chapter 3

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We had been flying for hours, maybe days. Black was very quiet, I thought he'd be talkative. "Hey black," I spoke, breaking the silence and he looked at me. "What is it y/n?" He asked a little worried. "Why won't you talk to me?" I asked him and he looked ahead. "Got a lot on my mind." He stated it quietly, something was bothering him, and I wanted to find out what. "And what's that?" I asked and he looked at me again. "You really wanna know?" He asked with a blush and I nodded. "Its zamasu, he might kill you because I like you. We have to stay clear of him till he warms up or you'll die." He spoke sadly. "But why would he kill me? I haven't done anything to him." He just sighed, "he hates mortals, especially humans." I just nodded and we landed down at a temple, a green man coming out to greet us. "Why is that mortal with you?" He sneered and black rolled his eyes. "Zamasu, this is Y/n, Y/n, this is Zamasu." He greeted both of us and I put my hand out to shake his hand. He just pulled back and scrunched his face up, "you really think I'd want to touch your filthy hands?" I pulled back and crossed my arms, "well, I ain't leaving." I stated boldly and he rushed in front of me. The only thing keeping his distance from me was Blacks arm. "You don't mess with her Zamasu or I'll personally deal with you." Aggressive dominance rose in his voice as he stepped closer to Zamasu. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into," Zamasu had his face wipe with betrayal and black didn't care. "Put one finger on her and I'll break every bone in your body!" Black snatched Zamasu's hand and squeezed it, zamasu whined in pain as his bones cracked. "Let that be a warning," Black dropped his hand and zamasu cradled it. Zamasu growled at me as Black held me close to him and walked us to the cabin by the temple. "Listen, we have to share this with Zamasu okay? I promise, one day, we will have our own house, no trouble. Just us and the great unknown." A smile appeared on his face as he spoke of what could be. "And what happens if there are kids in the picture?" He just kept looking ahead as he seemed to get excited. "That would be the best thing that would happen to me, even though I have the greatest person with me." He chuckled as he kissed my cheek with a smile. I blushed and held onto his arm and we walked up on the porch. He slowly opened the door,  as he led me in, the house was pretty dusty. "When was the last time you guys cleaned this place?" He laughed nervously as I passed the kitchen, dishes stacked high and food sitting out. We got to his room at the back of the house, and his room was a disaster. Clothes were everywhere, dirty dishes on the nightstand, the sheets looked like they needed cleaned, along with the blankets. "How do you live like this?" He just laughed, "after a while, you give up and get used to it." As I got to his bed, there was a white substance covering part of the stand, and it was on top of the blankets. Tissues were thrown in corners and baskets, "uh black, what is this white stuff?" I went to touch it and he grabbed my hand. "I wouldn't if I were you," He looked embarrassed of the mess too. "You're gonna help me Black," He looked at me confused. "Even though I just got here, this house is disgusting and we are cleaning it!" I stuck my finger out in front of his nose and he nodded and let out a sigh. "But do I have to clean?" He whined like a child and I nodded. "Yes, because you want to live like a pig, I'll also make sure you're bathed because now I see why you have that odor." He just nodded and started piling all of his clothes into a pile as he went to get a trash can and laundry basket. He came back and I put the clothes into a basket and he showed me the laundry room so I could do laundry. "Hey Black," He hummed from his room as he picked up the garbage. "Where is the laundry soap?" He came into the doorway. "We uh, we don't have any." He chuckled and I stared at him. "God, this is bad here, you gotta take me to the store to get some laundry soap after we get done cleaning." He just went back to his room to continue cleaning, and I went to the kitchen to see if he had any dish soap. There was none. 'Okay, need to make a list.' I thought to myself as I walked back to his room. "Get me a pen and paper please." He dug through his drawer and gave me a note pad. "Okay, we're gonna write down everything we need, is there other things?" He just shrugged, god men. Can't take care of themselves or have a sense in their brains. I just sighed and wrote down cleaning supplies and the soaps. "Do you have body wash and shampoo?" He shook his head and I wrote it down. We continued cleaning his room until it was all cleaned up. "There, it's clean!" He looked amaze and the carpet had dirt everywhere on it. "Can you get me the vacuum cleaner, please don't tell me you don't have one of those." He just gave an awkward chuckle, "well uh, we don't." The first day here and I have to clean them up. I heard the front door slam and came out of Blacks room to greet Zamasu. He was walking into his room as I stopped him. "You're gonna clean up too." He started laughing, "you're cute mortal, you really are funny." I put my hands on my hips. "Then let me see your room." He took stance and got defensive. "Well you aren't allowed near my room!" I pushed him and went into his room. The smell in here is putrid, like someone had died and rotted. "What is that smell?!" I screamed as he shrugged. "You sure you want to clean this room?" He put a hand on my shoulder and had a smirk on his face, signaling he thought he was winning. "Oh, I'll be helping YOU." His eyes widened in shock, and he looked down at me. I crossed my arms and smirked, "I win Zamasu, now we're gonna clean as black runs to the store to get more supplies." He sighed as I went and grabbed the trash can and clothes basket. I started taking off the blankets and sheets, and there was the white substance again on the sheets. "What is this stuff? Both of you guys have it on your beds!" His face flushed red and he came up behind me. "I have more of it if you want to see." His voice purred as I felt him wrap his arms around my waist. "Hey!" He just gripped tighter and rested his face in my neck. "I don't mean to be so mean to you, I just don't want black to think I'm soft." I tried to pull away from him as he rubbed himself against my backside. "I promise I'll try to be better," I turned around, still being stuck in his arms as he looked down at me and I looked up at him. "Listen, I'm with black, there would no way be a relationship between us unless Black screwed up and cheated on me. Even then, I don't know if I still would." He laid his forehead on mine and sighed. "You know he's hiding something from you right?" I just shook my head, "it's not working Zamasu, I'm not gonna be with you!" I yelled at him and he pushed me down onto the bed, the white substance directly beside my face. "If not, then I'll just make you!" He yelled back and grabbed my hips tightly. I could feel them bruising under his finger tips as he started to force himself on me. "I'll just show you how much I love you!" I started screaming and tried to move out of his grip and I could hear the sound of frantic footsteps. Black quickly grabbed Zamasu on the shoulder and turned him around, punching him across the face. I breathed heavily and got up, running out of the room. I was shaken up from the situation and Black followed in after me. "It's okay sweetheart, he can't hurt you anymore." He hugged me tightly and laid his chin on my head. "I'm so sorry he did that to you, if I knew something like that would of happened, I would of just taken you with me." He started to cry a little and I looked up and brought his face down to mine. "It's fine Black, you saved me. Now, did you get the supplies?" He nodded and grabbed my hand, taking me to the front  door. "It's all outside, once I heard you screaming, I dropped everything." He walked to the opened front door and grabbed all the bags that were left outside. "Oh and I did pick up carpet cleaner and a vacuum." He seemed pretty proud of himself and handed me the items, him carrying the rest. "Now, let's get your room finished up so we can lay back and relax, it's been a rough day." He nodded and took the supplies we needed to room as I worked on laundry. I saw the green siloghet of Zamasu in the doorway. "What do you want?" Aggression rising in my voice as he sat on his knees. "I'm so sorry, I just lost control of myself." His voice had almost the same exact plea as Blacks does. I looked at him, his ears were a little lowered as his head was down. "I'm just so lonely." He started crying and covered his face and guilt overcame me. I walked over to him and crouched down, he didn't dare look at me. "Zamasu, you almost raped me." Tears fell from his eyes as he kept his head down. I sighed as I brought my arms around his neck, hugging him as he didn't dare to raise his arms. "I promise I won't do it again, I swear!" He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, his crying got heavier. "You know you two act like little kids." I laughed as I pulled away from the hug and he started wiping his tears. "Zamasu, just don't try anything like that again, it scared me." I put both of my hands on his cheeks and he nodded. "Good, now can you get me your laundry, so I can get this all done with?" He nodded and got up and left.  He came back with a basket and set it down. I threw everything into the washer and folded Blacks clothes. All the stains in the clothes were gone, they all smelled fresh. "Black, can you come get your stuff?" I called out and Black walked in. He noticed Zamasu and growled. "Why are you in here you rodent?" He sneered as Zamasu looked down. "He's fine Black, here are your clothes." I handed him a basket of clean clothes and he glared at Zamasu before leaving. "I'm the most awful person ever!" Zamasu spoke through tears as he covered his face and slid down the wall. "Zamasu!" I walked over to him and he laid his head on my chest. "I promise I won't hurt you anymore, I swear!" I just petted his hair as he cried. "I know Zamasu, it's okay," he sighed as he started to drift off. "How about you go to bed okay? I'll see you in the morning." He nodded and got up, I followed after him and went to Black's room and got in bed. He had his back turned to me as he seemed to not want to look at me. "Are you hiding something from me Black?" He just mumbled and turned to me. "It's not important." I crossed my arms, "well Zamasu told me you were." He just sighed and put his hand on my waist, pulling me back down to lay down. "It's just, me and him are the same person, but from different timelines." I turned my back towards him and  felt his arm wrap around me. "No wonder you two act almost the same." He just shushed me and pulled my face towards his and kissed me. "Now, time to go to sleep my beautiful woman." He laid back down and held me tightly in his embrace.

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