d a y 3 ( 7 / 1 4 / 1 9 )

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•• i n f o r m a t i o n ••
s e a s o n - n e w l e a f , 3 / 5
e v e n t - g r a c e p e r i o d
b o r d e r s t r e n g t h - 2 0 / 2 0

•• r e s o u r c e s ••
p r e y - 1 5 0
h e r b s - 2 9

•• c a t s ••
t o m s - 9
s h e - c a t s - 11

l e a d e r - 1
d e p u t y - 1
m e d i c i n e  c a t s - 3
m e d i c i n e  c a t  a p p r e n t i c e s - 0
w a r r i o r s - 15
a p p r e n t i c e s - 0
q u e e n s - 0
k i t s - 0

s l i g h t l y  h u n g r y  c a t s - n / a
h u n g r y  c a t s - n / a
s t a r v i n g  c a t s - n / a
h u r t  c a t s - n / a
s i c k  c a t s - n / a

Welcome to Day 3 of A Flicker In The Dark!
This is the third day of the grace period.
The grace period will last six days!
Use this time to train, bond, forage and hunt!
Remember, every cat has three energy!

Foxshadow has maxed out her battleskill! Congratulations!

Since there has been some confusion regarding start the fishing command, I'll be putting this here real quick. You can only fish alone. Fishing commands with others will not be counted.

Also, for the grace period, the border will not go down. So for the time being, patrol commands will be ignored. When the border has dropped by two that is when patrol commands will start being counted and required. Cerculeanstar and Mothwhisper, don't forget to reinforce this!

It is currently Newleaf. There is a +2 bonus when hunting. There is also a +1 bonus when foraging.


l e a d e r
Cerculeanstar, Fluffy, long-furred blue-gray she-cat with a white mane and a long feathery tail; gorgeous blue eyes (xXsereniclillyXx)
Huntingskill: Level 5
Battleskill: Level 5
Swimmingskill: Level 5
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Lives: 9
Acquaintances (Level 1) ~ Bramblepatch
Apprentice: N/A

d e p u t y
Mothwhisper, Very pale brown she-cat with sky-blue eyes (shxdedskies-)
Huntingskill: Level 5
Battleskill: Level 5
Swimmingskill: Level 4
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A

m e d i c i n e c a t s
Rosethorn, Small red she-cat with green eyes (lilaclavender68)
Healingskill: Level 6
Foragingskill: Level 5
Swimmingskill: Level 5
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Acquaintances (Level 1) ~ Oaktree
Apprentice: N/A

•• Ebonywhisper, Pure black she-cat with white paws and hazel eyes (blindTamarin)
Healingskill: Level 5
Foragingskill: Level 3
Swimmingskill: Level 3
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A

Oaktree, Reddish-brown tom with green eyes (PinePaws)
Healingskill: Level 4
Foragingskill: Level 2.5
Swimmingskill: Level 2
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Acquaintances (Level 1) ~ Rosethorn
Apprentice: N/A

m e d i c i n e c a t a p p r e n t i c e s
n / a

w a r r i o r s
Gorsetuft, Dark brown tabby tom with nearly black stripes and yellow eyes (-hardcorefxnatic-)
Huntingskill: Level 5
Battleskill: Level 5
Swimmingskill: Level 5
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Acquaintances (Level 1) ~ Nightwither
Apprentice: N/A

Shadeberry, Very fluffy black tom with pale yellow eyes (Silverwing234)
Huntingskill: Level 4
Battleskill: Level 4
Swimmingskill: Level 4
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Acquaintances (Level 1) ~ Echofrost
Apprentice: N/A

•• Elderstep, Muscular dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes (-mollie)
Huntingskill: Level 4
Battleskill: Level 4
Swimmingskill: Level 4
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A

Foxshadow, Ginger she-cat with white spots at the base of her tail and amber eyes (LillyG99)
Huntingskill: Level 5
Battleskill: Level 5
Swimmingskill: Level 4
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A

Echofrost, A lean short-hair black she-cat tortie with one white front left paw and big, beautiful ocean blue eyes (@-Rise-)
Huntingskill: Level 4
Battleskill: Level 4
Swimmingskill: Level 4
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Acquaintances (Level 1) ~ Shadeberry
Apprentice: N/A

•• Venomfang, Short-furred, pure black she-cat with acid green eyes (xLYNXSTARx)
Huntingskill: Level 3
Battleskill: Level 3
Swimmingskill: Level 3
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A

Waterfoam, Light gray with white freckles, a white scruff and white paws and dark blue eyes (Squirrelflight14)
Huntingskill: Level 3
Battleskill: Level 3
Swimmingskill: Level 3
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Acquaintances (Level 1) ~ Ashenwilt
Apprentice: N/A

•• Bloodthorn, Long red-ish tom with gray eyes (-cloudyskiies)
Huntingskill: Level 3
Battleskill: Level 3
Swimmingskill: Level 3
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A

•• Primroselight, Slick fluffy light gray she-cat with white paws and whiskers and blue-green eyes; partially blind in her left eye (@-priimrose)
Huntingskill: Level 3
Battleskill: Level 3
Swimmingskill: Level 3
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A

•• Sparrowflight, Pale brown she-cat with green eyes (Warriorcat_lover56)
Huntingskill: Level 3
Battleskill: Level 3
Swimmingskill: Level 3
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A

Nightwish, Black tom with a white chest and paws; pale green eyes (shxdedskies-)
Huntingskill: Level 3
Battleskill: Level 2
Swimmingskill: Level 2
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A

Bramblepatch, Light brown tom with darker brown patches and copper eyes (JayxStick)
Huntingskill: Level 2.5
Battleskill: Level 2
Swimmingskill: Level 2
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Acquaintances (Level 1) ~ Cerculeanstar
Apprentice: N/A

Nightwither, Short-furred, sleek black she-cat with pastel blue eyes (@Empress_Of_Twilight)
Huntingskill: Level 2
Battleskill: Level 2
Swimmingskill: Level 2
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Acquaintances (Level 1) ~ Gorsetuft
Apprentice: N/A

Squirrelpounce, Pinkish ginger she-cat with darker calico-like markings and a curled tail; forest green eyes (@Lakepaws)
Huntingskill: Level 1
Battleskill: Level 1
Swimmingskill: Level 1
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A

Ashenwilt, Pale gray she-cat with dark gray freckles and  paws and dark amber eyes (Squirrelflight14)
Huntingskill: Level 1
Battleskill: Level 1
Swimmingskill: Level 1
Stats: Healthy (3 Energy)
Acquaintances (Level 1) ~ Waterfoam
Apprentice: N/A

a p p r e n t i c e s
n / a

q u e e n s
n / a

k i t s
n / a

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