Chapter Four

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Annabeth's POV

       It took a while for me to calm down, and after that I didn't think anything of Percy. I had forgotten all about him. We joked around all night until we had to go to go home at around eight.. I froze when I saw Percy's door. I ran into my house and to my room, pressing my ear against my wall. No sound. Either he was asleep or hurt...

       I figured he was asleep and decided to go to bed early. I would talk to Percy tomorrow. I fell asleep quickly.


      I yawned, sitting up in bed. I got ready, walking out of my apartment. I expected to see Percy, leaning up against his door as usual. But he wasn't there. I frowned and waited a few minutes. There was no Percy. I sighed and ran to school so I wouldn't be late. He was probably already there. I saw my group hanging out around the school gates and ran up to them.

       "Where's Percy?" I asked immediately.

       "Didn't you hear?" Will asked. "He's in the hospital. Was admitted last night, there were ambulances all around the apartment."

        My heart stopped. "I-I need to g-go." I stuttered.

        "Hey hey hey, where do you think you're going?" Piper asked, grabbing my wrist.

        "To see my friend!" I exclaimed.

        "He's no friend! He made you cry last night!" Thalia hissed.

        "He was consoling me, which you would have known if you hadn't assumed he was some evil jackass!" I yelled. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go!" I twisted out of Piper's grip and began to run to the hospital, which was only a few miles away.

         I was winded half-way there and sped walked the rest of the way. I finally burst into the hospital and staggered up to the front desk. "I-I need t-to see Percy Jackson." I gasped. The woman smiled at me.

        "Ah, you're Annabeth, correct?" She asked. I frowned but nodded.

        "Well, Will Solace, my son, has been talking about you. Not in the lovey way of course. Only family members are allowed in right now, but I think I can make an exception for you, if you'd like." she smiled at me and I nodded vigorously.

       "Y-Yes p-please." I breathed, slowly regaining my breath. She nodded.

       "I'll have his doctor lead you there. He's my husband." She said. I smiled thankfully at her and she typed something out.

       A few seconds later a man that looked exactly like Will, but with stubble and brighter blond hair, walked out. "Annabeth, I'm here to take you to Mr. Jackson."

        I nodded. Mrs. Solace gave me a huge thumbs up and I smiled, following the doctor.


       "Call me Apollo." He interrupted.

       "Right. Uh, Apollo, how is he doing? Is he... Stable?" I asked.

       "He wasn't last night-" We took a turn into a hallway on the left. "-But he's conscious today. No one knows what happened, just looked like he was jumped by a thousand gangsters. And we found a few cuts on his wrists."

        I sucked air through my teeth. "That idiot." I muttered, though I felt tears brim my eyes.

        "You like him?" He asked.

       I shook my head no. "Just... Friends."

        He flashed a sad grin. "You know about his little secret?" he whispered.

      I rolled my eyes. "Three so far." I muttered.

      He smiled sadly. "Trust me, there's more."

       Apollo opened the door and stepped inside. When I saw Percy my breathing hitched.

        His wrists were wrapped in white gauze, which red blood was bleeding through. Multiple cuts, bruises and swollen areas were visible. His eyes weren't open. "Hey there Perce, how you doing?" Apollo asked, walking over to Percy's side and picking up a  clip board. 

       Percy groaned. "Like I was hit by an eighteen wheeler. Twice. And then used as a trampoline for a million eight graders."

        Apollo winced, though with a small smile. "Sounds painful. How are you doing compared to last night?"

        "Like one of the eighteen wheeler's missed me and I was just stabbed by shrapnel instead." Percy responded.

       Apollo sighed. "That's not very good. Well, you have a visitor."

        Percy frowned. "Who the hell would visit me? Please tell me it's not one of those girls, I do not need that right now."

      Apollo just laughed. "No, I think you'll like this one. To bad you can't open your eyes to see her."

      He frowned. "So it is a girl. There's only one girl who isn't a crazed fan that might have cared enough to come, and she hates me right now. Then again, how did she get in if it's family only? Isn't she supposed to be at school? "

      "I skipped." I said, speaking up for the first time.

      "I thought you hated me." He muttered.

       "No, I was just..." I sighed. "I was to startled to do anything."

       He grimaced. "Apollo, just get the hell out, alright?" he asked. Apollo laughed.

       "Sorry. I'll leave you two." He quickly left the room and I sat in a chair by the bed.

       After a second of silence, he asked the fatal question. "Do you have Anorexia?"

        "I... Yeah." I muttered, rubbing my arms subconsciously.

       "This is going to sound, like, extremely cheesy and lovey or whatever, but you're really beautiful Annabeth." Percy muttered.

       I laughed. "Stop consoling me, you're the one in the hospital." I frowned, suddenly remembering the surroundings. "What happened?" I whispered.

       Percy sighed. "I was, distraught after last night, and I made the mistake of talking back to Gabe. I got hurt and was just... Stressed. So..." he gestured weakly with his arms.

      I got up, frowning, and walked over to him. I gently rubbed a finger along the gauze across his lower arm, making him wince. "Sorry." I muttered, drawing my hand back. he smiled sadly, his eyes still closed.

      "Can I tell you something?" he whispered after a few seconds of silence.

      "I- Of course." I muttered. I grabbed his hand in a friendly way, to console him. He looked pretty freaked out.

       "I... I-" He was cut off when the hospital door bust open.

       My head snapped in the direction of the door and saw my group standing there, panting. "My god Annabeth... How do you run... So fast!?" Piper gasped, putting her hands on her knees and bending over.

       I frowned. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

       "We came to apologize to, you know... Percy." Thalia muttered, shoving her hands in her jeans pockets.

        I looked back and saw Percy frowning. "Why would you apologize? For what?" Percy asked.

       "Well, one for kicking you out of my house when you were actually consoling Annabeth, two for being complete jerks to you, and three for... Well, for the second reason." Jason mumbled.

       Percy scoffed, his eyes still closed. "Thanks, I guess."

       "Were we- Did we interrupt something?" Piper asked, looking at our hands.

      "Oh no no no no NO." Percy said, smiling slightly while pulling his hand away from mine.

       Leo and Jason looked like they had been hit in the face with three tons of bricks. "Dude, I completely forgot!" Jason exclaimed, slapping his forehead.

       "Same!" Leo said, tapping the side of his head as if to say 'Stupid brain can't remember anything.'

       Then they got a confused look on their faces. "Wait, if your... How come you're... I'm confused!" Leo exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

       Jason shrugged. "I don't know either man."

        Percy laughed. "I told you you'd never figure me out, didn't I?"

       Leo and Jason looked at him. "That was, in, like, second grade, how'd you remember? I thought you forgot about us!" Leo exclaimed. Percy winced.

       "Trust me, the last thing I wanted to do was leave you. And how could I not remember that? It was the most eventful time of my life. Well, second most eventful." Percy said, tilting his head to the side slightly.

       "Am I the only one extremely confused?" Thalia asked.

       "Nope." Everyone's voice except Leo, Jason and Percy's voice replied.

       "Dude we were tight in second grade, we were da trio." Leo said, crossing his arms. "Best year of my life."

       "Same. Then Percy stopped hanging out with us as soon as he told us his secret." Jason sighed, looking utterly miserable.

       I looked at Percy curiously. He opened his eyes for the first time, his sea green eyes sweeping over everyone. Lingering on Jason and Leo a bit longer. "I told them one of the three you know." he said, looking back at me. "Jason, Leo, you could have been killed if you had found out any more of my secrets. Even the secret you do know slipped on accident."

        "Duuudee, it was sooo obvious once we knew though!" Leo exclaimed, a crazy grin on his face. Percy's face flushed red.

       "Shut it Valdez."

       "Nuh-uh. It was crazy how different you acted around us, more paranoid after that."

       "So they found out you were.. You know?" I asked. He nodded with a sigh.

       "She knows and she's known you for under a week. Dude, that's not fair!" Leo pouted.

       "Even if I had lied she would have figured out. Have you ever heard her in class? She's firing off answers like Einstein." Percy said, wide eyed now. I blushed, but didn't object. (So many people leave out Annabeth's fatal flaw is PRIDE. She's not going to turn down a compliment, unless it's something rash.)

       "That's true, but what is the secret?" Piper asked.

       "Uh... Do you not know what the term 'secret' means?" Percy asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

        She rolled her eyes. "I'm not as dumb as Leo. I just want to know, we're not going to judge you."

       "But," Percy said, furrowing his brows a tiny bit. "If you found out this secret, it could lead to unveiling of another secret, which could lead to you finding out another secret which is tied to both of those, and so on and so on."

       "Percy, you can trust them. I promise." I whispered. He tensed.

       "Fine, but they better not be as smart as you or someone's getting strangled, most likely me, kay?" Percy asked. I rolled my eyes but nodded.

       He didn't say anything, but his lips were moving. He looked over at me helplessly. I sighed and set a hand on his. "Percy's actually gay."

       Shocked silence filled the hospital room. Percy bit his lower lip, looking off to the side slightly. "Then... What about all your flirting? Your... You sleep with a new girl every week! How.. How are you, of all people, gay?" Piper asked, eyes wide.

       Percy, bit his lip harder. "I told you it would lead to problems." He muttered.

      "Why don't you just... You can tell them the rest. We can help you, I promise." I begged.

      "Why don't you understand this Annabeth? The last three people who found out are DEAD!" Percy yelled, his head snapping in my direction. "And you expect to tell a whole bunch of people that HATED me hours ago that, That I'm fucking abused? That I'm being fucking forced to sleep with people? That-" His voice died in his throat and he paled. His eyes widened, filled with panic and fear.

         "Shit." He muttered, looking down at his lap.

        "You're WHAT!?" Jason and Leo screamed, faces pale.

        "Get out." Percy whispered. "Get out, now. Forget you knew me. Forget everything, you hear me? If you want to live, if you want to leave with your life, then get the fuck out and forget everything. Ignore me."

       "L-let's go." Piper said, grabbing my wrist.

       I, for the second time that day, yanked my arm from her grip. "No."

      "Pretty girl's right." Some guy sneered from the doorway. I recognized his voice right away. "Leave fag boy here to me. Get out and I wont kill you."

      Jason's face paled. "Gabe..." he whispered.

      Gabe sneered at him. "What's to it? Get out."

      "Leave..." Percy whispered.

      "I'm not leaving you." Leo, Jason and I chorused.

      "H-He w-will k-k-kill you! Leave!" Percy yelled.

       "Keep your voice down you little fag, someone's going to hear you, just like Chase did. Didn't I tell you to sleep with her by today?" Gabe snarled.

       "I'm not going to. I don't care what you do to me. I'm not being your fuckboy anymore Gabe." Percy growled.

       "Oh, you're going to go EXACTLY as I tell you." Gabe sneered, then swung a fist at Percy's face.


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