Chapter 5- Avery's POV

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Avery's POV

I had spent the night crying myself to sleep just to dream baout Jeremy's death. I was preventing it and I knew that but it was too hard to forget about these dreams. I know I was being over dramatic, it was one night of dreams but they felt so real. Could they feel that real without them being real?

When I had given up in trying to get to sleep once again I got an early shower and got dressed into a t-shirt and jeans. I wasn't in the mood to look overly presentable so I merely pulled my hair into a rough pony tail and let it look bad. I pulled on some trainers before grabbing my bag and going towards the front door. I saw the time and it was about nine in the morning so I just headed out of the door hoping Jeremy would be awake.

He had to be alive, there was no way that dream could have been true. The only thing was a voice in the back of my head was telling me he was dead and it was my fault. I would be the one to blame if he was dead, I didn't follow Klaus' rules. I spoke to him last night to tell him to leave me alone. It was all my fault. 

I avoided the tears and walked as fast as my legs would take me until I reached the Gilbert house. I took a deep breath to hope Jeremy was okay, that's all I wanted was him to be fine, he couldn't be dead. He just couldn't. 

I knocked onto the front door. I wanted him to answer so my fears wouldn't be true. The door slowly opened to reveal Jenna, Jeremy's aunt. 

"Hi Avery, go straight up he should be awake," She smiled.

I nodded. 'he should be awake.' That meant Jeremy hadn't came down, she didn't know if he was up. What if he didn't come home last night or if Klaus broke in and killed him? Then she wouldn't have a clue if he was alive or not.

I practically ran up the stairs to Jeremy's room. I knocked on the door in hopes he would answer. Please answer.

He opened the door and huge smile appeared on my face. I pulled him into a hug leaving him in shock. He was okay. 

"Hey Ave," He chuckled hugging me back. 

"Your okay, your okay," I whispered still hugging him and tears falling. 

"Of course I am," He smiled kissing my hair, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I had a nightmare, nothing to worry about," I smiled back softly. 

I couldn't tell him why I had the nightmare and that his life had been threatened. He would go straight round to the Mikaelson's and cause trouble.

"What would lead you to dream about something like that?" He asked me. 

"Me and Kol had a huge argument last night so I left the dance and went home early," I shrugged still crying. I had lost Kol and he'd never give me another chance. Not that I'd let him with the threat on Jeremy.

"What did you argue about?" A female voice asked from inside his room. 

I looked over Jeremy's shoulder to see Jaenelle sitting on Jeremy's bed. Oh my God, I just ruined their moment together. 

"I am so sorry, I didn't know you were here, I'll just leave," I smiled through my tears.

"You don't have to Avery, talk to us about your argument, we could help you?" Jaenelle smiled at me encouragingly.

"Really, you don't have to," I stated trying to avoid this conversation.

"Nonsense," Jeremy smiled softly dragging me into his room and closing the door behind us.

I sat down on the edge of his bed along with Jeremy and Jaenelle who both stared at me waiting for me to speak but I didn't.

"So what was this argument about?" Jaenelle questioned.

"Nothing important, age difference, future plans and everything the normal things you talk about in a relationship. If that's what you'd call it, anyway we didn't agree on everything and one thing led to another and here I am in tears," I shrugged.

It was a complete and utter lie, I had no argument with him. Unless you class me telling him I never want to see him again. I couldn't tell them what really happened, Jeremy would overreact and Jaenelle, well I don't know what she'd do.

"Why what did he say?" Jeremy asked.

"He's twenty-one so his plans are further ahead than mine. I'm still in school and have a while until I finish, he's out of school so, it all caused a problem," I sighed.

I didn't enjoy lying to my best friend and his girlfriend (well I think she's his girlfriend) but I had to. The truth would cause more trouble than the lie. 

"I'm sorry that you argued with him Ave, you could tell you liked him. Even though your angry at him your eyes light up when you talk about him," Jeremy smiled. 

"You know you sound like a girl," I laughed although there were still tears in my eyes.

"You rub off on me," He chuckled, "Do you want me to talk to him?" He offered. 

"No, it'll just cause more trouble than you can fix, he is obviously not in a good mood. If it can be fixed it will do it itself," I shrugged knowing it would never be solved unless Klaus changed his mind.

I doubt him changing his mind; he seemed stubborn and serious with what he said. That was what scared me the most, how he said it. I couldn't chance getting back with Kol, if he wasn't serious then I would be okay but there is always that chance he was serious. Then I would basically be signing Jeremy's death certificate.

"Are you sure I can go and speak to him?" Jeremy questioned me.

"No I'm okay honestly Jer," I smiled softly, if he wants to be with me then he will," I shrugged. 

"I hope he sorts this out, he seems to make you happy," Jaenelle smiled.

Jeremy leant over to me and pulled me into a warm embrace. 

"So I forgot to ask, how was your date the other night?" I questioned.

Jeremy had got me to set up a place for the date and help Jenna to make all the food. I chose somewhere I would have wanted to go on a date seen as it was romantic, the Falls. 

"It was great," Jaenelle smiled. 

"How was the food, and the place?" I smiled back at her and Jeremy. 

"It was lovely thank you Avery," Jeremy chuckled. 

"The food was delicious and the Falls was a great first date," Jaenelle stated.

"I'm glad, I did help with the cooking and I chose the setting," I laughed.

"Thank you Avery," Jaenelle smiled. 

"Your welcome at least your first date ended better than mine," I said with a weak smile.

"Don't worry Avery, you'll find someone better than him," Jaenelle smiled encouragingly.

"I hope," I sighed. 

"How about Matt?" Jeremy questioned. 

"No, I love Matt but he was my cousin's and your sister's ex," I chuckled, "He's also like a brother to me."

"Okay maybe not Matt," He smiled, "And Elena and Matt had a huge argument about their future too."

"I'll find someone on my own terms," I sighed, "Hopefully someone who isn't five years older than me," I shrugged. 

"Age is but a number," Jaenelle stated as if it was a fact, which it kind of is. 

"I know but some people are picker about their age preferences," I shrugged. 

"Well make sure the new guy you pick isn't," Jeremy smiled.

I didn't want a new guy, I wanted to be with Kol but I couldn't not unless I wanted Jeremy to die, of which I didn't. He was my best friend and had been there for me since my parents died, I couldn't give up on his life just to be in love. Knowing if I did chose Kol, we'd break up, it wouldn't be love. I just needed to tell myself he was just another guy who left me broken hearted, although it ws just one date.

"I should leave you two alone. Thank you for listening to my problems," I smiled back at them both. 

"You don't have to feel un-welcome Ave," Jeremy stated. 

"I feel welcome but Jaenelle came here to be with you not listen to my problems," I said with a small smile, "I'll see you both later."

"Okay bye Avery," Jaenelle smiled. 

"Bye Ave," Jeremy said softly. 

"Bye guys, see you sometime soon," I chuckled leaving Jeremy's room. 

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