Chapter 5: Door 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈

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'The first step in good reporting
is good snooping'

- Matt Drudge


Y/N's POV:

My character's friends and myself enter the estate, their giggles and talking fills the halls.

One black haired girl, with fair skin was talking about a man, presumably her partner. Apparently he's taking care of his mother at the moment.

The other woman, was a little more silent. She just giggled along to whatever the rest of the women said.

I hurried to my room to get those keys, assuming that's what I'm meant to do right? Fiddle around with these keys?

Ah, I hope this is right. I have no idea what I'm meant to be doing in this story. But there's something here. I just have a really bad and negative feeling about this place.

Their laughter and bright expressions only lifted the mood ever so slightly. No bright smile could make me feel safe, except for the ones from back home. And maybe Jinsin and Taehyung's too.

Where are you guys. Help me. Find me. Save me...


Third Person's POV:

And as if they could hear her soft cries for help and rescue from that horrid, lonely place. They didn't realise they turned to her house's direction.

For one short breath... For one moment.

It was like they connected from miles away.

As if they were two sides of a thin string, in a thick asphyxiating forest, trying to reach for eachother through the thorns and prickling branches. The thorns of something meant to be beautiful, like a rose...

But still intoxicating, like sharp vines.


Jimin's POV:

Why do I feel like, like she's calling for us. And that she needs us in this very moment in time. A piece of her, wailing out, crying for help..

Where are you Y/N? Come to us. Or we'll come to you...

"Jimin-ah, check your slip of paper. There might be something to help us." Taehyung tells me, as I search my pockets.

But I get confused as I feel nothing in the thin fabric, just air.

Where is it? But that's when I feel some weird and generally smooth texture inside my shoes.

I bend down as Taehyung weirdly looks at me, as if his face is saying 'What are you doing, weirdo'.

But nonetheless, I continue to search my shoe for it, assuming the location of the paper has changed for me.

And that's where I find the parchment. But the ink is slightly running.

So you're telling me, my sweaty feet and this weather basically, killed the note. Well, isn't that a big help.

Fortunately, I can still read it. It's a bit blurry but, better than nothing right?

I look over to Taehyung and he just can't hold his smile as he notices the run down note that's currently aced in my palm.

You're so funny, Kim Taehyung, so funny. Comedian of the year. Watch when I get hold of a broom and we'll see who's laughing. I'm kidding.


"Pass me," He pauses, to stifle back a laugh. "Pass me the note, Jimin." He says, extending his arm out like a crane doing its construction work.

I hand it to him, acknowledging that I may not be able to read it as well as him.

He grabs the note and puts it closer to his face... Is the writing really that faded that he can barely read it?

But to my surprise, he brings it to his nose and takes a quick whiff of the smell and immediately widening his eyes, like a platter of food and handing it back to me.

"Jimin, you might want new shoes... The smell... Ah, so pungent. Might have to wash your feet too." He says, pointing down to my feet.

I have such a kind and honest best friend.

I move on from what just happened, but he continues to smile like it's the only thing that has happened all day.

It's nice to have a moment like this, to strip away from our worries for a moment... Even if this moment is temporary and short-lived. It's okay.

I look down on the note again, as he again takes his out to read it.

Our eyes scan over these piece's of parchment, noticing the note is once again not in fancy Morse code.

I wonder who makes these. Are we part of a sick game? A social experiment? Will we ever find out what's happening right now, about what's going on?

Once again, more questions fill my head like paper in a trash can, but no answers are added to the other box.

Kind of like how teachers give you math problems but don't know the answers themselves, and just end up using a calculator instead of doing all those long, time wasting ways of doing them.

"Okay, it only has a few words this time, how about you?" Taehyung asks me, handing his note over to me.

I grab it lightly, as I put both of these items together, side by side, comparing them.

But that's when I notice that these notes... They're the exact same. Literally.

The only difference is the font. One is in a handwriting kind of style, calligraphy. While the other looks like... Like it's written with a typewriter almost?

"Taehyung, they're... They're the same." I state in full confidence, knowing that my eyes aren't playing any tricks on me.

He looks quite shocked at what I said, and he hurried over to my left side to look at it. He reads both notes and realises that I'm right.

Nice to know I haven't gone insane...


"You're right... It says 'Find and Save', that's the key words," Taehyung says, as he steps back. "Okay, I think I get it. Assuming Y/N is the beautiful girl with Bluebeard, we have to find her... And when I say that, I mean as soon as possible... I'm not sure how it works in this world, but I'm not risking a chance that we could die in this place." He says, a little worry evident in his quivering voice.

"But... These stories are fictional, how would we die here?" I ask, trying to be hopeful about this.

Taehyung's expression changes from his boxy smile to a blank one, a serious one. He looks into my eyes and holds my shoulder.

But right after he does, he pinches my arm... And may I add, very, very hard.

"Hey! What was that for! Why when everyone pinches me, they decide to do it like they want to kill me... Ah, seriously." I scrunch my face at this not so comfortable feeling.

"Hyung, if you can feel such pain, if you can feel such emotions. If you can feel like you're thirsty, and feel that you're hungry... Then we... We could probably die too and get severely injured." He says, realising the pinch was just an example.

"Ah, I guess you're right. I'm just... I was trying to be positive, you know? We're not as close as... We're not close but, I worry for her. I can't possibly think she could die. She can't. She won't." I say, trying to convince myself, and for the most part, I did.

"It's okay...

But she needs us now, we need to save her. And sitting around like this? That won't do anything...

So let's get that bluebearded man.


Y/N's POV:

I grab the keys and rush down to the rest of the girls who are down there, continuing their little gossips.

They look at me with their fairytale, inviting faces, looking so happy, as if the world stopped and nothing else bad was out there right now, in this world.

"So, want to enter those rooms with these keys?" I ask, and they all seem to squeal out of delight, as they shower me with kindness and hugs. I smile back at them, as I head over to the doors.

I take out one of the keys, trying to figure out which one opens this door. I grab a silver one, I notice that it's shiny as I can see my reflection in the thin part of the key. I insert it into the lock, and turn clockwise as I hear a click from the door.

Okay, it's not the cabinet. It'll be fine. No one will sue you for this, the bluebeard guy said specifically to do this. It's okay. It's fine.

I look behind me, and to my left and right, seeing my friends wait for me to open the door.

So I turn the doorknob, the direction to my left and push the door open, awaiting for what's inside.

As if a bright flashlight was there facing our eyes, the brightness starts to blind me as I look back, closing my eyes.

But I immediately look back, curious on what's inside.

What sort of Cave of Wonders place is this, I ask myself, as I look around the room, ushering the rest of the girls to follow.

I see the chests and barrels of treasures, gold all around the room with fancy dresses here and there, plus deluxe and lavish cutlery and plates in glass displays.

The gold plates reflect off the gemstones in the chests, creating blue and red lights across the room, making a beautiful shade of purple. Emeralds were being reflected too, reminding me of apple jelly and green cellophane.

We all spend a few hours in these rooms, a pretty long time to be honest. We just talk about our lives, me making up fake stories, making sure it's vague and nothing specific. Last thing I need is 'The Girl who lives with the Bluebearded Man' be the cities top gossip topic.

It was fun, having these few hours to just let it go, and temporarily let go of the worries of not being familiar with this story, and being separated from them.

We exit the room, as they all greet me goodbye as it's now from the feel and look of it... Maybe just 4 o'clock in the afternoon? Yeah, probably.

But for some reason... Why am I feeling a tempting magnetic pull...

Towards the closet that I'm forbidden to go to...


Taehyung's POV:

It's now noon, as I can feel a bit of hunger in me. We headed to the market, to buy a bit of bread or something.

The smell was already filling up my stomach, the sweet fruit and savory dishes was the same as... Heaven.

Jimin seems to be feeling the same, as his eye smile is coming out as he looks so peaceful and happy to be in this, extremely busy place.

All I mainly heard was 'Buy my apple' 'Buy my bread', though the second option was really appealing. I dragged Jimin over to one of the wooden stalls selling bread, as we both ordered 2 loafs for ourselves.

"Wah, this tastes so good. Why does bread taste so good in this world, I swear." He says, as he practically melts in to the food and it's taste.

"I know right! Why can't our world make food like this! I remember that it doesn't taste like this--," I say, realising that...

That I remember a solid memory.

Jimin's soft eyes look at mine, a cute half smile and half pout face looking at me. It's cute.

"I remember! I remember something, an actual memory!" I say, as I let out some tears again, like every time I remember something.

"You... You really remembered?" Jimin asks with a smile, as if he doesn't believe it himself, and to be honest, neither do I.

"Yes! Yes, I remember!" I exclaim, as he jumps to hug me, like how I imagine we would back in our original world.



"Mother! I'm hungry, can you buy me some food!" My younger self begs, as I look over longingly at my mother, who's currently sitting next to me, watching a drama.

She turns to her left, where I lay down next to her, enjoying this moment where she isn't busy working at the farm.

"Would you like your mother to make you something?" She asks, as she pats my head softly, combing my hair with her fingers.

I immediately nod as she suggests to cool me food, as we rush into the kitchen together, my little legs taking me to a different room.

I watch as she lays out her ingredients and quickly whips up a loaf of bread, taking out some water and strawberry jam. She grabs some blueberries too, as she goes to the oven and cooks something.

I await for the food, the savoury smell taking over my senses, as I close my eyes, not thinking about anything else besides this meaningful moment.

And as if someone just snapped their fingers, a small noise came from the oven as my mother grabbed her white and purple mittens, to open the oven.

She takes the bread out, as she then cuts it up into several thin slices.

The inside is soft, fluffy almost, as the outside is golden brown. She spreads a layer of butter on the slice, with a thin layer of the jam, with a side of those blueberries. She carefully slides the plate to me.

"Ah, I hope you like it, Taehyung-ah." She says with her honey sweet voice, enchanting me like a spell, placing me in a trance.

I take my first bite into the bread, as the flavours and textures spread through the inside of my mouth. The sweet, sugary jam mixed with the butter is the first thing I notice, as the crunchy crust touches my tongue. It tastes like the best bread in the world, so simple yet, so tasty and special. I guess that's my mother's superpowers right?

She's so perfect. She's pretty, she's sweet and makes delicious food for me! Even if she's busy, she tries to spend time with me! I love her so much!

"Thank you! It tastes so good!" I say to her, as I engulf her into a hug, hugging her so tight, never wanting to let go.

"Ah, really! Wah, I'm glad you like it, Taehyung-ah." She says, as she hugs me back.

"I love you." I say to her, genuinely meaning it.

"I love you too, Taehyung-ah."

End of Flashback


Y/N's POV:

No. I am NOT opening this closet. Y/N, don't do it. Okay. Okay. Okay.


I'm not okay.

It's as if the closet came alive, with invisible mouths saying, speaking to me, with its cursed but pulling words.

As I'm now alone, this eerie silence contains me in a stance, unsure of what to do.

I know I shouldn't open it. For one, mister creepy guy specifically said not to, but also... Ah, I won't open it. That's what the others would do right? I'm NOT putting myself in danger for what? To open a mere closet. I was already in a closet of gold and treasures. Nothing else is needed...

Except for them...

Why were we separated? Why is it like this? I need to know. But I guess these walls won't answer any questions would it?

Of course not. Y/N, you're officially going crazy...

Nevermind, you already were.

I stand up from the bed I was originally laying on, and face the full body mirror in front of me.

Look at yourself, talking to yourself like a crazy woman. Well if I'm crazy, I may as well be a hot and beautiful one right?

I head to the right where all the fancy clothing is. Definitely not my style, but hey, it's probably as expensive as Gucci and Chanel in the real world so, it'll do.

I put it on me, trying to occupy myself with things to do. Because right now I feel quite helpless, but for some reason, I feel as if I need to stay here, as if that's what is needed to happen.

I go back downstairs, back to the area where that haunting closet is. I promised to not open it, as I go turn the other way to the kitchen, to find something good to eat.

But to my surprise... The key... The key flew to me?

I watched in awe and shock, as the silver key glided over to the kitchen, as it placed itself in my hands.

What? Is there string attached to this... Oh right, magic exists in this place. Great.

Which one is this? Ah, they all look the same. It's like when you look at those K-pop groups, I swear they look similar, not the same but similar. It's as if they're all related biologically you know?

But that's when I feel myself getting tugged closer and closer towards the closet, as if an imaginary invisible chain was attached to my waist, bringing me to the one thing I don't want to touch.

As if I was in quicksand, I couldn't escape it. I tried stepping away, but with every tug, only pushed me back further to the closet.

The glow I normally see around these stories change from a beautiful gold... To a sinister red, blinking constantly, as if it's trying to make me think it is not there, just a figment of my wild imagination.

I try closing my eyes and blinking it away, but it doesn't work as my hands gets pulled to the door knob uncontrollably, the key almost inside the golden circle.

I yank my hand a centimetre back, but it's just moves another inch forward, insisting to go inside.

I continue attempting to move, even a step away from it, but nothing works, as I hear the click of the door as the knob moved clockwise...

It's open...

The one thing I wasn't allowed to open...

It's now unlocked...

I shut my eyes closed, just like how this closet used to be. I look the other way, bracing myself incase I have to look at what's inside.

Why do I feel like it's a bad thing?

Why does it feel like this...

It shouldn't be that bad right? It'll be fine, right? The worst it could be is... I don't know... Maybe some secret stash or something.

I get lost in my thoughts, just like how I normally get lost in Jinsin's eyes as I feel myself getting moved, but this time getting pushed by an unknown force.

I'm in the room aren't I?

That force disappears now, as I finally open my eyes...

This can't be real... I say in my mind as I see...

Several dead bodies lined up on the wall...

And that's when I drop my key on the blood, not knowing that it'll never...

Ever come off.


Jimin's POV:

We search around the crowd, to see if anyone knows the specific place where the bluebeard guy lives.

Many people have been of help, telling us the direction to go to. But that's when we realise it's generally far away. We've been walking for an hour now and I can't see the house it's meant to be.

But we're closer, I know it.

"Taehyung-ah, do you have any bread left?" I ask, to see if he has something for him to eat incase he gets hungry.

"No? I don't?" He answers, as he looks into his pockets and at his hands...

I mean, I don't think looking at his hands was necessary... But okay Kim Taehyung.

"Sir, can you tell me, do you know where the Bluebearded man lives?" I ask the short old man, sitting in a chair at some sort of restaurant outside.

"Ah yes, may I ask though, why would you want to know? That man... He isn't a nice fella." He says to me and Taehyung, looking up at us both.

I smile as I face down and talk.

"No, no. It's the girl we're looking for? We're quite close to her and you see... We forgot where she lives and we would like to speak with her." I half lie, Taehyung nodding at that note.

"Oh really? Well you're getting close. Why not I walk with you lads? It's no more than a little over a mile away, I can walk with you." He suggests, as we immediately agree and stand up straight.

Y/N, wait for us... We'll be there soon...


Y/N's POV:

No. No. No.

This... This can't be real right?

Nevermind, he did seem like a psychopathic guy from the beginning. His spine chilling voice and touch... Why didn't I notice before?

I pick up the bloody key and run out of the room as fast as I could, not daring to stay there a second longer.

I couldn't bear look into those women's face's, the blood all over them, so beautiful yet so lifeless.

I wish them the best in the afterlife...

Do fairytale characters have life after death...?

Okay, Y/N, no time for your questions. We need to get out of here.

I rush to the main door, trying to open it up but no, its like it's basically telling me it ain't letting me go.

Well... that's great. Mister creepy guy will come back and I'll... Probably try punching him in the face. That would be nice actually...

Okay. It'll be fine. Just lock the door and wash the key.

I try removing the blood off and eventually it does come off...

But that's when I realise...

The blood moved onto the other side...

You have, to be kidding me.

I keep scrubbing and scrubbing until the first layer of my skin peels off, my beautiful flawless fingers diminishing itself. Not to be confident, but I'm practicing self love here.

I dry my hands but that's when I hear it.

Ding dong.

Oh great. Isn't it my favourite person?

Why's the weirdo ringing the door bell? Doesn't he have keys...?


Is it Jinsin and Taehyung???

I rush to the door again, anticipating their faces greeting me with a welcoming smile...

But all I see is the man with his tiresome face, looking straight at me.

"Had fun?" He asks, in the most ugly voice I've probably ever, and will ever hear in my life.

Okay Y/N, you're just talking to a murderer, nothing else. Pft it's fine. It's normal. It's okay. You'll be fine.

"Yes. I had fun," I say almost as dull as he is, but of course I'm more beautiful than that guy. No one tops the queen.

He makes no sound at all, but he shoots another question.

He looks down in my hand which conceals the key, the part where blood is peaking out...

Oh great...

"You opened it, didn't you?" He says, his eyes turning black changing his whole expression.

Oh yes sir. I totally willingly opened it.

He scoffs and says "If you want to open it so badly, why not join them?" He asks, pushing my body down to the ground.

Alexa, on my funeral please play On The Ground by Rosé.

"Yeah dude, I opened it, no big deal though. I can't be stuffed leaving this place." I say, calm and collected, hoping you can't die in these stories.

"You won't leave you say? What a lie! Now you shall join those women there as I slit your throat!" He yells, as I stumble backwards from his loud voice.

Why be a murderer when you have this voice? This man should've done some theatre act, wow...

Y/N, why are you kind of admiring the guy WHO WANTS TO KILL YOU?

Okay, he won't kill me right? I can't die in a fairytale right? I need to do some sort of manifesting. Okay. Let's pray or something.

Oh god, uhm please save me from this treacherous man-

But my eyes linger as he grabs a sharp knife, getting prepared to kill me.

Oh... he's going to actually slit my throat.

Just manifest and pray for the best Y/N.

If you fight, you'll probably just lose time and he'll kill you faster. Even if I hit him, he's pretty big.

"Uhm, before you know, kill me and all that stuff, mind if I have a moment to myself? You know, since I'm going to die, I would just want to spend a few moments enjoying my time alive...And are you a cancer or something? You seem low-key emotional, which might be the drive and motive to all these dead people... Nevermind." I plead, hoping he has some sort of a heart in that thick dumb skull of his.

Maybe he's smart actually.

Who knows.

"Fine, one minute and one minute only. No more, no less." He says, as he shuts the door of the kitchen and leaves me in peace. I just hope he doesn't put me into pieces in the next minute.

Okay, whoever might be hearing this, long story short, psycho guy has a closet, closet has dead people, and now I'll die, so please, someone save me.

I'm normally independent, especially since you know what, but now, now I need someone, anyone's help.

And Jinsin and Taehyung, please, I need you.

I hear a bang on the door "20 seconds, woman."

Okay, noted dude. You think I don't know how to count down?

My mind goes blank, thinking about how I might die today, as the door now opens.

"Alright, you've had your moment. Now you shall join those ladies in there and stay alongside them."

Nice speech, totally understand. It's not like you told me like 3 times already.

As he raises his hands to kill me, realising the last thing I might see is his face...

That's when I hear the door get kicked down.

My eyes are still closed, as what sounds like two men come in and stabs someone...

I open my eyes to see...

A dead man and 2 familiar faces...

Jinsin and Taehyung...

And that's where this story ends as the pages flip to the next chapter...


Word Count:

➪ 4250 Words ☕︎


A/N: This will probably be the first and last from all these dark stories, but I hoped you liked this style nonetheless! I'll keep this author's note short. I love you all and thank you for reading!


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