Prologue- Avery's POV

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A/N- Hello so this was on my joint account Alaric_Saltzmanx that MarieStevens2 and I shared. As she only updated at the beginning of our writing, she said I can move our story onto this account. I will write at the top of the chapter whether Marie wrote the chapter. 

Avery >>>

Avery's POV

"Caroline, I'm going to the Gilbert's," I shouted from the front door so my cousin would be able to hear me wherever she was in the house.

"Okay, I'll see you there later me and Elena are getting ready for the Mikaelson's ball together," She responded. 

With that I shouted a goodbye and made my way out of the house. 

I was one of the newer residents of Mystic Falls as I moved here a few months ago to live with my Aunt and cousin. The only reason I had to come here was because my life was turned upside down. My parents were killed in a boating accident, so I was left as an orphan to my closest relatives. 

I hated the sympathetic glances I got from everyone around here, just because I was new and I had lost my family didn't mean I wanted their sympathy. I just wanted to be normal, I know that's what my parents would've wanted me to do. 

So within a couple of weeks of being here I started school with my cousin, Caroline. I was two years younger than her but I still hung around with her friends I didn't know anyone else. That's where I met my best friend Jeremy Gilbert, he is one of Caroline's best friends brothers. He is my age and understood what I went through, his parents had also died recently, now he lived with his aunt. 

The walk between my house and his wasn't that much so when I got there I let myself in seen as they didn't lock the front door for some reason. 

"Jeremy, Elena," I shouted as no one was downstairs. 

"Come straight up Avery," Jeremy replied shouting down the stairs. 

I did as I was told and walked up the stairs to by best friends room where I knocked.

"Come in," He chuckled seeing no need to my politeness. 

"Hey," I smiled pushing the door to behind me. 

"Is Caroline coming over later?" He questioned. 

"Yeah, her and Elena are getting ready for the mikaelson's ball together," I shrugged. 

"Speaking of which, would you like to go to the ball with me, as friends that is," He smiled softly. 

"Of course Jer, who else would take me and who else would you take?" I chuckled sitting down on the edge of his bed. 

"Do you actually have a dress?" He asked with a smirk. 

"Um... No, I don't own dresses," I stated. He really didn't know me does he. 

"You can't wear jeans, go speak to Elena, see if she has a dress you could borrow," He frowned at me knowing I'd argue with him. 

I sighed in defeat knowing I had no other choice. I slowly got up off of the bed and walked to Elena's bedroom knocking on the door. 

"Hey Avery," She smiled opening the door. 

"Hello Elena, your brother told me to come and see if you had a dress i could borrow for the ball tonight," I smiled back weakly. 

"Of course Ave," She grinned dragging me into her room. She walked over to her wardrobe and began rumaging through her wardrobe. I can't believe this is happening. 

"Here, you'll look great in this," She beamed holding a red dress. 

"Thank you Elena," I sighed taking it from her hand. 

"Oh and here's some shoes to go with it," She stated handing me matching shoes, "Wait your going with my brother?"

"Thanks and yeah, but only as friends," I shrugged before going back to Jeremy's room holding the dress and the death trap, called heels. 

"That's a nice dress you'll look good in it," He chuckled knowing I was going to hate every moment of this evening. 

"Thanks, but you know I'm not impressed at all Jeremy Gilbert," I growled. 

Generally I was a happy person and kind to everyone but he set me up on this. I didn't actually dislike him because of it but i was slightly annoyed. 

"I know, but I have to be seen in public with you how do you think I'll feel?" He chuckled, "You'll be clinging onto my arm to make sure you don't fall over in your heels."

It was true I wasn't too stable on my feet anyway let alone adding height to only a segment of my feet, that was pure stupidity. 

"You know I won't I'll gracefully fall over and you'll just have to help me up," I shrugged knowing he was not going to win this argument like the last.

"Yeah, so the ball starts in like two hours, Caroline with be here soon, so are you going to get ready with the girls?" he asked.

"No, if I do, they'll do something horrid to my hair and put make-up on me, I'll just change in the bathroom and do my hair in here," I shrugged. 

I wasn't very girly, I had got my hair cut reletively short so not much could be done to it. Most of the time I'd wear jeans and a t-shirt nothing fancy or anything that could be classed as girly. As well as that I never wore makeup unless I was forced to. 

Some time passed and Caroline turned up going to Elena's room to prepare for the ball. I stayed in Jeremy's room kicking him out so I could get dressed. 

The red dress reached the floor even when I put my heels on. It had ruffled material up one side with a sliver brooch securing it in place. A silver band went around my waist leaving the top half strapless. 

Luckily it fit perfectly but I think that's a downside seen as I would have to wear it and i had no excuse. 

I kept my Mother's silver locket around my neck, but it matched the dress so it didn't look bad. I then brushed my blond hair leaving it down but putting a silver clip in to keep my fringe from my face. 

"You can come back in," I stated calling to Jeremy who was still stood outside. 

He came in and smiled at me. 

"You look beautiful Ave, now leave so I can get ready," He chuckled giving me a hug. 

I left his room and went back to Elena's to see both the girls prepared for this treacherous night. 

"You both look great," I smiled. 

Elena had a black and gold dress on that suited her. It puffed out at the bottom, leaving it looking like a proper ball gown. 

Caroline on the other hand had a slim fitting blue dress that matched her eye colour. She looked over the moon with how she looked.

"You look great, I've never seen you in a dress," Caroline squealed pulling me into a bone crushing hug. 

"Can't breath," I groaned. 

"Sorry, but you look great," She smiled letting go of me. 

"Thanks," I smiled back, "You both look awesome."

"So who's your date?" Caroline asked.

"I'm going with Jeremy but as friends," I stated, "Who are you two going with?"

"Stefan probably, if he can't go Damon, not that either of them actually wants to go," Elena shrugged. 

"I was invited by Klaus, he;s one of the Mikaelson's," Caroline stated. 

"I hope you guys have fun, I'm going to go see if Jer's ready," I smiled leaving Elena's room and going to knock on Jeremy's door. 

"Come in Ave," He responded. 

I walked into his room to see him in a suit that actually made him look mature.

"You look great," I smiled softly. 

"So do you, I've never seen you look like a proper girl, your always in jeans," He chuckled. 

"Well I've never seen you look mature, your always in jeans as well," I stated. 

"True," He chuckled. 

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