Chapter 6- Jaenelle's POV

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Jaenelle's POV

Coming down the stairs my mind was set on concerns about Avery, she seemed extremely upset and I just hope she's okay. She was so down previously, I don't understand why though.  

When I got to the parlor I saw Damon, Stefan with Elena and Alaric occupying seats around the room. 

I went over to a transparent cabinet and helped myself to Damon's liquor sending him a wink across the room knowing it would easily piss him off. Even though I didn't know him two well I already knew all of his buttons. 

Making my way over to the the couch I sat down and began to slouch on the couch totally relaxing until my thoughts from earlier came back loud and clear.

Would Avery actually hurt herself?

It would a could enough question as any, one that I probably couldn't answer. Although I didn't expect her two yet vampires exsisted so anything could happen in this mad world. 

 "Am i the only one has noticed something odd about Avery? It's worrying," I asked hoping my fears would not be confirmed by them.

But if they did have the same outlook on her problems then at least we could help her, right? 

They all kind of shifted in their seats as if they were hoping to avoid this vital topic. The only problem was it had to be confronted face on. When no one spoke for a few minutes and the silence engulfed us I repeated the dreaded question.

 "We are all worried about Avery, Jaenelle. We just dont know what to do about it. So unless you have some brilliant idea on how to help her then just shut up okay?" Damon snapped but his reaction was more of an overreaction to make him seem like he cared, less than actual caring. Although with everything running through my mind it could easily be possible.

 I think he didn't realise what he had said until it had already slipped past his lips. I could tell this as  his face revealed a kind of stunned disbelieving expression. Most of our faces mirrored his.

The rest of us didn't seem any better in the ideas apartment and no one moved for a while as his words had stunned us all. No one really wanted to follow that. 

None us us had the ability to rap our minds around Damon actually caring about somebody. We all shared a look of disbelieve and confusion before looking back at Damon.

 "You care about Avery?!" Alaric asked intruged by the possible answers whilst giving Damon this look that was a mixture of a confused puppy and the scream.

 "Hey," He exclaimed sound vaguely offended, "Shes is quite a likable person. Okay?"

"Aw you are so cute," I laughed at him, I could not even pretend not to be ever so slightly amused by his words and expression. I started an eruption of laughter from the others. You could tell just by looking at him that his temper was graduely increasing with every chuckle.

 When the laughter finally died down in soft chokes. I realised I had cried with the laughter Damon had caused well atleast I wasn't the only one. 

 "But back to the subject, What should we do about the situation with Avery?" I sighed knowing we hadn't really touched the subject just skimmed the edges. 

 "Maybe we should talk to her," Stefan answered used a 'duh' voice as if his idea was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Yeah get a bunch of stangers to talk to a girl who is scared," I stated using the same tone as he had previously. 

"How about we get Jeremy to talk to her?" Alaric questioned sipping his bourbon.

 "That's a," He paused, "Pretty smart idea," Damon looked at Alaric suprised. His express was like a child who had been told there was an easter bunny. 

"Well who want's to get Jeremy to talk to Avery then?" Stefan asked.

No one stepped up to the plate very quickly, knowingly as soon as Alaric mention Jeremy it would involve either me or Elena. And by the looks of it Elena didn't want to ask him so I guess it would be me. 

 "Well I guess that will be my job," I claimed my role in this plan that would probably backfire. 

"Sounds good. Now will you stop helping yourself to my alcohol," Damon complained to me as I had began pouring myself another drink. I grinned at him not stopping. 

"No I'm fine helping myself unless you want to pour my drinks," I shrugged whilst I gave him a cheeky grin.

I downed my drink before standing up and making my way to the front door knowing it would be better to speak to Jeremy sooner rather than later. 

"Well as fun and surprising as this little get together is I'm going to go and speak to Jeremy," I shouted over my shoulder to them.

As I was running to Jeremy's house I thought about what I was going to say to him.

'Hey Jer, I think your best friend is going to do something stupid, talk to her.'

'Jeremy, Avery is worrying me, could you have a chat'

Utter useless, he would think I was completely crazy and never want to see me again. She was his best friend I had to be remotely sensetive. 

When I finally got there, I took a deep breath letting my knuckles collide with the wood of the door as I knocked on the front door.

 After a couple of moments a women in her late twenties answered the door. She looked like one of those people who was always overly chirpy. 

"Hello," She smiled.

"Is Jeremy there please?" I smiled back softly. 

I presumed she was Jenna, Jeremy's aunt. Last time I came round when Avery was here, she was home but I came in through the window so I never had a chance to meet her. 

"Yeah sure, he's in his room, your Jaenelle right?" She stated letting me into her home. 

"That's me and your Jenna," I chuckled. 

"Yes, It's like I've already met you, Jeremy is continiously talking about you," She smiled. 

"Nice things I hope," I laughed awkwardly. 

"Of course, he really likes you, well I'm sorry for keeping you, go on up," She chuckled pointing to the stairs. 

I nodded making my way to Jeremy's room knocking on his door. 

"Come in Jenna," He stated with a bored tone. 

"It's not Jenna," I laughed walking into the room. 

"Oh, Hey Jaenelle, what are you doing here, not that I mind that your here but I didn't expect you?" He chuckled turning from his desk to smile at me. 

"I wanted to come and talk to you about Avery," I blurted out.

Now or never. 

He got up and moved to sit on the edge of his bed and patted the spot next to him where I went and sat down. 

"Okay, shot," He smiled softly. 

"You know how she was about Kol?" I questioned waiting for a response of which he nodded, "Well I'm worried about her, what if she does something stupid, heartbreak does that," I sighed.

"Avery is one of those girls who won't want help. You try to talk to her and she'll deny it all together, as well as pretend nothing is wrong digging her deeper into her depression and pain, she'll solve it herself. If she can't she'll give up on her own and realise she needs our help and will come to us. She isn't capable of hurting anyone even herself, if that meant it would hurt someone else," He shrugged, "As long as we show her we care she'll know she has something to live for."

Maybe he was right he knew her better than any of us, maybe even Caroline her cousin I heard them mention. I hadn't personally met her but Jeremy and Avery were close so I was going to rely on his judgement. Yet I couldn't help but feel uneasy.

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