Chapter 23: Sleep 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈

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'To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.'

- Thich Nhat Hanh


Y/N's POV:

Alright. So all I say is, I'm in love with the prince I met in the forest, and then they confess and bring me back to the castle. Easy enough. And I think I trust Hoseok enough to save me, so, here goes nothing.

I walk in, only to be greeted with silence.

"Happy birthday!"

The unexpected intensity of their loudness almost made me feel like a missile was fired right next to me. For three old fairies, they were extremely loud.

They run to me, with a dress and cake, showering me with compliments and greetings.

"Thank you so much." I hug them all back, grateful for their handmade gifts. Or well, magic wand made gifts. But I didn't have much time to spare, and as a really impatient person I went straight to the point.

"Okay now, let's hurry up and cut to the chase here. I met someone, a prince, and I love him," I declared, as one of them drops the cake.

Their expressions are like stone, bland and stiff. "Darling, we'll be with you in a moment," Merryweather says, huddling up with the other two.

They're probably discussing whether it's the right time to send me back to the palace. I may as well wear the dress and pack my bags. I gather a few items, a journal and pen, plus a few pretty things such as this flower pendant. The rest of my necessities would probably already be set in the castle. After all, she is a princess.

"Sweetheart, we need to talk," Fauna says, her voice soft and quiet. She's taking the calm approach. That's good I guess, letting her know gently is better than being abrupt.

Or maybe not.

"That prince, you can't be with him. You're the daughter of King Stefan and must wed someone else," She explains, taking my hand in hers.

"Thought so. I always felt like... Like I was someone special," I dramatically cry, falling into Fauna's arms. May as well practice my acting skills, I'm living in Broadway right now.

"But Fauna, I love him," I half lie, going along with the story. It kills me to say that, we're not exactly 'close'. But I hope we get there soon.

"I'm sorry darling." Well so much for love at first sight. But honestly, I don't think it's the most realistic to fall in love that fast. Unless I really am just a hopeless romantic. You know what it's fine, I'm what, nineteen right now? Who needs a partner when you have yourself.

"Let's go to the palace, but first, mind trying on the dress we sewed for you? Oh wait, that leads me to another thing," She says, looking at the other two fairies for clearance. I see them nod, as she continues. "We're fairies, but we're in a rush. We'll celebrate properly at the castle.

Now, let's meet your parents."


"She's... She's our daughter?" The Queen, Leah, also known as my mother questions, barely recognizing me.

"Mother? Father?" I ask, tearing up at the thought that this character, barely ever met their parents. Let alone realising they're alive, and as the King and Queen. If I was her in this moment, I might faint honestly.

"Aurora!" The Queen yells, running to her child and for a moment, letting go of her normal royal ways. And like a leak in the ceiling, she lets her emotions flow out as the king too, joins in.

"So uhm, can I ask why you know, I didn't live with you?"

Silence. A brief moment of silence was louder than words, as the rulers of this kingdom look at eachother in the eyes.

"When you were born, an evil fairy cursed you. She cursed you saying on your sixteenth birthday, you will die. These fairies, the ones who brought you up altered the curse, for when you prick your finger you will sleep for a hundred years unless you receive a kiss of true love," He explains, his mouth probably quite tired with all of this explaining.

The tale was heard by many, but Aurora, me, never thought the princess everyone was talking about was myself.

Then again, I was secluded from the rest of humanity.


"Oh? Darling we just told you that you could've died. And you say, 'Oh," Queen Leah says confusedly, a quizzical look plastered on her face. Poor woman, she'll have to deal with Aurora 2.0 for a while.

"It's just- just the shock you know? But honestly, I did expect a lot worse due to your pained expressions," I honestly say, putting my arms behind my back.

"Worse? What could be worse than you dying or going into a hundred year slumber?"

Well actually, my queen, or mother, there is a lot of things.

"Ah well, for instance, instead of me dying you do. Or the whole kingdom dying along with me. Or social media planting unrealistic expectations and gender norms for the society. That then leads to loss of self esteem and confidence, then shutting out the world and ultimately to put it lightly, going for a long sleep except it's your own choice."

Alright, they definitely wouldn't understand that.

"You probably don't get it. Don't worry, it's a teen thing," I assure, smiling as if the conversation isn't dark.

I really have gone insane.

"Well then, I'll take you to your room?" The Queen says, gesturing for me to go up the stairs and down the hall. We walk through the corridors, making our way to the room. Again, the walls are lavishly decorated with the same old gold, and large portraits where everyone seems to look the same.

"Here," She welcomes, opening the door to a room of possibilities, where I'll gladly get lured by some green blob to my deep slumber!

Note the sarcasm.

"We'll talk some more later alright, I'll be preparing something for you."

Yeah well, I have a feeling someone else is already planning a sweet treat for me too.


Jimin's POV:

"You what now?"

"I met up with Y/N in the forest. If you can't tell from my attire, I'm the 'prince'," Hoseok tells me, throwing his hands down to shake off the water on him.

"Thing is Park, if I'm the prince I'm going to need your help. I can't slay a dragon by myself," He confesses, slumping down onto the log.

"What? Pft, come on Hoseok. Anyone can slay a dragon you know, one of man kinds favourite hobbies. Even women!" I joke, trying to make him feel less worried about the situation.

He sighs. "I want to make sure Y/N is saved correctly, on both our notes it says to do so. In this tale, both of us act as if we're the prince, because we both have characteristics needed for it," He explains, bobbing his head down into his hands, combing his deep brown locks.

"You're right. Like they say, teamwork makes the dream work right?"


The sky turns a little cloudy, the misty white becoming a dusty grey, like the colour of the mice back at home. Trees begin swaying, as the day almost ends, night starting to fall upon us.

"Well firstly, do you know how to use a sword?"

"Not really. I normally played as commoners in the tales, side characters. Even the villain, but only once or twice was I a character with a blade," He admits, eyes pondering back to look at me. He puts his hands on his laps, fixing up his posture.

"Well lucky me. I know how to. Alright, let's bend the story, shall we? You can act as a distraction, bait. During that, I throw the enchanted sword into her chest and pray I have good aim?" I plan, waiting for his reaction to the vaguely pieced ideas.

"It's not the best thing to do, but I don't have a better idea. Lets do it," He replies, shaking my hand.

"Okay, now how do we get in contact with those fairies. Because at one point, they hand over that enchanted sword," I ask, hoping Hoseok knows the answer to is.

"Honestly, I'm quite unsure. How about this, we wait for a couple more hours and then visit the castle," He pauses, thinking of what we would do next. "Maybe I'll ask to meet her as I'm meant to marry her and blah blah," He adds, as I agree and follow on.

"It works, but what would you use as an excuse for me?" I question, making sure we got all the details down.

"Okay, scrap your rags right now. I think I should just get you better clothes to make you look a little more rich? Important?"

"Money is power in this world I suppose."

Right now, she must be safe. But soon enough, the green light will lead her to a sinister place, and it's frightening to know that we may be the only ones to save her.

"I'll see you at sunset, right Infront of Aurora's palace."

"See you then, let's get ready to slay dragon's."


Y/N's POV:

It's late in the afternoons, as the lilac and bubblegum clouds return to my sight. I look out to see the alluring view of the skies once again. You probably noticed how much I look at it, and take it in.

Back in Seoul, my view is always city lights and construction. But here, it's nature. It's almost refreshing, like the spray you use to make the air smell better, instead of the putrid fumes from unknown places.

But that feeling fades. Something else seems to enchant me, pulling my eyes away from the window as my ability to control myself is stripped. No matter how much I want to stay, the mysterious door pulls me like metal and a magnet. It attracts my body as a green orb glows, leading me in.

I slide back, unwilling to go forward but alas, I have no choice. It's like my waist is strapped with metal chains, a bodybuilder raking me in with both arms. It's too strong, as even when I try to fight it, the chains on me refuse to snap.

I yelp, but soon I give in, willingly going up the tower. Giving up isn't my thing, but I know I can't waste energy on something inevitable. It's bound to happen, the magic too powerful. I just have to hope, Hoseok can save me from this.

I'm not scared though. I have full faith in him, that he'll be the one to pull me through, pull me out. But for now, I'll be lost in my trance, as my mind slowly loses itself.

A spinning wheel. Its in my sight, and I so desperately want to touch it. My eyes glow the same emerald colour, as I get closer and closer to it, my finger leaning right on top. Only seconds more until I have a long nap...


The drop of blood oozes out, not frightening me at all. It's painless, as realisation doesn't seem to hit me.

Instead, I fall as I hit my head on the rock solid ground, waiting for my prince to come.


Jimin's POV:

"Hoseok! You're early, why are you here?" I call, confused onto why he came back so fast. Did he drop something?

"Park... I don't think I'll be able to save her with you."

Excuse me.

Slow down, one moment.

Give me a second.

Breath in, breath out.

"Please elaborate, young lad," I calmly demand, wanting to know why he can't.

"Jimin, do you remember the story?" He asks, sitting with me as he looks left to right, being aware of his surroundings.

"Yes and no," I answer, and it's not like I'm lying. Look I know the base of the story, but not in detail.

He looks so worried, I'm concerned. Please don't become complicated, as a pretty simple guy, I can't deal with any more complications. Being here in this place is more than enough complications for me.

"The prince gets kidnapped. Look, in the story I do get freed and slay the dragon. But under that pressure? Jimin. You have to do it, whether I join in or not," He says, rubbing my head.

"Alright, I'll figure it out. If you get freed by the fairies or something, please help?"

"Of course, anything for my supposed friend," He says, flashing that signature smile once again.

"Don't die, okay?" I say casually, as we do a fist bump. "It's scary you know. I realise we're just so chill, we could die any moment but we're just here, talking like it's an everyday thing."

He looks at me. "Because it is an everyday thing. This is our life right now, we just have to live with it until we get out. I'll get prepared to be kidnapped, see you," He ends, walking away.

But with that stroll, I sense a feeling fear deep inside him. It's hidden under all that toughness, but I know he's scared too. Come on, it's a dragon for god's sake.

Y/N, wait for me. Wait for us...


Should I just, knock out the guards and burst through? Ah, then again, Hoseok gave me a note signed by him to use.

Worth a shot? Wait, hold on. I'll just sneak through the kitchen again.

Eventually, in time I somehow slip past with the low security, making my way to the King and Queen. Thank god for being small, made it a lot easier to hide behind those Guard statue things.

"Excuse me, but I believe the princess is in danger," I say, the King standing up at my presence.

"Who are you to say that? A mere commoner? I'll get the guards to send you out-" He gets cut off by his wife, the Queen.

"Listen what he has to say Stefan. No one risks their life or time to go to us like this. And it's about our daughter, listen to what the man has to say," She defends, seating the king back down. He's embarrassed for sure.

"Okay, so we all know about the curse. And well, I just know that your daughter fell under the enchantment," I state, hoping it's all it takes for them to check on her.

"How are you so sure?"

What should I say? Oh you know, you are part of a worldwide famous fairytale. Or maybe the 'I can see the future' lie, another one of my personal favourites!

"I know it's hard, but please, just check her room," I beg, trying to hurry it up. The sooner the better. The longer it takes, the longer she's under the spell.

But, the three fairies make its way to us, fluttering their wings. So, they're back in the fairy form I see?

"It's true, the princess is gone!" The blue one says, warning the King and Queen.

"How did you know?"

"Is that really an important thing to discuss right now?" I counter. And as I thought, he answers with nothing but a shut mouth. In your face Stefan.

"Okay. Kill dragon and save Hoseok, then he helps me and kisses Y/N," I mutter, looking back at the colourful fairies.

"By any chance do you have a sword to slay a dragon," I ask, trying to act confident and convincing.

"We do, we have one enchanted and ready. But we need true loves kiss..." The red one says, wondering where she could possibly find her 'true love'.

"There's a prince, and he's been captured by the dark fairy!" I inform, my voice becoming louder. It's like someone pressed the volume up button on the remote.

"Save him, and you shall save the kingdom. He's in one of the fairies cells I believe." I hope I don't sound suspicious.

"Come with us, young man. You seem to know a lot of this Prince."

I look up to them. "Yes. He's my best friend."


As Maleficent gets stronger, the sky darkens, leaving an ominous glow. The black tint covering the kingdom isn't what I'd like to see, so let's get to her as fast as we can. I spot her standing on the opposite side of the castle, looking out with the crow by her side.

We sneak into the fortress, soon enough seeing Hoseok, head in hands. "Pst, Prince," I hiss, getting his attention.

"Looks like you'll help me after all," I grin, glad to have him fight with me. It'll be like, virtual reality game. Easy, right?

We free him with the fairies powers, dragging him out of the dreary dusty grey cell. "You okay?"

He nods. "I'm fine." He shows me a weak smile. The darkness really doesn't suit him.

"Let's get it," Hoseok winks, already brightening up. It's like a light switch turning of and on, the yellow hues coming out of the lamp.

We dash outside, afraid to lose time. "Where is she?" He asks, running backwards as if to zoom out on Google maps. I look back at him, sword in hand.

"Park Jimin. She's behind you. Hide the sword."

"Hey dragon! Hello? I'm your kind runaway prisoner! Come and get me!" He distracts, winking at me.

Don't get hurt...

I really need a 'How to Slay A Dragon' manual, not the knowledge from How to Train your Dragon. That won't be that helpful. Think Park, think.

The dragon is occupied with her lovely ball of sunshine, currently chasing him. I could throw it right now but aiming for the chest would be better. If I quickly run past Hoseok and do some sort of javelin throw with the sword, I could make it.

It's a long shot, but I don't have much of a choice. The skin on her back is probably too tough for the sword, even though it is enchanted. It wouldn't be that easy.

It's now or never. I dash towards Hoseok, as before I get there he gets distracted by looking at me, the dragon blowing fire at his arm. God, that's at least a third degree burn. I near him, as I flip to my side to have a proper view, throwing the sword directly between her chest and neck.

I hear her yelps and groans, as her wings collapse to the ground, hitting it with a loud thump. It fights to survive but ultimately, she falls, losing complete control of herself.

I watch as I lay flat on the floor, Hoseok falling down with me. Who needs a treadmill when you chase dragons as a hobby?

"Are you okay?" He asks, huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf.

"Of course. I just killed Maleficent, I'm amazing. But thanks to you, you bought me time. But the real question is, are you okay?" I ask back, considering he's the one with actual injuries.

"It's just a minor burn," He says, brushing it off. He smiles cheerfully. "It's fine."

"We should uh, get to the fairies and Y/N. They can fix up your arm and you can save her," I say, lending my hand to help pick him up.

Let's wake up the sleepy head...


"There we go! You're all fixed up now!" Flora beamed, leading us to Y/N. If only castles are as elegant as this one was in real life.

"There she is," She says, flying out of the room for privacy. "So uh, I'll just, go ahead?" Hoseok awkwardly says, going closer to Y/N's side.

I smile widely at him, punching his magically healed shoulder. "It's fine. Just break the curse, come on. Hello? We're all friends here remember?"

"You're right! Okay then," He prepares, his head reaching in for her face.


He pulls away fast, looking at her tranquil face. As if she's a feather, she remains calm, her chest moving up and down, slowly.

"Hey Y/N, no playing tricks, come on," I communicate, walking closer to flick her arm. But there wasn't a reaction, not a sound from her.

"Maybe, kiss her more passionately?" I suggest, running out of ideas.


"No?" I whisper unintentionally, my voice becoming quite soft.

Hoseok thinks for a moment, an imaginary light bulb appearing on top of his head. He's thought of something.

"Kiss her," He proposes, a smile creeping back on his face. "Kiss? What? Are you kidding me? No, I'm not kissing her. Remember, I'm not her 'Prince Charming'," I remind, not exactly wanting such a connection so fast. We're barely friends again, slow down.

He sighs, getting a little frustrated. "Who's the one who actually saved her with the sword?" He asks, tapping his feet.

"Me? But you also-"

"Who's the one who knew her longer here? Not Aurora, but her," He continues, crossing his arms.


He cuts me off, again. "And what does Aurora need to wake up?" He questions, his hand resting on my shoulder.

"True loves kiss," I realise, connecting the dots. I could never be a detective if I wanted to.

"Look, we may be in a fairytale, but some things here are real right? And our presence alters the story, changes what originally happened," He theorises, tapping his finger on his chin, pacing around the bed.

"And I don't know her well. Some things here I think are connected to us in a way, and I don't necessarily love her, but clearly you do," He concludes, pushing me to the ledge of her bed.

"Do it or else I'll call you a scaredy-cat for the rest of your days Park," He giggles, cheering along behind me.

Here goes nothing I suppose. I quickly lean in, kissing her cheek, hoping that works too. A kiss is a kiss isn't it? I respect her boundaries, and I doubt she would want to know I did such a thing.

And like the pages of a book, her eyelids flip open, as we black out...


Word Count

➪ 3690 Words ☕︎

A/N: I honestly can't believe we're at chapter 23! The story slows down from here, to prepare for the final chapters of book one!

If anyone's forgotten, there will be three books! The sequel will be delayed to make way for another short. I've been writing in different styles and as a mini spoiler, I'll tell you one thing. It'll be a crime comedy featuring different group members.

Y/N didn't have a big input into this chapter and it did primarily focus on the bromance more. But as always, hope you enjoyed and if you did, please vote! ilysm everyonee


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