Chapter Four

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(The song doesn't go with the chapter, I just love it :P)

Annabeth's POV

      I stared at the text in confusion.  How did Thalia know?

Annabeth- How did you know?

Thalia- I'm outside eaves dropping.

Annabeth- Great to know. I'll tell him.

Thalia- Cool. I'll wait for you

Annabeth- Thanks Thalia. I know you don't really like him...

Thalia- Trust me, this is going to be more of an interrogation than anything.

Annabeth- I hope your kidding.

     I shut off my phone and slipped it into my bag. "Alright, you can come." I said, standing up from my kneeling position. He blinked.

      "Wait, really?" He asked.

      "Yes really, C'mon. Everyone's coming." I told him, grabbing his arm and lifting him out of the chair.

      "Who's everyone?" He asked skeptically.

      "Thalia, Nico, Hazel, Piper, Frank, Leo, Jason, Will and I." I said, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

       "J-Jason?" He stuttered slightly, his eyes widening.

       I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, you got a problem?" I asked.

       "No no no! Just... Never mind." He muttered. He blushed for whatever reason and slung his own bag over his shoulder. He cursed.

       "Now I've only got seven shirts left." He groaned, zipping up a side pouch.

       "Seven? Like, your entire wardrobe?" I asked.

       He nodded. "I used to have a lot, but they were covered in blood stains. So I threw them away." he shrugged.

        "Well, you should probably buy more." I said, raising an eyebrow.

       "Gabe wont let me get a job- Well, he wants me to but all the money would go to him. So I don't want to get a job. Also, he keeps all the... Dirty money... To himself. I don't get an allowance either, obviously, so I'm broke."

       "Seriously? That sucks." I frowned. "I get an allowance of fifty dollars a week. I could use some of it to buy you-"

        "No no no, don't spend your money on me!" He exclaimed quickly. "Please, don't!"

       I sent him a curious look. "Why not?"

        "I'm not worth it. Now are we leaving?" he asked, obviously uncomfortable.

     "Don't get to cozy Jackson, your step dad's going to come after you if you don't pick up your game." Mr. Blofis called lazily, sitting on a desk.

        "I know sir. Bye." He strode out of the hallway, pulling my out after him.

      "he knows?" I whispered. He shrugged.

      "More or less. He knows-thinks- it's on occasional hit. He doesn't know the extent of the situation." Percy said with a shrug.

     "Percy... I have a question." I spoke softly as we walked through the empty hallways.

     "Uh.. Sure."

      "Your step dad... Back at the apartment... He called you something." I whispered cautiously. He nodded.

       "He called me a lot, what in particular?" He asked.

       "Um, the F-A word. Don't want to say it." I murmured.


      "Umm, yeah." I muttered, turning slightly red.

      "Uh-huh. What about it?" He asked as we continued to walk.

     I wanted to yell at him to stop acting so casual. This was not a normal situation. Instead I carries through my questioned. "Are you gay?"

        He stiffened. "Depends. Are you homophobic?"

       I let out a soft laugh. "No, I'm not. Will's dating Nico, and I think it's adorable."

       "Then yeah. I'm gay." (Ha. you thought it was Percabeth. NO. PERCY'S GAY. Also, Solangelo is going to stay together.)

       I frowned. "Which means... You're disgusted by what you're doing ten times more."

      He nodded weakly. "Yeah."

      We made it to the front doors and saw everyone standing there. "Alright, let's go! Everyone take your cars and follow me to my house!" Thalia yelled.

      "Uh, Percy and I walk." I reminded her.

      She frowned. "Right. Ride with... Who's willing to take them?"

      "I'll take Annabeth." Piper said, raising her hand.

      "If you're taking me, you're taking-"

      "Go ride with Piper. I can walk to her house. It's only half a mile from here." Percy cut me off. I frowned.

       "You are not walking. You're going to get tired." I told him.

       "I'm walking. I don't need a ride. I need more exercise anyways, need to work on those abs you've been talking about." he said with a wink and a playful smile.

        "Uh-huh. Suuure. You believe whatever you want." I said, rolling my eyes at him.

        "I will. And I believe in exercise, so adios!" He yelled before charging out of the doors.

        I sighed and shook my head. "Whatever. So I'm riding with you Piper?" I asked. She nodded with a smile.

       "Cool." I responded, though on the inside I was probably bouncing in joy.

       I followed Piper to her car and we pulled out after Thalia. It was a baby blue, nice pickup truck. (Anyone who's reading- Ford or Chevy? It was one of those huge family arguments on Thanksgiving, [if you celebrate] you know those huge arguments your entire family gets dragged into and it ends with yelling and a pie in someone's face? [This year it was my dad who smashed a pie {peanut butter pie} in his aunts face] Yeah, it was over which was better, Ford or Chevy.)

       "So... You like Jackson?" She asked, looking over at me. I snorted.

       "Hell no. He's just... A friend, you could say." I responded with a shrug. She narrowed her eyes.

        "Tell the one hundred percent truth." she demanded.

        "I swear on my life I do NOT have a crush on Percy." I said, raising both eyebrows at her. She smiled.

       "Good to see that you still haven't fallen under his spell."

     We drove in kind of an awkward silence for a little bit, following Thalia and Jason's large, dark blue Ford truck. (I like Ford. Only because my dad owns a million Ford vehicles [Actually, it's 37, but no need for details])

     We finally pulled up to a huge building painted light blue with black shutters around all the windows. All of our vehicles pulled into the driveway, including Nico and Will's bumble-bee looking Lamborghini. They say that Nico wanted black and Will wanted yellow, so they compromised and made it black with yellow rims and yellow tinted windows.

      Anyway, much to my surprise, as soon as we walked through the door there was a knock. Thalia answered it, dropping us off in the living room, and came back with a red faced, panting Percy. "H-Hey." He gasped in greeting, wiping his forehead.

      "Did you run the whole way here?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

     "Maybe." He said with a shrug.

      I just rolled my eyes at him. "Uh-huh. You totally ran."

      "I totally did." he agreed, nodding. "And I got a six pack along the way."

       I just shoved him lightly and he laughed. "You did not." I said, rolling my eyes.

      "Did too. I'm not going to show you them though, we're just friends. And I'm pretty sure friends don't show of there abs." he said, winking at me. I just rolled my eyes at him.

      "Good to see we're in the same zone at least." I said with a shrug. He just laughed.

      "Dude, this is nothing like the jerk at school..." Leo whispered to Jason.

      Jason had a... Mixed expression. "It's almost old Percy.." Jason whispered back. Either Percy didn't hear or didn't care because he gave no indication he heard.

      "So. Uh... Thanks for letting me over... I know you all hate me, so..." Percy trailed off, his face red as he rubbed the back of his neck. Jason and Leo were watching his every move.

       It took a while for anyone to respond. "Uh... Yeah." Thalia responded, looking surprised. "I mean.. We don't really... Okay, yeah, we kind of all hate you."

      Percy just laughed, though I could sense a hit of bitter sadness. "Yeah. I know."

      "Well, you said this would be fun. What's in store for us Mrs. Grace?" I asked, crossing my arms.

      "Uh, movies and junk food. Duh." she said, rolling her eyes.

      "Junk food?" I asked, looking down at my stomach. It was pretty big already.

       "Annabeth, you're skinny as a toothpick. You can eat some junk food." Percy said. "It's better than eating nothing."

       I sighed, still looking at my stomach. "I think I'll just settle for water. Where's your kitchen?" I asked.

      Thalia sighed and pointed to a direction on the right. I saw a door and nodded, running to the kitchen. I found the cups in a cupboard and started to walk over to the sink. I was about to turn on the tap when I heard a voice. "You don't need to lose weight you know." Percy walked over, leaning on the counter besides me.

        "I know." I lied. "I just don't like eating a bunch of unhealthy foods."

       "I know you're lying." he said. "My bathroom is right next to yours."

       I didn't know what to say. I could feel my hand shaking slightly. Just as the glass was about to fall from my hand, Percy grabbed it and set it on the counter. "Annabeth?" He asked, looking at me, his expression concerned.

       "No." I whispered.

       "No what?" He asked, taking my hand in his. It wasn't romantic, simply friendly- and concerned.

       "No- You're wrong. I'm not skinny..." I muttered, tears brimming my eyes.

       "You're perfect Annabeth, okay? You're weight is amazing, okay?" He whispered.

      I nodded weakly, but I didn't believe him. "I know you don't believe me, but you are, okay?" He whispered, bending down so he was level with me. "You truly are."

     I burst into tears, just standing there and crying. Percy's eyes widened and he seemed to panic, but wrapped his arms around me and held me close. "Oh gods Annabeth please don't cry... Please don't cry, it's okay..."

      I weakly hugged back, still crying when Piper ran in. "What did you do?!" she hissed at Percy, forcing him off of me and shoving his away. I wanted to protest but I had no words and Piper hugged me tightly.

      "Calm down Annabeth, it's okay..." Piper whispered.

       "You don't know what's wrong with her! I need to help her!" Percy exclaimed, reaching out for me.

       "There's nothing wrong with her you jackass! Go away!" She yelled, pulling away from me to shove him in the chest.

      He stumbled back, eyes wide with hurt and surprise. Soon enough the rest ran in and saw me crying. They all immediately glared at Percy, then ran over to me and crushed me in a huge group hug. Percy, still halfway across the room and looking heartbroken, stood with a sad, faraway look in his eyes. "Get out!" Piper screeched. Percy frowned, the sadness in his eyes deepening before he trudged out of the room.

       I wanted to call out to him. To tell him to come back. But my voice wasn't working. So I just cried and cried, while they all hugged me close. Except for one person.


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