Chapter 1: A Whole New World 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈

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'The whole world is different from yesterday'

- Love Yourself: Answer
Serendipity, BTS Jimin


Y/N's POV:

My head aches, as I remember the series of events that occurred only yesterday. I remember every little detail, like the little etches on a 5 cent coin.

From the scarf, to my fall, which wasn't even that high. I don't know how I started bleeding that much, it's so... weird. I don't get it. I guess the skin or bones in my head is weak? I really don't know...

As I contemplate on what happened, the aching starts to fade away, as the steamy hot sun burns my skin, blinding me too, making me want to find some sunglasses.

Wasn't it nighttime just a while ago?

Where... Am I? I silently whisper the question to myself, as I realise... That I'm in a market.

But no ordinary market. A market filled with... With people in beige and white robes, it looks like a movie set. Did I get casted for a movie without knowing or what?

I run to a corner, where no one is, as I notice a full body mirror. I take a look at my appearance, looking the same as everyone else in the market. I blended in really well... But I notice there's no cameras or any sort of staff in sight.

I touch my wrist, and notice a shining piece of jewellery. It's a beautiful golden bracelet, decorated with sparkling previous gems, ruby and sapphire crystals covering the surface.

Why do I have this??? Why??? Where... Where am I??? I then realise I'm up in a building, with some other guy who looks pretty knocked out.

But I realise I'm wrong, as he starts to move in his place. He turns to his side, and I'm now able to see his full face. It looks like... Like it's glowing. Not literally but, it's just so pretty and familiar.

Wait this is a dream isn't it? I'm just hallucinating maybe? Because isn't this guy my coworker? And my classmate? Right, the uhm Jin... Jinsin. Yeah.

His face is now embedded into my mind I guess. I see him everywhere. Its like I'm the prisoner and he's the prison cell, trapping me.

Ah, it's probably nothing. I just see him so frequently that I'm now having dreams about him.

Or maybe it's a nightmare? But like, I never have dreams in the first place, so why would I dream about him? Why him?

I end my thoughts as his body raises, scratching his brown honey-like eyes. He makes soft noises as he finally looks at me.

It's okay to stare, it's just a dream.

"Wah WHY ARE YOU STARING AT ME-- Oh, it's you... Y/N." He says, as he starts falling silent again.

He knows me? OH of course he knows me, I'm so stupid. Ah, then why does he sound so sad when he realises its me? Does he hate me or something??
It's nothing. Has to be.

"Uhm hi?" I awkwardly say, as I scratch the back of my neck.

"Hi... Min Y/N."


Jimin's POV:

Does she remember me? Is it really her?

And where am I? It's a dream right. I probably got knocked out... Wait...


Oh no... I haven't apologised to Y/N... I haven't found out what happened to my friends... I haven't even graduated university... There's so many things I want to do before I die...

Ah at least I found good friends... But I wasted the past month with Y/N without knowing it.

I regret so much things. I just wanna relive my life again and make it right.

"Y/N... Do you remember me?" I ask quietly, looking into her eyes.

She looks back at me, scanning over my face.

"Yes of course I know you," She says with a golden smile, as my heart gets lifted. "You're my coworker and classmate." She says enthusiastically, making my heart sink again.

So she doesn't remember me... Should I tell her? I really should. She deserves to know right? Ah why am I making it sound like a kidnapped her brother?

"Oh yeah, that's correct." I laugh to myself, trying to act natural, but of course, I fail.

I scan my surroundings, unsure of where I am. Then I remember... It's just a dream, a place I'm going before I die. Do I miss her this much? Do I miss her this much that I'm in a very hot environment with only her?

But then my body starts to hurt, hurt really bad, as I feel a sharp object pointing at me...

A rock. A sharp rock. So wait...

I'm not dying? I'm not dreaming? This is real?

"Y/n please do me a favour and slap me, pinch me. Anything. Just make me feel pain. Please." I ask of her, hoping she obeys me and doesn't mind.

She blindly does what I say, as soon as I said so. She lifts her hand, turns to her right, ever so slightly and slaps me, in the face, very hard.

And I'm not saying hard for a girl. It's like... It felt like she wanted to kill me with one slap alone. What happened in the past several years?

Did she take taekwondo lessons? Karate? She's as flexible as a noodle in dance, when doing her contemporary routines but this, this hits different. It hits hard, literally.

"Ow... Why did you do THAT?" I complain even though that's what I asked her to do.

"Because you asked me to?" She says and mutters curses under her breath.

"I said slap, but I mean, I didn't mean for it to be that hard," I say to her.

"You asked for it dude. I just did what you said. So don't be an ungrateful brat about it." She rolls her eyes at me.

Leaving her for 6 years has made her bitter and salty... I guess she needs a new dose of sugar.

"I'm not dreaming right?" She asks me, her expression softening, like a tough rock becoming a graceful flower within seconds.

"I don't think so... Considering that slap hurt, a lot. Like ow, you do taekwondo or something?" I ask.

"Yeah actually. I do. Black belter actually." She admits.

Ah I guess after I took lessons, she decided it was a good idea for her to learn as well.

Following in the steps of me, Park Jimin. I'm honoured.

I hear the muffled sound of clattering plates and screaming from under us. I don't take much notice of it until 3 guard looking men come into my sight.

"Seize the thief! Aladdin is wanted," The taller man yells orders as he points at... At...

At US?!

An epiphany strikes me as I get a gist of what's happening right now. And what's happening is... I'm Aladdin? That can't be true though--

Y/N looks at them in terror as they run to us. I quickly jump to my feet and grab her hand, as I run to the wooden plank that's connecting these 2 buildings together.

The wood is thin, which causes me to jump as soon as I hear a crack.

I see the other guards follow behind me, but soon fall down to the ground when the plank splits in half.

Don't tell me I accidentally killed someone? No, it's their fault. They were the dumb one.

She whispers a thank you, as she lightly let's go of my hand. She looks around the room but I hear the guards on the other side call more over.

I take it as a signal to run again, as I once again take her hand and say "Trust me, Min Y/N."

She nods fastly and we go climb up the stairs as fast as our legs can take us. I don't know what's happening, but I'm guessing we're in Aladdin right now. Or its a prank. One or another, it works I guess.

And I'm really, really hoping it's a prank.

We're now on top of the building, I'm able to see the whole city. The buildings I can see look very similar, cream walls and many people scattered on the ground.

I could see food stalls, and various other things too. That's when I notice a creature tug my leg.

A monkey.

"Don't tell me... " I say to myself.

"It's probably just a different monkey right?" She says to herself... Or me... Or both of us.

"It's... Yeah it has to be different." I say, but it's not enough to fully convince me. That's what I want to believe though.

The wind picks up speed slightly, leading me and Y/N to face behind us. That's where we see it.

A large, beautiful structure. A white and gold palace.

Thats when I was sure...

"We're in a fairytale... We're in Aladdin."


Y/N's POV:

It can't be. I-- we-- This isn't real. But... But it is isn't it? It's real. Everything... It's real. I don't think we would both dream about the same thing. Nor am I hallucinating. I did hit my head but... I just know. It's real. It is.

I look at the building, it's far in the distance. It's... Beautiful. Majestic even. I can't take my eyes off of this wonder. Knowing something like this exists somewhere, the light reflecting off the golden domes.

But I have my questions. Where are we? I... I want to go home. I have to. Mrs. Park would be so worried about me. First my brother and now... Now me.

Is this what happened to him? Did he disappear into a place like this too? Is he alive? Is he safe? Is he... Is he okay?

My worries lower, as I see the other guys smile.

I don't even know his name do I? I never really paid much attention I guess. I think his name is pretty. Something that would match his odd but charismatic personality.

"So... We're in the story... Aladdin." He says to break the silence.

I didn't notice but his eyes were already on me, as I look over at him.

"I guess so. But... I don't get it. How are we here? Were we kidnapped or something? Abducted by aliens? What is it?" I ask both myself and him.

"I don't know either, if you ask me. I don't understand this. But there has to be a reason. There's a reason to everything, and that means there's a meaning for this right?" And he's right.

We can't just have appeared here for nothing. This place... It's magical. You can feel it in the air.

I can see magic wands on my skin... Okay nevermind I'm kidding. Wait but now I do--

"AH- Oh it's just your hand. Sorry." I apologise quickly, as Jinsin swiftly removes his hand from my skin.

"Woah, are you ok? I was just brushing off some dirt. Ah I'm sorry. I should've just told you right? Forgot the boundaries here." He shyly looks away, at the cerulean blue skies.

His skin is sun-kissed, as it emits a glow, and shines as bright as the sun... Or in my opinion, maybe brighter.

His hair turns from a chocolate brown from under the shade, to a golden caramel colour, reminding me of the syrup on my pancakes back at home.

I just realised. I probably haven't eaten for 12 hours. And I'm really hungry.

I regret depriving myself from food, and rejecting the snack Rosé offered me. Ah it was my favourite too. Regrets are kind of annoying like the rat in my flat.

Jinsin looks back, catching my staring at his flawless face. My eyes widen, as wide as the Atlantic Ocean... No.

My eyes became as large as the milky way, as his eyes looked into mine.

"Were you... Ah nevermind. The scenery is nice isn't it?" He says, pointing straight, turning in an anti clockwise direction.

"It's a pulchritudinous sight." I say, as a stutter over the 15 letter mouthful, trying to make myself sound smart. I can notice a glimpse of a giggle coming from him, probably because he noticed my very long word choice.

The monkey, that I forgot what his name was in the fairytale...

What's his name? It's a male right? Don't assume a monkey's gender Y/N, for all we know the monkey could be bisexual.

Uhm was it... I KNOW! Bubu??? No sounds wrong.

Baby... Baba... Abubu? Sounds right, close enough I guess.

"Hey Abubu... Is that food in your hand?" I ask the little cute monkey.

In seconds I notice the short but attractive man, I think his name was Jinsin, start rolling on the ground and laughing.

He looks like a dog. And with his glorious shiny hair, he looks like a golden retriever in my opinion.

"Aba.. Ah ah ABUBU!" He laughs even harder this second time round, until he finally falls quiet and sits down like a normal person.


"It's Abu!" He says gleefully, as the monkey finally turns around and hugs him.

So it hates me. And its biased too. Great.

"Don't worry it doesn't hate you. I don't think so at least. He didn't turn because you said the wrong name." He said, patting the little creatures head, somehow reading my mind.

That's actually cute. Aww.

But I'm still offended... A bit.

"Abu...?" I say in a questioning voice.

The monkey finally turns around and walks over to me, wrapping his little arms around me. It's adorable.

He looks up at me, and drops the piece of bread into my hand.

"Thank you, Abu." I say, as I bite into the best and most tasteful bread my stomach has ever digested in its whole 19 years of living.

I look at Jinsin and share the other half, assuming he's hungry too.

"Ah thank you. But you didn't have to. I stole an apple earlier. I'm okay."

I assume he really isn't hungry, as I eat the rest, and give of a piece for Abu.

My eye catches something peaking from my pocket, a piece of paper.

Jinsin looks at his pocket and notices a piece of paper too.

"What is this..." I say, in a whispering tone, as I examine the piece of paper.

I slip my hand into the fabric pocket, as I fish for the note. Jimin does the same, as I see a whole bunch of dots and lines on it.

"Morse code..." Me and Jinsin say in unison.

I look at him, noticing we both said it at the same time.

"JINX! JINX! TRIPLE JINX!" We both say, once again at the same time.

It evokes a memory, deep in my head... Of Jimin. I haven't seen him for so long, that his face is so blurry in my head, his figure so generic and random.

As every thought of how he looks like enters my mind, everyday I start forgetting his cute, mochi looking face. That's all I remember.

I should stop dwelling on the past right? It's nothing. Its nothing. You forgot about it Y/N. Stop bringing it back up.

He's probably happy and dating someone right now. It's fine. You're fine. Everything is fine.

Those words echo in my head, as I continue to lie again and again, failing to convince myself of this painful truth.


Jimin's POV:

Right after we said that at the same time, she's fallen quiet. I don't know why. But it reminded me so much of the past.

I remember her laugh, and it's still the same. Her smile is even brighter on occasions, but normally it looks... Dark.

I wonder what happened to her parents and how her family is doing. They're so kind, my mind touches on my favourite moments with them.

It's beautiful.

I cut off my reminiscing as she opens her mouth.

"So you can read Morse code too right?" She asks, out of nowhere, her head out of her short daze.

"Ah yes. I learnt it a while back, I know how to read it." I reply, knocking out my past thoughts like water in a bucket.

"What does yours say then? The note I mean." She says to be more specific.

I scan across the lines and dots, my fingers tracing it too. It takes me a couple moments to finally understand.

"It says 'Clue: Steal'... Oh. There's some English on the back... But it's backwards. A mirror image almost. " I inform her, as she too flips her piece of paper.

"Oh. You're right. Mine says...'Finish the stories children, that's when you get 1 step closer to freedom'."

Freedom? What does that mean? Well I mean, I know what freedom means but in this text... I mean context it just- I don't- Park Jimin, again this is why Korean studies is your weak point.

"Mine says, 'Follow orders, and you'll find out the truth soon, once you've finished the task." Okay that's fine. Yeah. So I don't do well with instructions unless it's dance related.
Welcome to another episode of Park Jimin's failing skills.

"Okay and my other part says "Clue: Palace'. Oh gee thanks. So basically follow the story? That's it. Then we leave this beautiful but kind of suffocating place?" She says. Nice description, Y/N.

"I guess so. That means... We have to split up. Okay. I need to find Jeff." I say, with all the confidence in the world. But then I realise, it sounds kind of off.

I hear her light giggles as she pays me on the back, like a little pet dog.

"It's Jaf," She pauses to laugh again, which makes me smile. "Ar. Jafar. That guys name is Jafar." She finished off her sentence.

What's with us and getting all these names wrong?

Her hands clutch on her beige robe, as she quiets down, with the monkey also giggling in her lap.

"Well then, Future Prince Ali, please, go find your precious lamp. I'll head to 'my' palace undetected and wait for your arrival. Please, hurry." She says in a slight demanding voice. Which is totally understandable. I want to go home too.

"Okay, Princess."


Y/N's POV:

I scurry back to the palace, trying to be as quiet as I can. I rush through the palace doors, and run to my room.

The interior design is so... Indescribable, unreal. But I stop observing it trying to find my room.

Or not my room.

"Oh Princess Jasmine! I have been looking all over the palace for you! My my, what is that filthy cloth you're covered in! Please enlighten me! Where did you go?" A fairly young, probably no more than 35 year old woman approaches me with an oval shaped mouth.

"Dress up?" I say, making a voice not even I would believe.

"Oh dear, did you go outside the palace without guards?" She says softly, her eyes full of shock.

Shes my friend in this place right? I can trust her. Twist the story if I have to.

"Okay yes. I did. No big deal. This place just kind of makes me want to choke and die at the same time. No big deal." I repeat again, with more emphasis.

She looks at me, sympathetically, her eyes so soft and pretty, I could look at them all the time. Its really beautiful.

"It's your father isn't it?" She questions me, as she points at a chair, motioning me to sit down with her.

I accept the offer, and sit to her left, her fairly large hands caressing mine, reminding me of Mrs. Park.

"No?" I say.

Her face makes me assume that she doesn't believe me. She wraps me in a hug, similar like a cocoon and a butterfly.

"He loves you and you know that. He just wants you to wed a good man so you can rule the country. He doesn't want you to be alone." She says, fiddling around with my long black hair.

So this is what she's talking about. Right. What does Jasmine say in a situation like this? Does she make a joke about Jasmine rice?

"I know. But I just want to rule the country with someone that I love. Not a random, plastic, stuck up, stupid dumb, unattractive prince-- I mean. Kind and handsome, but not my type prince from some place else." I say, trying not to insult any guys in this story.

She laughs at my comment, and breaks apart from the hug.

"I understand Princess. But this is your duty, your promise to the kingdom. If you want, we can call up the royal vizier to help you choose. I'm here for assistance too." She offers, as I put on the kindest expression I can muster at this very moment.

Wait... Royal what now?

My confused expression seems obvious as she smiles so genuinely.

"The Royal Vizier you silly, Mister Jafar?"

Right. Royal Vizier you say? More like the royal accident. I feel bad for the person that gave birth to that guy, he was probably given up at age 2 for night tantrums.

"Ah yes, I forgot." I say as calmly as I can, as she hands me a dress and turns me back into a 'presentable' Princess.


Jimin's POV:

I walk down the stairs, but collide with the towering man who's reportedly 6' 3". He's taller than Namjoon somehow. Wow.

His face is so ugly but so familiar, a devilish but welcoming grin rises from his face.





I mean, royal vizier Jafar. Yeah. Let's use that totally pretty name. Okay.

Act cool Jimin, act cool. Prove Namjoon wrong and show you have jams. Whether it's strawberry jam or not, nothing is as sweet as me.

"May I help you there?" I say, looking up to the guy who's about 6 inches taller than me.

He lifts his staff next to him, a staff almost my height in fact.

"I am Jafar, you may know me from the palace. I've taken an interest in you. I've seen your skills on the road, your stealing skills to be particular. And I'm interested. Care for a deal?"

I look around the room, noticing that no one is else seems to be where except for us. Muffled sounds of talking could be heard, but too quiet to be near us.

The cracks on the walls are thin, not that noticeable, the infrastructure of the building is really good, considering when this story is set.

I remember my clue from that piece of paper that I found in my pocket, 'steal'. Finally understanding that I have to take up this offer.

"Steal something? From where?" I ask, pretending I don't know what he's talking about.

Hopefully my totally superior lying skills can come in to play right now. Yeah honestly I don't lie very well.

But you know what, I don't have much of a choice now do I? Yeah I don't.

"The Cave of Wonders," He huddles up closer to me, as he places a hand on my shoulder."People say it's a myth, but boy, it's very much real. There's something I want, I need, from that place. A lamp, a magic lamp. The most precious item." He says, in a mysterious voice.

His face is so... totally pretty. His curled up black mustache says it all, his forehead crinkled like my potato chips, his nose as oily as the oil on my pizza.

And somehow in this appearance he's the royal vizier. They need a new dress code too, the red and black gives me vampire vibes.

And I don't want to be stuck with an unattractive vampire. If only his personality was nice, he could've been a decent friend.

"Okay I'm in!" I say over enthusiastically. My drama teacher would be disappointed.

I look back up to his towering face, his eyes full of shock at my reply. That soon shock gets replaced by a mischievous countenance.

His snicker is ear-splitting, a sound I don't wish to hear ever again.

"Well then boy, let's take you to a whole new world, shall we?" He declares, as I follow him to an unknown death... I'm kidding. I think.

But I didn't know about the tattoos at the bottom of my feet...


Y/N's POV:

I observe the sublime and beguiling sunset, the iris, taffy pink sky fade into deeper shades of their original colour, painting the sky like the walls of my own bedroom.

The clouds look soft, heavenly soft and pretty, like bubblegum pink cotton candy, just as sweet.

It's enchanting, truly feels like I'm in the fairytale, finally convincing me about what's happening right now, convincing me it's all true.

I smell smoke from nearby homes, cooking their supper, the smell of homemade food making my stomach growl in hunger.

Roses and other plants could be smelt from my pots of flowers in the corner of the balcony, creating an even more delightful atmosphere for my, hopefully only temporary home.

It was almost too good to be true, that such a charming place exists in this universe.

I wonder where... I think his name was Jinsin? Yeah I wonder where Jinsin is... I miss his company, knowing he's from another world too, my world.

I hear a light knock on the door, as I exit the balcony, being called to dinner.

I hope you're safe, Jinsin.


Jimin's POV:

The aureate, gleaming sun has now fallen, the blanket of deep navy blue covering me, the white stars glinting from above.

It's mystical, like this whole entire place. I've always loved star gazing.
I would always do it with Y/N. When the scintillate stars took over, we watched those sparkling dots in awe together, always wondering how far that star might be.

We would connect the dots in the sky, create pictures of them. I remember doing this face painting on her, and splatting little dots of white, to represent the stars. She loved them, which made me love them too.

I wish we could do it again, together again.

I found her, at least I think I did. It seems like it. Same name, similar personality... Kind of. Appearance wise is fairly similar too. I haven't seen her since our puberty started, at age 13. She could've changed so much by then.

Maybe this is a different Y/N.

I don't know. But I feel like it's her right? It's not just my wishful thinking? I evaluate and repeat these thoughts over and over in my head, as we end up at the cave.

"Now boy, you see that?," He asks, while his head points towards the cab. I nod in response. "That's the cave. Come in, steal the lamp and take anything else for yourself." He says.

As if I don't know your alternate motive, dumb dumb. I mentally roll
my eyes at him, as I know his real plan.

I snicker and cover that up with a gleeful smile, and skip to the cave like a little kid.

I hear a mutter from Jef-- Jafar saying something like 'Kids these days', but honestly, he's just old.

The cave was lit with amber yellow torches, lighting up opposite sides of the cave. The hall is dim, but I soon notice the cave's interior getting brighter and brighter.

The stone walls look firm, but also like they've been there for centuries, maybe more. Wonder who's older, Jafar or the cave.

... Jafar's soul is definitely older.

Seconds become minutes, but I finally see glinting specks of yellow in the distance.

I inch closer and closer, until I see it all. A golden fortress, filled with precious treasures and wonders.

It's magical, something I didn't think
I would ever see in my life.

The gold was stacked, in various ways. Some were in chests while some were just a pile on the ground. Others were even in baskets and barrels too.

The ruby's in one chest contrasted with the blue sapphires in another. Silver jewelry and chains could be seen from end to end, making the dull brown enclosure glimmer.

From plates to cups, rings to chests, this place had every sparkling thing to exist in this world.

I try remembering where the lamp was in the story, but I end up just walking around the area, in search for the lamp.

I trudged along the little paths in the cave, navigating my way through. Abu is with me, attempting to steal everything he sees. Bad monkey.

He clings to my shoulder, as I finally see it. The lamp.

It's at the top of a mountain like structure, all the way on the end, at least 40 feet high. Definitely taller and higher than me for sure.

I let go of Abu, as I start climbing up the stairs, making sure I don't fall. It's tiring, my legs begin to feel a little drained but I have to continue.

Eventually, I'm at the top, having a brief second thinking about Y/N, finally picking up the lamp.

But as soon as I did, I hear a few rocks fall from the ceiling, one of them hitting me on the head. I'll pretend that didn't hurt.

But that's when I remember. The cave disintegrates after Aladdin gets the lamp...

Only one word comes to my head...


I rush down the stairs hearing boulders crashing down on the treasures, my legs going as fast as they could.

On the final bottom steps, my legs get tangled like my earphones as I trip over.

I quickly recover and get back to my feet, dashing to the entrance, where I know I'll be betrayed.

I climb and run, until I see his oily face, Jafar.

"Well done kid, now hurry along and pass the lamp to me. I promise I'll get you back up." He says. Well, he lies.

But I have to go with the story, as Abu hands me a fake lamp and I pass it to Jafar. He smiles like the crusty old villain he is, and walks away.

"So long kiddo." He says, waving back to me like a weird clown.

I laugh at this, knowing he's got the fake lamp. Gullible man.

But my tiny hands become intensely sweaty, as I wait for that magic carpet to come and save me.

But I can't hold on any longer.

My fingers become weak as a rock falls on my pinky, triggering discomfort to the rest of my hand, making it slip off. My shoes become lose and slip off too, as I start feeling a falling sensation.

It's skydiving, but less safe.

I close my eyes, and wait for my death, but to my surprise I land on something more pleasant and soft...

The carpet. It's the magic carpet isn't it?

The velvety soft texture could be felt on my toes and bare feet, as I was lightly laid down into the floor.

Abu sounded like he was giggling in joy, probably because we were both safe.

The magic carpet bowed down to me, it's gold corners shaking as if it's waving hello.

It probably hasn't seen anyone for a while hasn't it? Yeah. Not everyday someone says "Let's go to a cave" and actually does it.

But I rush to open the magical lamp, where I get to continue finishing this fairytale.

I mouth a thank you to the magic carpet, as the top corners of the carpet raises, looking like a cute smile.

I grab the real lamp from Abu, as I rub the dust away, revealing a shiny elegant piece of magical art.

At first, nothing seems to happen, as I stare at the lamp. Abu starts staring at the enchanting item too, waiting for something to happen.

Is it broken? Glitching? Wait magic doesn't glitch... Right? Nevermind.

But I soon see a puff of purple smoke escape from the end of the lamp, creating a lavender cloud above me.

White sparkles surrounded that lavender cloud, as a body was then formed.

I could only see the back view, and this person seemed to be human.

Ah I was expecting a blue guy but, this works too.

No stop, you're being racist to other genies in this world. I chuckle at the thought.

The guy is a little taller than me, with dark brown hair, reminding me of this painting my friend made in Australia.

His coat is in a brown colour too, except this shade is a bit lighter, a shade of tawny. He turns around and I'm able to see his shirt, simple and plain, coloured in a basil green.

But my eyes start lingering to his face...

As I see a familiar face...

A face I haven't seen or talked to for over a month...

"T- Taehyung? Kim Taehyung???"


Word Count:

➪ 5110 Words ☕︎

A/N: So I started off the series with this theme. Most Wattpad readers are ages teens and above, due to many mature books on this app. So I wanted to bring some classic stories back, in a slightly different form, which is highly inspired by other stories and shows too.

Do you like it so far? Why do you think Y/N and Jimin were brought here and why is Taehyung here? Where are the others? What happened to all of them and who is behind this? Who wrote down the clues? I'd love to here your thoughts on this.

If you enjoyed it too, feel free to vote if you want to! Also to those who commented and voted on my last chapter, thank you I appreciate it so much even if I don't reply! I just didn't want to give away the story. I love you


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