4: Be A Little Selfish, For Goodness Sake

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"I'm afraid, I'll be her partner tonight. Sorry boy, but Els will be taking Bill with her tonight as well." San sidled up to you. "Run along, Pina, you beautiful thing, before you capture someone's heart and break Ellen's'."

You looked up at San, surprised. But something didn't smell right.

As you walked with him to light a candle, you noticed a certain wolf couple holding a candle between themselves.

"A carnivore's strength can't shine where there's no light." Juno spoke sincerely. "Don't you understand? When you're off fighting society alone in the darkness... You'll be feared and hated. Not to mention overwhelmed by your own strength. You're the only one who suffers. And I don't want to see you that way. Come to the light... with me, Legoshi."

It took you all your strength not to react to them. Holding hands, lighting a candle.

"That must be hard to--" San started.

"Nothing. I don't feel anything. We aren't dating. He just rescued me. That's all." Unfortunately, you weren't in the mood for pity.

"Regardless," San's head dropped to your ear. "I have a message. From Louis."

Your ears perked up immediately.

"He's okay?" You asked

"Yeah, but he's in a... situation. I'm going to give you directions. You'll meet him there. If you want, of course."

"Yes. I want to make sure he's okay... I'm worried like everyone else."

Why am I such a liar... You thought to yourself. I can't admit I hate seeing Legoshi with Juno. Or that I want to cry now that I see him running after Haru. And I don't miss Louis like everyone else. I miss him dearly. We had just started to get to know each other.

"When should I go to this place?" You asked, holding a candle in your hands.

"Tonight. He insisted. Worried about how it would go with all the 'unnecessary female drama'." San chuckled. "Just like him."

As he lit the candle for you, Els and Bill, Pina and Ellen and now you and Pina locked eyes.

"Friends 'til the end." San nodded.

"Friends 'til the end." Everyone repeated and set their candles down.

The tension dissolved as you all walked away.

"To the end of what?..." You inquired, curiously.

"High school."  San laughed. "Of course. I'm graduating this year, along with all the other third years. Why else would I have endured those remedial classes instead of joining you at drama club!?"

"I guess, that's fair." You shrugged. "Am I going to get in trouble? No one ever said anything to me about missing curfew..."

"Louis probably handled it." He smiled and gave you a note, with what you assumed were directions. "I told you, he might be popular and good looking, but he's not one to play around. Not at least without telling you."

"Thank you, San." You looked at him and nodded.

"My pleasure." He turned around to walk away, but paused. "YN?"


"You don't have to let everyone have their way. Sometimes its okay to be a little selfish. That way, no one takes advantage of you."

You opened the paper and put a little smile on. The location was just what you expected of Louis.

"I'm okay, San. I don't need to have my way."

I told Legoshi the truth already. If it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be. After all, I'm just a first year high school student. What do I know about love?

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