Chapter 7- Avery's POV

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Avery's POV

 ~*~ Two Weeks Later ~*~

Ever since Klaus had threatened Jeremy I had avoided Kol. It wasn't the easiest thing in the world he was everywhere. Literally. Everywhere I turned there he was, just breathing down my neck, trying to talk to me. 

 Obviously I didn't speak to him I walked away as quickly as possible. But now I was getting distracted by everything, all I wanted was Klaus to tell me it was okay to speak to his brother. 

 I know Kol is a lot older than me and he probably doesn't like me how I like him. But. Yeah, but. That's all I have, I just don't want him to think I'm the type of person who just leaves. I'm not.

 I really do like him, it showed. Whenever Jeremy tried to talk to me, I was always in my own little world thinking about how it might of been, being with Kol that is. When I'm in class I just lose everything that is going on and it isn't good. I'm falling behind now.

 That wasn't me. I was smart. Was. 

 That's why today hours after school has been out I'm going back to my history teacher. I have been sat the the boring school library for a while reading over the same revision books I needed for my exams. 

 As I reached the door I knocked before quickly opening the door slightly revealing Mr Saltzman sat at his text with a stack of books piled in front of him. 

 "Avery come in," He smiled gesturing for me to enter his classroom. 

 I closed the door lightly behind me before walking over to the front of his desk. 

"Hello Mr Saltzman," I smiled back stopping when I reached his desk. 

 "What can I do for you?" He asked putting his pen down and looking up from the book he was marking. 

 "I was wondering if I could get some extra work, I'm falling behind. I'm sorry, I've just been distracted," I shrugged slightly feeling embarressed.

 "That's fine Avery," He chuckled giving me a list of pages in our workbook for me to do as well as giving me a pack of work. 

 "Thank you Mr Saltzman," I smiled turning to leave the room but his voice made me stop.

 "Avery wait a second," He stated causing me to turn so I was facing him again.

 "Yes sir," I questioned wondering what he needed. 

 "Don't call me Mr Saltzman, all you kids know that, it's Alaric or Ric," He chuckled.

 "Sorry," I smiled turning again as I got to the door I turned to him, "Bye Alaric."

"Bye Avery," He said as I left the room going into the hall as I got into the hall I hit into something falling back into the door I just closed. 

 "I'm sorry," The familiar voice said with a smirk clear in his voice. 

I looked up to see Kol stood their with a clear smirk on his face. He was leant over me as he put his hand out for me to take. I took it gratefully standing up in front of him but I was still no where near his height. 

 "Kol, what are you doing here?" I questioned scared as to what Klaus would do if he knew I was talking to Kol now. 

 "I wanted to talk to you," He stated with a soft smile.

 "Why?" I asked. It almost sounded harsh but I didn't want it to. 

 "You've been avoiding me since we went to the 1920's dance," He frowned as if he knew my whole plan of never speaking to him again.

 "No," I stated walking away from him making my way away from Kol and out to the front of the school. 

 "Avery why have you been avoiding me?" He exclaimed grabbing my arm and turning me to face him.

 "I haven't it's not my fault we haven't crossed paths," I lied. 

 "Why have you been avoiding me Avery? I won't be angry at you, if you never want to see me again then I except that," He smiled softly taking my hand in his. 

 "Please Kol, don't make me tell you," I said in barely a whisper as my eyes began to water. The only thing on my mind was Jeremy. Jeremy. 

 "I can make it all better," He smiled. 

 "Klaus," I muttered unable to say anything else before a single tear fell down my cheek. 

 "Hey, what did Klaus do?" He questioned softly wiping away the tear with his thumb. 

 "He threatened Jeremy. He told me if I didn't stay away from you he's kill him," I whispered crying. Why was I so pathetic that I couldn't do what Klaus told me? I could save Jeremy. What if Klaus still killed him?

 "Don't worry Avery, Klaus wouldn't hurt Jeremy, not if I have anything to do with it. I'll sort it out," He smiled softly, "I'd also like to make it up to you for my brother's actions."

 "Thank you Kol but is that the only reason you want to spend time with me?" I smiled back softly wiping away my tears. 

 "No of course not I want to actually have a date with you that doesn't end with a threat," He chuckled.

 "So do I," I smiled softly. 

 "Well, I have to go now, I'm sorry. I have to have a word with Klaus, see you soon," He said with a small smile before walking away. 

 I smiled into the nothingness that was around me. He actually wanted to have a date with me. Was I normal teenage girl completely love struck now? Love? It wasn't love not that I knew what that felt like but I barely even knew anything about him.

I dazzily walked away from the school pulling my sheets and books of work to my chest. My walk wasn't too far seen as Caroline's house was about fifteen minutes away from our school. 

As I reached the Mikaelson's house that I recognised from the ball about a month ago. Although the house was at the end of a very long pathway I could here shouting that sounded familiar.

I knew the voices as Klaus and Kol Mikaelson. 

Kol said he'd sort out his brother I didn't think they'd have a shouting match.

I hastily made my way up the pathway to the front door that luckily was unlocked. I didn't know what I would be walking into but I wasn't hopeful.

I pushed the door forward with my eyes closed taking a breath. I opened my eyes to see Klaus and Kol shouting at each other.

"How dare you think it was your place to threaten Avery?" Kol bellowed lunging at his brother faster than I expected anyone to be.

"You'll just hurt her, she's Caroline's cousin, you can't hurt her this is the only way," Klaus hissed. 

"Stop," I stated stepping into the house but I was basically ignored.

I took another deep breath before shouting it again, only to once again be ignored. 

They carried on arguing and throwing blows at each other. I couldn't stand watching them hurt each other but I couldn't move, I was too scared.

Kol turned to look at me before grabbing Klaus by the throat to stop him. They stood there and didn't move. Slowly I saw the gashes over their exposed skin heal. 

I squinted to see if my eyes were deceiving me but they weren't. Within a couple of moments they were good as new.

"What's going on?" I whispered slightly scared. 

They turned to each other un-sure whether they should speak or not. 

What was going on here?

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