in so I could listen to my music on the walk to the Mikaelson’s.

The walk went by quickly before I reached the overly large house. Going up to the door I was unsure whether this was the right thing to do. So I wouldn’t turn back I knocked on the door, just to regret it straight after.

Fiddling with my fingers, I waited a couple of moments until the door was opened. I think he was Elijah, Kol’s brother but I hadn’t really spoken to him before.

“Avery, right?” He smiled, looking down at me due to the height difference.

“Yeah, that’s me. Is Kol there please?” I smiled back although I was more than nervous to speak to Kol.

“Yes he is. Come on in, I’ll go get him,” He stated moving from the door to allow me into his house. I smiled at him as a thank you seen as I didn’t really want to speak. I stepped into the hallway as he walked away, up the stairs probably to find Kol.

I waited in the hall for a couple of minutes until Kol came down the stairs. As he saw me he smiled at me.

“Avery, I didn’t think I was ever going to see you again,” He smiled softly walking over to me and hugging me.

“Why would you think that?” I chuckled. It wasn’t a funny chuckle it was more of an awkward chuckle.

“You seemed rather overwhelmed by what you found out last time you were here,” He shrugged.

“That’s why I am here actually,” I said taking a deep breath.

“Oh,” He frowned knowing where this conversation was leading.

“I’m just so confused. I don’t know whether you’re having some mental break down or you’re telling the truth,” I sighed un-sure about everything now.

Everything I had ever known in life could be wrong. I may not know anything about what goes on in this world. My mind was just puzzled.

“Would you like me to explain it all to you?” He asked softly with a reassuring smile on his face.

“Please,” I smiled back, hoping he could clarify my confusion.

“How about we go outside and have a walk whilst I talk?” He questioned.

“Sure,” I nodded, not really minding where he told me.

He took hold of my hand and led me out of the back door of his home. Kol began to lead me around the land that connected onto his home.

“So where do you want me to start?” He sighed.

“I honestly don’t mind,” I shrugged not minding as long as he told me.

“Well, I’ll cover the basics first. I’m a vampire but no I won’t hurt you. Everything you know about vampires is a lie. We can be seen in mirrors; garlic and holy water doesn’t affect us and we don’t sleep in coffins,” He smiled softly turning to me.

“What else do you need to tell me?” I asked trying to be calm but inside I was freaking out.

“Well I am over 1000 years old. My family came from the old country where my older brother died of plague. My Mother being a witch got us to move over to America or the new world as it is also known. We lived in a town that thrived with werewolves. That’s where my siblings and I were born. You have met Elijah, Niklaus and Rebekah but there is also Finn and there was Henrik. When Henrik and Nik went to see the werewolves but sadly Henrik got attacked and killed,” He took a sharp intake of breath talking about his brother.

“My parents didn’t want that to be our fate so our Mother turned us into vampires using a great white oak tree. There was a girl in town Tatia she is a descendant of your friend Elena. Tatia’s blood turned us into vampires and started the Petrova doppelgänger line that Elena is part of and I will get onto the importance of her in a moment. When we were turned the sun was our enemy burning us; vervain was a herb growing at the bottom of the tree it harmed us and prevented compulsion; we were now un-able to get into others homes unless they invited us and wood was a weakness,” He proceeded.

 “We are the original vampires. The original family. Our rules of what can kill us are different, only a dagger dipped in white oak ash can neutralise us and a white oak dagger can kill us. Normal vampires can be killed by stakes of any wood; decapitation; a werewolf’s bite or the sun. All vampires wear a ring with an enchanted Lapis Lazuli stone in it to protect us. Is this a bit overwhelming or are you okay?” He smiled softly.

“It’s okay; I’m interested in everything about vampires. I never believed in them before; they were just creatures of nightmares, same with werewolves and witches,” I shrugged.

“Okay, do you want me to carry on?” He questioned resulting in me nodding.

“Well after we were turned Nik realised he wasn’t our Father’s child. He was a hybrid. Half vampire and half werewolf. Our Mother locked his werewolf side but he had to kill a vampire, werewolf and doppelgänger to become a true hybrid. So he did as he had to killing Elena. I know she’s alive but her father gave up his life for hers so she survived,” He stated.

“So anyway to become a vampire you have to die with vampire blood in your system. Vampire blood helps heal humans as well. Also vampires are extra strong and fast as well as being able to heal faster. Original Vampires more so than normal ones. Have I covered everything?” He smiled.

“I think so,” I nodded, “But how comes no one even knows of the existence of vampires. Well obviously some people do but, you know what I mean,” I sighed.

“I do know what you mean, but there are hunters out there too that try to kill our kind. Our Mother even in death attempts to kill us,” He shrugged as if it was nothing.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered un-sure what to say to him.

“You don’t have to be. Anyway half the town is what you’d call a ‘mythical creature’. Tyler Lockwood is a werewolf; Bonnie Bennett is a witch and Damon, Stefan, Caroline and Jaenelle are Vampires,” He shrugged.

That’s when my shock and disbelief went to a new level. 

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