Chapter 7

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Tris POV

" I love you." The world stops moving and suddenly my heart is beating fast.

"It's fine if you don't love or like me back." He adds.

" I love you too." I say. He seems shocked and I lean in and so does he as our lips touched. Electricity flows through me as his hands grip my hair. I wrap my arms around his neck, touching his hair gently. He pulls away and smiles. I smile back.

"I've always loved you, since 6th grade." My heart jumps as he says that.

" Me too." I state. I like Percy, but I'm in love with Tobias. He kisses me again and I kiss back. It's turns out to be a makeout session, until my phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out.


Hey Tris, just to let you know my party starts at 8 and my address is 6789 Dauntless ave. ~ Uriah

" Oh Tobias, will you be able to go to the party?" I ask him.

" Um yeah, I can stay before Marcus arrives."

"Okay it starts at 8. So one more hour." I exclaim. I asked my dad earlier and he accepted it. "Want to play xbox?" I ask with a smirk.

" Yeah." He states smirking as we sit on the carpet and I turn on my Xbox. I hand him the 2nd black controller and the game I put on is Call of Duty.

We play for a long time as my eyes begin to get tired. I rub them, I take a look at Tobias and he doesn't even seem tired. Well he does love video games. I take out my phone and it's 8:20.

"Crap!" I exclaim, turning off the Xbox.

" Hey! I was about to murder that guy Tris!" Tobias shouts.

" We're late Tobias! " I exclaim. He shrugs.

"We don't have to go Tris."

"But I want to." I argue, getting up, Tobias stands up and nods. I go to my closet and when I turn to close the door, Tobias stands in the doorway.

"So are you gonna watch me change Tobias?" I tease him, his face goes bright red and he turns around. I chuckle and close the door. I grab the dress Chris picked for me, it's red and has black polka dots all over it. It stops a little after my knee and I realized it's simple to dance and walk in this dress. I pick out my red flats and place them on, I take a look at myself. I look different, I barely wear dresses. I open the door and pace out. Tobias stands facing away from me. I laugh.

" Tobias, you can turn around now." I tell him, he slowly turns around and he is still flushing. He looks at me and his jaw drops.

" You look striking Tris." He says. I blush and look at the brown carpet, full of embarrassment. I look back up and he is still gaping at me, not my body, but me. At my eyes. I smile, I turn right and walk in the bathroom and leave the door ajar, through the mirror I see that he strides to the doorway and stops there, looking at all the materials on the counter.

I look at the things, and it's crowded with makeup, hairbrushes and combs, hairtyes.

" Woah, all I have on my counter is a comb and a toothbrush." He says, grinning, " Much more easier than all of this. I'm glad I'm not a girl."

I smile and start brushing my hair, I put it in a bun. I brush my teeth and apply lipgloss, I look at the mirror and Tobias now seems to get bored as he looks around my room. I chuckle as he drops one of my old elementary yearbooks and makes a worried expression as if he dropped a priceless jewel.

I put on some mascara and Tobias walks in.

"Tris, you don't need that ya know. If you're trying to impress me, put none of that stuff on your already priceless face." He speaks. I smile as he hugs me from behind.

"Okay." I replied, turning around and I look into his dreamy, dark blue eyes. He leans in and kisses my nose. I laugh as he starts to tickle my ribs. I keep laughing that tears almost escape my eyes but I push him away and he smirks.

"Oh I'm gonna get you!" I exclaim and he runs in my room, I chase him as he runs downstairs, then I can nearly touch his shoulder and I push him on the couch, I pounce on him, I start tickling his ribs and he starts to laugh and tries to bat me away, he distracts me by giving me a kiss, I kiss him back and his hand wrap in the nape of my neck.

Next thing I know he starts to tickle me, I laugh so hard, tears escape my eyes, and I playfully punch him and he stops as I realized my mascara is messed up.

That's why he tickled me in the first place, so I'll laugh so hard my mascara will come off and smear my face. He doesn't want me to wear makeup. I smile at him and give him a kiss, he kisses me back and I wrap my hands in his short hair.

I pull away.

" I love you Tobias." I state.

"I love you too Tris," he replies as our foreheads touch.

~~~~~~~~~~~TIME LAPSE~~~~~~

After I got off the mascara and did a bun. Again. I drove to Uriah's house.

Now Tobias and I ring the doorbell, there's a lot of people and I can hear the music blaring behind the oak door

Zeke opens the door, with a beer in his hand, he's drunk, I can tell by the way he greets us, he pats our head.

" Greeting young pups!" He slurs.

"Hey." Tobias says.

"Hi" I state.

"Well, come in! And here Four." He hands Tobias a beer, I excepted him to say no but he grabs it. "How about you Tris?" I shake my head. We stride in and the house is packed with people. I see Percy and Leo twerking? Great, now that's scared in my brain.

I don't see Chris anywhere, but Shauna comes to me.

"Hey Tris! Hey Four!" She states.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey." Tobias says. Uriah pops up and is also drunk.

" Hiya!" He slurs.

" Hey." We say.

" Let's have a party!!!!" He yells and people cheer, Tobias disappears with Zeke and Uriah. Christina comes with Shauna and I.

"Hey girls let's dance!!" She shouts. Shauna and I cheer in agreement.

We rush to the dance floor and we start to dance.

~~~~~~~~~~~TIME LAPSE~~~~~~

I'm sweaty by the end of the billionth song I danced to. I sit down on the counter of the kitchen and Chris sits next to me and Shauna is siting to my left.

Then Tobias comes, wait no.....stumbles, in the kitchen. He's drunk. Oh god. He stumbles to me and leans in close, very close. I can smell the smell of beer lingering as he exhales through his mouth. Chris nudges me with her elbow, I look at her, she wiggles her eyebrows. I roll my eyes and then I feel a kiss on my cheek.

" You look good Tris." ( Had to get this from the book 😋 ) He whispers in my ear. I look away from Christina's shocked and excited expressions and I look straight into his dark blue eyes.

"You're drunk." I whisper.

" I know," he smirks," I like your face, can I kiss it?" He says, loud enough for Chris and Shauna, they instantly start to laugh.

" Hey Tris, Four has feels for you!" Chris exclaims, Tobias laughs

"Yeah, I'm in love with her." Tobias slurs. He places his lips upon mine. I taste the liquor as I pull away.

"AWWW!!!" Shauna and Chris exclaim.

"Four, you're drunk." I say.

" Okay?? I like your dancing. Can u dance with me?" He asks

"Umm sure?" I replied, He grabs my hand and we walk to the middle of the living room.

Tobias starts to dance but he stumbles, oh gosh.

"Hey guys! There's karaoke! " Zeke yells, Tobias looks at me and smiles

"I'll sing a song for you." He says.

" Tobias, we should go home."


"But your father." I argue.

" Whatever," he slurs as he plants a kiss on my lips, I push him away.

" It's 9:40 Tobias. " I say.

" I don't care," I scoff, and roll my eyes.

"I'm going home," I say, turning around.

"Wait! Tris ." He grabs my elbow and turns me around. " He will be asleep by this time, please stay." I hesitated but nod. He smirks and kisses me. Then Zeke speaks," Hey everyone get out! Except the gang!" We stay as people rush out of the door.

" Get in a circle!" He commands.

" What are we gonna play? Duck, duck goose?! " Uriah shouts, we all laugh.

"No little bro, Candor or Dauntless."

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