Chapter 8

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Tris POV

We all sit down in a large circle. Tobias was to my right and Chris was it my left.

" Okay guys, I'll go first." Zeke states.

"Wait, wait! How come you go first?" Uriah asks.

"Because I'm came up with the idea. " He argues. "Anyway, Will, Candor or Dauntless?" Will starts to ponder.

" Candor." He tells Zeke.

" Pansycake!" Uriah yells, we all laugh except Will,

"Whatever," Will mutters.

" Okay, so.... Who in this room do you like?" Zeke states. Will's face grows red.

"Christina." He mumbles loud enough for all of us to hear.

"AWWWW!!!" Shauna and I exclaim. I look at Chris and she's blushing a lot.

" Okay anyway," Will says avoiding Chris, " Four Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," He states.

" I dare you to kiss a girl you like in this room." Will states. Tobias turns to me and smirks. He leans in and his lips touch mine.

I can taste the beer as I slowly kiss him back.

He pulls away. Chris and Shauna squeal in excitement. I flush and Tobias just grins.

~~~~~~~~~~TIME LAPSE~~~~~~~

After a long time of Truth or dare, I drive Tobias to my house, since he didn't want to go to his. I unlocked the front door and we tiptoe quietly upstairs to my room. I jump in my bed and Tobias lays on the floor.

" Tobias, you can lay up here if you want." I whisper, he gets up and lays down next to me. I grab his hand and squeeze it as he quickly passes out. I kiss his forehead and snuggle against him and soon fall asleep.

I wake up as I realized Tobias is gone. I sit up and check my phone, Tobias texted me.

Hey Tris. I left because I think your dad would get really pissed if he knew I spent the night. In your bed. With you. -Tobias

I laugh quietly as I text him back.

Hi Tobias and okay :-) ~Tris

Hey can I take you on a date? -Tobias

My heart jumps at that question.

Yes, what time???-Tris

Is 7 good? -Tobias

Yup, I'm pretty sure my parents will let me go. -Tris

Okay. Oh and I'll be using Marcus car to pick you up, I know how to drive, I just can't afford a car yet. And Marcus would probably be asleep. He gets drunk and passes out all the time. ~Tobias

Okay -Tris

I look at the time, 10:30. I get up and change into sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. I walk in the hallway and I realized everyone is asleep. Chris texts me.

Hey Tris! Do you want to build a snowman? Or go to the mall to shop?!

- Chris

I laugh at Christina's weirdness.

Lol. Yeah, we should go to hot topic. They have the best Supernatural merch. ~Tris

Chris and I love Supernatural, it's our favorite T.V show.

Oh yes! We should! I'm definatly gonna get a shirt with Sam on it! ~Chris

I'm gonna get something with Dean's face on it! ~ Tris

I walk downstairs and serve myself some cereal. I sit down eating while watching Netflix, watching an episode.

I hear Caleb come downstairs and he walks out the door but I stop him.

"Where are you going?" I question.

"Out. Don't tell mom." He states and shuts the door, I roll my eyes and continue to watch the show.

~~~~~~~~~~TIME LAPSE~~~~~~~

Caleb comes in as mom is making breakfast. He slowly paces up the stairs.

I asked my mom about my date with Tobias and the mall and she said yes! So now I turn off netflix and walk upstairs to my bathroom.

I brush my teeth and brush my long hair and place it in a Katniss Braid. I grab my black leather purse and I go downstairs.

I say bye to my mother and father and leave.

I get in my car and drive to Christina's house, thinking about Tobias. I love him, I love him so much. I arrive at Chris's house and I text her, waiting for her to come outside. Her house is a small one-story home, I've been inside before, it's nice and cozy, not to small nor too big, the lawn is trimly cut and the color of the house itself is a light brown color.

Chris walks out of her house wearing black shorts, black converse and a black V neck. She grins at me as she hops in my car.

" Let's go to the mall!"

"Yesssss!!!!" I shout. " then Barnes and Noble, that's the best store ever." I state, Chris grins.

" Yes it is." She says as I start to drive to the mall.

" So Tris, how is it between you and Four?" She asks, I chuckle.

"Good actually. He asked me on a date." I replied.

"Yesterday was hilarious. ' I like your face. Can I kiss it?'" She says, speaking in a deep voice. I blush and laugh. "anyway, what you gonna wear on the date Tris?"

" I don't know, " I respond as I park in the parking lot.

"Well, let's find something for ya!" She exclaims.

We walk into the mall and walk straight into Hot Topic.

"So. Much. Fandom. Merch." I gasp,Chris and I begin to fangirl, making insane sounds while people stare.

I see Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Supernatural. It's absolutely perfect. I walk to the supernatural section and I instantly die staring at all the shirts.

"Holy crap, so much Sammy and Dean." Chris states, pretending to faint. I laugh. I pick out a shirt and a beanie

A black one that says 'Supernatural Join the Hunt' and one with Sam and Dean on it. And a the beanie says ,"Saving People Hunting things The family business"

Chris however, grabs a purse with Sam on it. She starts to fangirl. We pay for our merch and we walk back to my car, still fangirling.

I drive to Barnes and Noble and we fangirl even more as we walk inside.

The smell of millions of books fill my nose, chill air breezes my skin, sending goosebumps. We literally run to the YA ( Young Adult) section. I pick out two books, The Maze Runner and Fangirl.

Christina picks out 2 books also, Cinder and Fangirl too. We pay for it and we fangirl even more as we pace to my car. When we jump in, I see Chris reading Fangirl as I drive to Chipotle.

"Hey Chris, what time is it?" I ask her . She doesn't answer, "CHRIS!" I yell.

"What?" She snaps. " oh it's 2:00." She replied. I chuckle, and continue driving.

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