Chapter 11- Jaenelle's POV

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Jaenelle's POV

"Jaenelle, baby Gilbert here," Damon shouted up the stairs. 

I got up from my bed placing my ipod and head phones back onto my nightstand and sped downstairs so I was stood in front of the two guys. 

"Hello Jer, come on, let's leave Damon in his grumpy pit of despair," I smirked.

I took his hand in my own before tugging him up the stairs at human speed. We reached my room where we sat down.

"What's wrong with Damon?" He questioned.

"I don't know, he's just been down in the dumps for the last few days," I shrugged. 

 "Isn't he always grumpy though," He chuckled.

 I've got to say he probably was right. Damon never was a happy person but I definitely prefered him to Stefan and I guess that's why I like him as Stefan only ever showed one expression whereas Damon sometimes showed haooiness, it was rare but it did happen.

 "So anyway how have you been?" I questioned. 

Even though we were dating I hadn't seen him in like a day or two so I needed to catch up with him. I know it wasn't a long time but I had missed him.

"I've been okay you?" He smiled.

"Same, have you heard from Avery about Kol?" I questioned.

"No, I know they were having problems but he is keeping a huge secret from her, so there will be problems in the relationship. But I think they're sorting out the problems she thinks they have and are getting along better, but to be honest they aren't going to last, not unless he tells her he's a vampire," Jeremy shrugged.

"True but hopefully for them love conquers all," I stated trying to be optimistic. 

From downstairs I heard Damon talking to someone although I knew Stefan was no where to be seen. A female voice sobbed something back before footsteps came up the stairs until the door slammed open. 

"Avery?" Jeremy questioned as she walked into my view. 

Her cheeks were tear stained and she looked overly upset. I presumed Kol had done something wrong but God knows. 

 "What's wrong?" I asked softly standing up so I could comfort her.

I went over to her so I could pull her into a friendly hug, to comfort her and make her stop crying but her ideas were slightly different.

"Don't come near me," She hissed, "I know what you are. You're a vampire and so is Caroline and Kol and Rebekah and Klaus and Stefan and Damon. I also know about Bonnie and Tyler. Am I the only one in town who doesn't know?"

"Calm down Ave. Does it matter what they are? They are still your friends and family," Jeremy smiled softly.

"Wait?" She exclaimed, "You knew? Why would you never tell me? I'm your best friend."

 "I'm sorry Avery, I could barely handle it and you were going through so much it was just better off not telling you," He smiled softly also standing.

It was un-fair that Avery was never told about the supernatural creatures of Mystic Falls. She did need to know, I was her friend and so was practically all the town so why did no one tell her? She was such a sweet girl and probably was one of the only people in town who was extremely close to so many supernatural people and yet she never suspected nor knew anything. 

"Didn't you trust me?" She sobbed.

 "Avery calm down, and we'll rationally discuss this," I smiled softly hoping she would just listen. 

I knew she was wearing vervain, Jeremy had made sure of that before I had even came to town. Even if she hadn't been wearing vervain I wouldn't have compelled her, she needed to know about this and taking the memories away wouldn't help her. 

"No Jaenelle. I can't trust you. I can't trust anyone in this town, it's a town full of liars and people who show no consideration in anyone elses well being," She sobbed before hastily leaving the room. 

Jeremy called after her but she didn't respond. She needed space and I was going to make sure Jeremy gave it to her as if we crowded her she wouldn't be able to have time to think.

~*~ Three Hours Later ~*~

"Jaenelle, I just spoke to Caroline and she hasn't seen Avery since this morning. She isn't answering her phone either," Jeremy explained looking worried.

"Have you asked Kol whether he's seen her?" I questioned.

"He hasn't seen her. She's probably doing something stupid. What if she kills herself?" Jeremy frowned.

"She won't Jer but we should try to find her. Phone Caroline, Bonnie, Elena and Tyler, and I'll get Damon and the originals," I stated, "Also make sure Ric and Jenna are helping as well but Elena will probably do that. Make sure everyone comes here so we can sort out where we're going."

"Okay," He nodded pulling his phone out. 

As he phoned people I ran down the stairs to find Damon drinking alcohol in the parlour type area. 

"Damon your assistance is needed. Avery has gone AWOL and she knows our secret, we need to find her," I explained.

"Then why do I have to help?" He questioned drinking some more bourbon.

"She's also your friend. She's going to do something stupid and we need as much help as possible," I smiled softly.

"Fine," he sighed placing his glass down. 

I smiled at him once more, "Stay here, everyone's going to meet here, I need to go speak to the originals about helping."

Quickly I left the boarding house going over to their mansion. I knocked on the door frantically waiting for someone to open up the door.

Klaus opened the door and I barged into his house without waiting for his response. 

 "Where's Kol, Rebekah and Elijah?" I questioned. 

 "Here," Rebekah stated as they all came into the hallway. 

 "Why did you barge into our house?" Klaus frowned not looking bothered to speak to me.

"Avery has gone missing and we need your help. She knows we are vampires because of Mr Smart over there and she could do something stupid," I said pointing to Kol. 

"We'll help," Elijah sighed.

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