The Day got crazier

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As their first day of classes were still on Y/n, Claire and Joan were looking over their notes and eating their lunch while talking as the girls were giving them jealous looks and some mutter.

Girl1: I want to sit next to Y/n.

Girl2: No fair why those two have to sit with him.

Girl3: His f/c eye are dreaming.

The same could be said for the Guys as they look at him with Jealousy.

Guy1: Damn that Y/n. He gets to sit with two hot chicks and the rest are eyeing him like damn Kiba.

Guy2:.Dude I don't think its a good idea to mess with him. Look at his body is well built.

Guy3: Besides I think those three know each other well.

Guy4: Yeah I heard that they are dating.

Though unknown to most was that Akeno was in the club with a red haired girl playing chess and talking about the three new additions to their Academy.

??: So you're saying that there is something different about those three. Right Akeno?

Akeno: Yes I am Rias. Joan has this warrior feel similar to Kiba and Claire I can sense some level of magic I think. Though Y/n he is a different story.

Rias a full devil rose her eyebrow at what her queen was saying and ask.

Rias: What makes you say it?

Akeno: Well when we meet I can feel that there are two beings in one body but it is not bit like possession. Like they are symbiotic of one another.

Rias: Hmm. Akeno I want to to keep a eye on them and report back on whatever seems out of the ordinary and tell Kokeno to spy Issie.

Akeno: Alright Rias.*though* This should be fun though Y/n is good to look at.

Rias saw Akeno who can tell her eyes are a bit showing lust. She shook her head and though why does she do it every time. Back at the lunchroom as Y/n,Claire,and Joan finish their meals they talked a bit.

Y/n: This place is a bit "unique".

Claire: You could say that again.

Joan: It ain't bad. At least we have the same classes together.

Y/n: True but I don't like some of the looks some people are giving us. Especially those three guys looking at you two.

All turn to A brown chestnut hair guy named Issei and the other two were with him one wearing Glasses and they were Matsuda and Motohama.

Issei: Man look at those two babes. Perfect body shape and breasts.

Matsuda: I know but they seem to hang out with him.

Motohama: Right what does he have that we don't.

Issei: Uh guys he is staring at us.

All three perverts look and see Y/n giving them the Glare and using his hands signaling if they ever think if doing anything to Joan and Claire. Next he shows them his thumb and used it to cross over his neck and gave them chills and gulps.

Y/n's pov

I swear to all that is good that in this world. Why did we have to go to a school where nearly everyone is a pervert. We were told of the pervert trio and I just threatened them and it was funny to see their reactions even Venom though so.

Venom: Haha. You really got them good there Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah I did. But I wonder what will happen is we unleash venom on them.

Venom: Probably they are going to piss their pants and run away screaming like little girls.

Y/n: Most likely. *bell rings* I'll talk to you later pal.

We went off to our class and soon as it was getting near the end of the day. Gym class was the last thing to do. We were getting dress and for the guys we were wearing a white shirt and red shirts with white sneakers. As I got out I notice some of them are giving me looks.

Y/n: What are you looking at?

Then the gym coach came out and was looking at each one of them before ending at me and saying.

Coach: At least one of you does their exercise.

I look more closer and see what he means. Most if the guys were either scrawny and fat while I got a good body build while sporting a scar or two. I can tell the coach was glad one of us were exercising. Then he went up to me and saw my scar on my arm.

Coach: How did you get that scar Y/n?

That got most guys attentions and saw it were shock. I gave them the most honest answer.

Y/n: I fought a bear when I was camping back home. Nasty guy but I won.

It wasn't a lie I really did get that from a bear. That got most guys more surprised and the coach laugh and said.

Coach: Haha. Y/n I think we are going to get along nicely. At least you have the balls to stand up to a bear and bot run away.

I chuckle and soon saw the girls come out they wore the same shirt but they wore blue shorts that don't leave much to the imagination and the guys were making comments about it I just ignored them.

Third person

As all the girls were out they immediately surrounded Y/n and began look at him and drool at his form while two girls Claire and Joan were giving off a dark aura around them. While they though.

Claire:*though* I swear if I can use my magic I will drive them away from him.

Joan:*though* I wish I had my sword to scare then a way from him. He doesn't need them he has us.

They made their way through the group and got to Y/n and notice his and his form. They did see him workout before and they were memorize by it. Though they dragged him out much to the girls and guys discomfort.

Y/n: Thanks you guys I don't know how long I would've stand it.

Claire: No problem but you own us one.

Joan: Yes you do and we'll hold you to it.

Y/n: Fine you win there is no use arguing with you two. Besides like a old saying I heared. "There is no fury like a woman scorned."

Claire: Damn right.

Akeno walked out and saw the trio but want caught her eye was Y/n and she had to admit she saw models and muscle man. But he was in a whole new different level. He isn't to muscle and that scar in his arm looked like a claw probably a animal. She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him. Y/n felt her and two soft assests get on his back. He shivers and turn to see Akeno smiling and saying.

Akeno: Hello Y/n.

Y/n: uh Hello Akeno what's up?

Akeno: Nothing much just enjoying the view. *though* I could really lose myself in his muscles.

Y/n: Alright but can you please let me go.

Akeno: Sure. By the way Y/n how do I look.

She twirl and Y/n was trying to find the right word for it until venom said.

Venom: Say that she looks beautiful.

Y/n:*though* What?

Venom: Hey look as your friend Y/n. I'm trying to help you become a man.

Y/n: Thanks for you concern venom. Wait be one a man?

Venom: Yes loose your virginity.

Y/n: Are you crazy. Well talk about this later alright.

Venom said okay and he was brought out and said the first thing in his mind.

Y/n: You look beautiful Akeno. *though* that sneaky son of a bitch Venom.

Akeno: Why thank you Y/n. You're not so bad yourself.

She began to trace over him with her fingers feeling every muscle he had while some said.

Girl: No Akeno he is mine.

Guy: Damn why does he get her attention.

Then he was pulled out by Joan and Claire.

Joan: Akeno don't do that to Y/n.

Claire: Yes,we won't let you play around with him.

Akeno: *smirk* Really now. It is bit because you two are Jealous.

Both got a bit red and soon the coach called the to do what he says is boot camp. After that and getting clean the final bell rang and they began to go back home. As the trio git in the car Y/n saw both Claire and Joan giving him a few glares.

Y/n: What did I do?

Joan: You called Akeno beautiful.

Y/n: It wasn't my fault. Venom put that in my head without me noticing.

Claire: It that true Venom.

Venom: Maybe, alright yes I did.

Claire: Why? *lights her hand in blue fire*

Venom: To Help him get laid.

Joan: Venom, me and Claire are going to kill you.

Venom: If you kill me then you kill Y/n as well in the process.

Claire: Ugh you lucky punk.

Y/n just stared and winder what the hell just happened. As he began to drive home he notice that someone was following them. He took a look in the mirror to see Akeno spying on them. So he told Joan and Claire and began to use camo when getting into a alley and go home once she was gone. Now that they return home and did their work and ate they rest for tomorrow will be another long day.

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