Chapter !#: Nico's Pov

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Enjoy! Sorry, this is so short!

I keep feeling a presence. It feels like the sky is pushing down on my shoulders but not in the normal atmospheric way. At points, it was almost like an elephant was standing on my shoulders and stopping me from moving. I asked Hazel, Annabeth, and Reyna about it but no one has an answer. It's really quite annoying. We contacted camp and Piper said that it sounded like what happened when her, Jason, Leo, and Coach Hedge were going to fight Enceladus and the ground was pulling at their feet because of Gaea. We talked for a few more minutes while brainstorming ideas for whom the villain could be. Thalia suggested Ouranos but that wouldn't make sense because he isn't supposed to be able to do anything other than be the sky. Eventually, we decided that it was a god who was going against us and that they had some sort of magical allies. Cutting the connection we continued our hike to Maine. We were running low on sleep because last night after Evelyn and Ryland's shift there were a ton of monster attacks. After walking for a while we set up camp and went to sleep.

Hazel's Pov:

I woke up to banging and shouts. It was about 2 am and there was an attack outside. Just great. I quickly got my armor on and grabbing my spatha ran outside. Reigning havoc on the campsite was a group of cyclops and Laistrygonian giants. Currently, we are in some forest in New Hampshire. Of course, that means no one can witness our utter demise but still, why couldn't there be people. Like not to wish for them to be in the danger zone but it would still be nice. A cyclops ran at me. Sliding between its legs I pivoted and stabbed it in the back. After fighting off the rest of the cyclops that were near me I moved to go behind the giants so that I could stab them in the back as well. Slipping through the trees I crouched behind the giant most separated from the group. While the other tree giants were distracted by the rest of our group I killed the first. I noticed the monsters were mostly targeting Percy and Annabeth and that Ryland also has the same tactic as me. We killed two more but as I advanced towards the third I suddenly flew into the air.

Thank you for reading!

- Lyn

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