Prologue- Jaenelle's POV

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Marie Wrote this chapter

Jaenelle >>>

Jaenelle's POV

"Is there anything else I can get you miss?"  A waiter asked as I finished eating at a lovely Italian restaurant.

But just as I was about to answer him my phone started ringing within my pocket. I quickly sent the waiter away to see who had been able to get a hold of my brand new phone number that no one knew.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hey Jaenelle." The person who phoned me responded. I didn't recognise the voice on the other end.

"Who is this?" I asked wearily. 

The reply I got back was quite surprising. "I'm hurt you don't recognise your old friend"

There is only one person who could pull off that tone of total confidence mixed with hurt and amusement.

"KATERINA?! How have you been? Are you okay you didn't check in when you were supposed too. Ive been so worried! Where are y.." I spoke with surprise laced in with my words. 

But being the bitch she is she cut me off sounding even more amused then before. "Calm down girl I'm fine. I ran into some trouble and I'm going to have to ask you for a big favour."

"Anything Katerina you know that I will help you in anyway you need. What do you need and how bad is the trouble your in this time?" I sighed knowing it wasn't going to end well with her 'favour'.  I cant belive she actually sounds like she thought I would not help her though.

"Well I just need you to go to Mystic Falls and make sure I'm not followed or if I am warn me so I dont have to worry and look over my shoulder as much as I have. Then I can narrow my trouble down to one word: Klaus."


Arriving in Mystic Falls I could tell instantly that it may look more modern but it had not changed one bit in the hundred or so years since I was last been here. Still a small town with everyone so close they not only know who you are they know everything about you as well as having a boat load of secrets hiding behind the perfect town facade.

First thing I need to do is find a place to stay whilst being here. Seems like I will need to pay an old friend a visit. The Salvatore's.

I drove my Nissan skyline GT R2 over to the Salvatore boarding house. When I got there I overhead a conversation about a ball at the Mikaelson's. I guess I'll be crashing that ball then. 

As I got into the house I was pushed against the wall with a hand around my throat. I knew who it was straight away. As if Damon could take me on I'm a couple hundred years older than him meaning I was stronger than him. I just pushed his hands away like swatting a fly. This motion sent Damon to the floor.

I saw the exact moment he realised who I was, it was just after he landed on the floor, making him freeze in place. 

"What are you doing here?" He blurts out making me laugh.

"Just wanting to see what is happening in this quant little town," I smirked down at him. 

"I'll only believe that if you have either became insane or turned your emotions off. So which one is it Jaenelle huh?" His blue eyes did not leave my own at all as he tryed to be stronger than he actually was. "No you have your emotions or I'd be dead already so that only leaves you being insane. What finally tipped you over the edge?" He answered his own question not giving me a chance to speak.

"I'm not insane. At least not quite yet, but I am curious. So are you going to help me or am I going to have to make you?"  I asked him with a smile in my face making him quickly ask  about what help I required.

"Just information on what's going on around town which also includes taking me to that ball I heard you mention before. Oh, I almost forgot I will also need a place to stay, so what do you say?" 

"Fine just there's some simple rules you need to follow. 1. No touching my alcohol. 2. Don't even think about hurting Elena. 3. ..." He drooned on. 

"Why don't you just slow down there and get me up to date on what has happened around here first?" I chuckled.

So we sat talking for about an hour. Talking about everything that had happened and what rules I'm going to be 'following' during my stay here.

Afterwards I made Damon take all my stuff up stairs to my bedroom so I could settle into my new home before getting ready for the ball.

I then quickly jumped in the shower. There was no way I was not having one after being in the car for so long. After I had got out of the shower I picked out a white dress with a flowing skirt that reached just above my knee's. It gold leaves as a belt around my waist . To finish it off I matched it with strappy gold heels and big silver hoop earings. For makeup I only applied eyeliner, mascara, silver eyeshadow and lip gloss. I left my hair curly and flowing down my back in it's loose black ringlets.

After grabbing my gold cluch I went down to meet Damon in the living room. I have got to say he was acting the way he usually did like you would expect of a true manwhore. He tryed to charm his way into my pants like it would be expected of him. 

"Oh come on. Lets go already I want to get there and meet some new people. Come on," I said as I dragged him out the door to his car because I was not letting him touch my car and he definitely wouldn't let me drive him anywhere.

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