Chapter 2- Jaenelle's POV

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Jaenelle's POV

The ride to the Mikaelson's was silent so I think we were both relieved when we got there. As I don't know anyone I think I'm going to stick with Damon for now.

We were there a while and I got to say I've never been so bored! I can not wait for this to be over.

I saw a girl walking towards us so there might be something interesting happening tonight, but I highly doubt it. She had blond hair and a red floor length dress. She was quite pretty I wonder if she's a jealous ex of Damon's. Its the most likely reason I can think for her to come over.

"Hi Damon." She smiled but you could tell she was not happy. I wonder why.

"Hey Avery right?" Damon questioned.

"You know that's my name," She sighed, "So are you two a couple or here as friends?"

"No she made me come with her, and we are definitely not a couple," Damon stated which almost caused me to laugh but I quickly stopped myself.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"My friend doesn't have the guts to come and talk to you, as he feels that he will be turned down but would you like to dance with him?" She smiled encouragingly.

"Sure" I said thinking it would be great to get to know more people so it would be easier to get the information I needed.

"Okay follow me, bye Damon" she smiled and started walking away. "I'm Avery by the way."

"Jaenelle." I said as we shook hands.

As we reached her friend I noticed he looked nervous as well as hot.

"Jaenelle this is Jeremy, Jeremy this is Jaenelle. Okay i'll just leave you two be, have fun." She introduced us and left just as quickly.

I felt a bit bad about taking Avery's date but as soon as I looked into Jeremy's deep brown eyes it slipped my mind.

"Hey. You okay? you look a little nervous. If it's because of me you really don't have to be." I smiled at him trying to get him more comfortable around me. It seemed to work as his shoulders relaxed and he wore a breath taking smile .

"Sorry, I was just a bit nervous that you wouldn't come over, would you like to dance?" He questioned. Oh my God! He is so cute. Is that a blush?

"Sure I would love to," I smiled back letting him take my hand in his. 

We made our way to the ballroom and I have to give the Mikaelson's some credit for there spacious home as well as there music choice.

"I should just warn you it's been a while since I have danced so..." I smiled to Jeremy.

"Dont worry I'll make sure you'll be fine," He smiled softly. It seemed he had regained his confidence as he smirked at me as he pulled me closer to him letting us begin the dance.

He was surprisingly good at dancing which makes me even more grateful for accepting to his offer to dance. 

"Hey your not even rusty your really good," He smiled looking into my eyes causing me to blush and look down to stop him from seeing my crimson cheeks.

"Thank you your not too bad youself," I replied.

"So what brought you to Mystic Falls?" He asked me.

"I've just moved out my parents house and wanted a fresh start somewhere new. I was told this would be a good place to live. Tell me what the town is like really in your opinion?" I questioned  digging for information.

"This town is quite good is you like small towns with everyone knowing about everything about you. But there is a lot of events for the whole community, which I guess brings us together but you have to be careful at night," He cautioned me. I'm touched it may have been an unnessary warning but he had just met me. The way he spoke made me feel like he actually cared.

 "Well at least your honest. If everyone is like you then I think I will like this town." I replied with a small smile on my face.

"Well I'll be happy to show you around if you like? Maybe I could take you on a date afterwards?" He sounded so unsure of himself and what he was saying. It made him even more adorable that I could not deny his request.

"Sure I'd like that." I answered him smiling. "Do you mind if we take my car though?" 

"Yeah that's fine I dont know how to drive. Where are you staying I could met you there."

"I'm staying at the salvatore's. Do you know where that is?" I asked.

 "Yeah I know where that is my sister is dating Stefan Salvatore. So how did you meet the salvotore's? They dont seem to be the type of people you would hang around," He stated.

"Usually their not but until I can find my feet here and get a job I'm relying on them as they helped my family once," I shrugged.  I hated the idea of lying to him but I didn't understand why it felt bad now. I've been doing this for 500 years. Why is it effecting me now, or was it just being with Jeremy that did this to me?

"Oh your not with Damon are you? I dont really want to die because I asked you out on a date.You know you could just be being polite saying yes, you never know," He questioned with a worried expression on his face.

 I laughed at his question.  "No. oh God no. I would never date Damon, you have nothing to worry about I promise," I laughed

 "Great now your laughing at me." He joked but he did have a painful expression on his face.

"Sorry I dont mean to. Really I don't It's just you act like your afraid that he would acually kill you." I apoligised.

"He probably would. Have you met him?He has major anger issues," He told me.

"Yeah I can see your point but he wont touch you," I promised.

We had been dancing all night and the ball had came to an end causing us to look around surprised as we had not noticed time passing. This caused us both to burst out laughing when we saw the look on each others faces. 

 We both looked around to find our rides. We walked out when we did not find them and I saw Damon standing by the car. I looked at Jeremy to see if he had found his ride and he had. So we said a quick good bye to each other and parted our ways.

 I couldn't wait for our date and it's not actually to get information from him either which is a first for me. As we were driving home I realised I had not gotton any information on the original family at all tonight. What a waste of an evening.

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