Chapter 5

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'What..?' Mairu signed nervously. Getting the orb he had received from Headmaster Mercury ready just in case.

"We know that you're not a Magma fairy, your wings differ greatly from one." Celine replied. Mairu was getting nervous.

"So here's what's going to happen, you can tell us who you really are, no judgement will be placed upon you. Or you can refrain from telling us, and we'll forget this ever happened. We'll still be friends of course, but we'll just never talk about this intervention again. Your call." The elf explained, Mairu trembled, shaking at this confrontation. He soon remembered what the headmaster had told him, that this would happen eventually.

'Okay.' He signed, complying to their request. 'I knew this day would come, but I never expected it to be this soon.' He adjusted himself in his seat. 'To inform you, Headmaster Mercury and Vice Headmistress Mrs. Thorn are aware of this. They inflicted a Promise Spell on themselves to keep me safe.'

Ivory began to think about what he had just said, 'A promise spell? If the promise is broken, it could result in deadly consequences.' The others were bracing themselves for the big reveal.

'My name is Mairu, Prince of the Underworld. I am the son of the Demon king. I am a Demon..' He covered his head with his arms, ready to take punishment. It was an immediate reaction to the news being revealed. The others began to process the information they had just received. There was a long pause.

"You know.. We've never been friends with a Demon before." Ivory started. Mairu looked up and turned to Ivory who was next to him. He proceeded to look at everyone around, to see their eyes, not filled with hate, but with acceptance. Sebastian was right, there was no judgement.

'Y-You guys don't resent me for who I am?' Mairu signed shakily, unable to process their kindness. Kade scooted on between Ivory and Mairu to put an arm around the armored boy.

"Why would we? It just makes you even more intriguing!" Kade spoke. Mairu was about to break.

"He's right you know. Just because you are a demon, doesn't mean you're evil. I mean, You're the living and walking proof! I'm sure there's more like you." Celine added. Mairu began to sob, all this kindness was too much.

'Thank you... You have no idea how much this means to me.. After all I've been through, throughout the years was just awful. I can finally be at peace of mind' He signed. Though they may not see his face, his happiness could be felt in the room.

"Hey Mairu, there are a few questions I've been meaning to ask, one of which has been answered already, but may I ask them?" Sebastian sat at the edge of his seat. The demon nodded. "Why do you wear the armor? It's to conceal the fact you're a demon isn't it?" The boy nodded.

'Yes, but it's not just that. It keeps my magic level concealed, protects me against malicious spells and protects me in general.' Mairu explained.

"I see, they do have guards from the Capital visit from time to times for suspicious activity by checking the magic levels. Here's my next question, is there a reason why you can't talk?" Everyone was wondering the same thing.

'Yes, you see, I can speak with my voice, but I can't.' He answered, everyone looked at each other confused by what he just said.

"Do you mind elaborating?" Celine asked, usually not much peaked her interest, but this certainly did.

'I can speak in an ancient demonic language, lost through the ages. Only my father and I can speak it. This language can only be spoken with a specific set of vocal cords, which I have, but in result, I do not have the vocal cords to speak the Mainland language." He signed and pointed at his own throat.

"I see. I presume that we would not be able to speak your language if we tried because we would not possess said vocal cords as you do?" Sebastian spoke. Mairu nodded, the pieces were all coming together.

"Wow, as every second goes by, you become more and more intriguing." Kade smiled, side hugging the armored kid further.

"Jeez Kade, leave him some space." Celine spoke annoyed by Kade's advancements. Mairu didn't mind at all. He's never felt such a friendly connection with anyone.

'It's fine Celine, I don't mind. This feels kind of nice.' Mairu smiled under his helmet. Kade immediately had an idea after he just said that. Being the sneaky guy he was, he needed time to prepare his grand plan. Ivory knew exactly what he was planning, it was all in plain sight. She chuckled and immediately got a thought to help Kade in some way.

"Say Mairu, you said you wear this armor to conceal the fact you're a demon. Can you take off your helmet so we can see how you look?" The second she asked, Mairu shook his head rapidly, denying her request. "Awww please? Just a quick look-"

"Have you not heard what he said earlier? It's not just the fact he's a demon, it's also to hide his magic levels, if he removes the helmet he will be detected by the guards that come over to the school." Sebastian said, crossing his arms. Ivory nodded frowning. Mairu placed a hand on her shoulder to reassure her.

'I'm sure that one day, I'll be free from this armor to reveal my true self.' He smiled under his helmet. Ivory smiled.

On that day, a deeper connection was created within each and one of them. The 4 friends knew exactly what this meant. They could be seen as a threat by the Capital by befriending a demon, but they didn't care. They knew that Mairu would never be evil like everyone says demons are. Mairu looked down at his palm, to see the crystal bead disintegrating, a sign of growth and peace. Headmaster Mercury knew all along what would occur, he's been listening and understanding more about his captivating student.

"Well guys, tomorrow is Saturday. Any plans tomorrow?" Ivory asked. Mairu was quite confused, it was his first time in a school, so he didn't know what that meant. Kade looked at him chuckling, thinking his reaction was cute.

"You okay there Mairu? You look confused." Kade chuckled. Mairu nodded.

'We don't have class tomorrow?' He signed, confused. Everyone began to chuckle except Sebastian of course.

"No silly! It's the weekend, we have no school until Monday. If we did it would be miserable." Kade laughed at his confusion. "Oh I know! We should all go to the nearby city to show Mairu! I'm sure you haven't been to one in years right?" Mairu nodded, it had been a few years since he's been in one, back then they were mere villages with no technology.

"Then it's decided! We're going on a trip to the city. We'll shop, go to restaurants, arcades, all sorts of fun!" Ivory spoke happily.

Mairu was indeed excited for the trip, but his mind couldn't help but wonder if it was the same location as that village years ago, where he lost his very first friend.

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