Chapter Eighteen. Safe for now.

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Jenny rested peacefully in the VIP hospital room, not unconscious just asleep, although she had been sleeping for nearly eighteen hours. At around eight that morning, a familiar figure sat up on the fold-out guest bed, inside the hospital room. 

Joon-Jae stretched and scrubbed the sleep from his eyes, picking up an overnight bag left by his manager and walked to the private bathroom. His clothes were crumpled from being slept in but the change of clothes and wash things were prepared to make him ready for all audiences.

Strangely, he felt completely comfortable washing in this room, so close to the woman who was supposed to be an evil maniac who had caused him so much suffering. He dried his hair and packed up all his clothes, ready for his manager to deal with.

Today the people Jenny had been staying with would visit and he would exit the scene. It had taken some time to convince his manager that he owed it to his fan to stay with her as she slept but he was having a hard time convincing himself of the reasons why.

The responsible feeling was very strong considering he barely knew this woman and he was reluctant to leave, but his schedule had only been cleared for one day, to attend court. He began to pace anxiously, thinking about ditching his photo shoot. But he couldn't get into another scandal, she had mentioned children so was a married woman and Joon-Jae knew staying longer might be suspicious.

Finally, her friends arrived with his manager, bringing the typical gifts of fruit, health products and flowers. Joon-Jae eyed the visitors carefully, slightly upset that they were all male. They set everything down and introduced themselves.

"Hi, I'm Mark!" The shortest of the three said, holding out a hand to Joon-Jae. "I'm one of Jenny's roommates. I haven't known her long but I think we are pretty good friends."

Joon-Jae shook his hand suspiciously and waited for the next introduction. Mark nudged the other Korean man, who seemed slightly dazed but the tall black man answered next.

"I am Ricardo, also room-mates. My Korean is not good but I can understand." He said in a rich Portuguese accent, nodding and shaking Joon-Jae's hand.

"Um, yes alright!" The other man exclaimed after another nudge. "I am Tae-ho, the owner and manager of the homestay where Jenny was booked to stay. Can I get a picture with you?" He added.

"Tim! Really, this isn't the place to ask," Mark scolded.

"No, it's fine. We can take a picture when Jenny wakes up if you'd like. It doesn't feel right to leave her out," Joon-Jae replied with a frown, still unsettled by their presence in the room.

His manager chatted with Ricardo, offering his card as Tae-ho and Mark told Joon-Jae about Jenny's crusade to help some of her other room-mates.

"She is such a good person, I do feel quite guilty about what happened. Because of my lack of support, two of my guests were pulled into whatever is going on with that police station and I was stuck trying to protect my business, " Tae-ho explained.

"I knew Jenny was a good person when she returned my dog without asking for a reward, she just hugged Tan. I didn't even fill in the witness statement the police gave in, it was all false information. My agency's legal team has taken over now, the false news and evidence will be dealt with. Hopefully, the real culprit will be found and the other cases should be taken care of too," Joon-Jae replied.

"Oh, Sam is still missing, will your agency help with the others?" Mark asked.

"Sorry, my team will only help Jenny but the corrupt police were already under investigation, the police task force will take over," Joon-Jae explained.

They all left the room, with Joon-Jae trying not to show his relief that they weren't staying. The female prison officer was outside the room, ready to guard Jenny until she was released. The verdict hadn't been given due to all the events of the day before and they had to wait several days until the next hearing.

Joon-Jae had no intention of letting Jenny go back to the detention centre and the legal team was on the case of her false arrest. The group walked to the exit where Joon-Jae's van was waiting, he turned and waved before getting inside.

Once the door closed and he was safe behind dark one-way glass windows, Joon-Jae relaxed. He felt as if the morning was a scene from one of his dramas, it had taken massive amounts of willpower to act normally. In a similar setting he would be trying to act with jealousy on purpose but today he was doing the opposite.

That made him think about his feelings, had he been a bit overprotective? Was this jealousy? It just didn't make sense, yes, he did feel very close to this Jenny. But they had never spoken to each other. Is this what it really felt to care about someone, to see all other men around her as the enemy? He couldn't deny the feeling and he didn't want to ignore it, all his acting career he had been about pretending to feel affection. The jealousy just made it more certain.

When his manager tucked Jenny's blanket in as he passed by, Joon-Jae had nearly pushed him away and only by clenching his teeth and holding onto his travel bag, had he stopped himself. He couldn't deny that he found her attractive or that she made him happy but was it love? The only way to find out would be to spend more time with her.

Even if it wasn't romantic love, there were many other kinds. It could be protectiveness over a fan or the feelings for a good friend, even the closeness felt for a sibling. With his mind made up, he went over the schedule on his phone, he would be back to help her leave the hospital and check into a hotel. Tae-ho had already delivered her belongings to his agency so everything was already settled.

The manager frowned as he checked through the emails from the various clothing lines Joon-Jae was modelling today. He saw the expressions changing on Joon-Jae's face and recognised them, he also noticed the jealous behaviour in the hospital against the visitors and himself. Approaching Jenny on purpose as they left, he took note of Joon-Jae's well-hidden but obvious reactions and knew things were about to get complicated.

Later that day, the photo shoot had gone well and finished earlier than usual, the photographer being impressed by Joon-Jae's richly emotional expression. With the schedule rearranged for the next few days, they headed back to the hospital to pay and settle Jenny into the hotel.

The hospital had called to let them know that Jenny was up and the agency had managed to release the prison guard so their security was now in place. Once they arrived at the hotel, Jenny would be staying on a restricted floor and security would not be needed at the door.


All kinds of things are happening around unconscious Jenny. I will show Joon-Jae's point of view in third person in the next chapter, see you next week.

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