Chapter One, First Day of School

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     Annabeth's POV

     I scanned the front doorways of Goode High until she saw her. Her black, spiky hair, her 'Death To Barbie' T-shirt, her leather jacket and chains. Thalia Grace, or my best friend.

     You wouldn't expect us to get along. I was the nerdy, genius girl who has never failed a class in her life, and Thalia was the punk who rode a motercylce to school and ditched classes. She saw my and flashed me a blinding grin, grabbing a guys wrist and dragging him over to me. He had a scar across his face and short, cropped blonde hair with bright blue eyes. "Annabeth!" Thalia exclaimed, crushing me in a hug. "I've missed you! Finally joined me at this hell-hole they call a school, huh?"

     I just laughed, hugging my friend back. People surged around us suddenly and squeals erupted from all the girls around me except Thalia, who scowled. He grabbed my wrist, as well as the mystery guys, and dragged us to the side where we were out of the way of girls who had suddenly crowded something. "He's here!" A girl cried, bouncing up and down while trying to push through the heavy crowds. He?

     "Who's here?" I asked, looking at Thalia. She just scowled, as well as the other guy.

     "Percy Jackson, the school fuckboy." She growled. The other guy grimaced in disgust. "Anyway, this is Luke. He's my best friend in this hell-hole, huh Castellan?" She asked, rubbing her knuckles against his scalp. He just lauged and shoved her away.

     "Nice to meet you Luke," I said, nodding in his direction. He smiled shyly.

     "Don't be so shy Luke, she's not going to judge you. It's not like she can, little miss goody." Thalia teased, making both of laugh. I couldn't help but glance in the direction of the group of fan girls, thats when I saw him for the first time.

      His jet black hair was swept to the side, like a breeze had been on his side and perfectly styled his hair. His skin was toned like a surfers and his smile was as blinding as the sun and as crooked and mischeivous as an imps. His eyes were sea green, like the ocean on a beautiful summer day, calm and relaxing. He didn't look evil, like Thalia had made him sound. "Don't even look at him. It's not worth it." Thalia growled.

       I snapped out of my gaze and turned my head back to Luke and Thalia. "Yeah, yeah, sorry. Just trying to see the evil heart throb." I said, shaking my head. I didn't want to become one of those girls, groveling at his feet like he was a god. (The irony of this is hilarious.)

     "Good. Now, what do you have first?" Thalia asked, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper from the pocket of her leather jacket and unfolding it. "I have math."

       I pulled out my own neatly folded piece from my sweatshirt pocket and unfolded it neatly, smoothing it out. Thalia rolled her eyes and nudged Luke, whispering "I told you so." I just rolled my own eyes.

       "LA, Social Studies, Spanish, lunch, math, chemistry and free period." I responded, listing of my classes before folding it back up and putting it in my pocket.

       "Dang, we have Spanish, lunch and chemistry together." She frowned and I smiled, nudging her shoulder.

       "We have chemistry together, huh?" I teased. Her face blanked for a second before her face broke into a huge grin and we both erupted in laughter.

      "You are some piece of work Chase." Thalia said, shaking her head, still smiling.

      "I know. They say I was created by Leonardo da Vinci." I joked and we laughed again, this time Luke joining us.

       The bell rang and Thalia saluted me. "Good luck Annabeth, don't get bellow and A+!" She yelled before running off with Luke. I rolled my eyes and walked to the doorway, trying to find my locker.

       I finally found it, but it was crowded by tons of girls. I frowned. Either this was a popular chicks locker, or it was the 'Heart Throb.' I squeezed my way between the girls until I found my locker. "Oh my god, you're, like so lucky!" Some girl shouted in some valley girl accent. "Your locker, is, like, right next to Percy's!" I scowled as the girls all sighed dreamily.

      Right after, I heard a smooth, deep voice ask, "Talking about me are you?"

      Immediately squeals filled the air as I fumbled with my combination, trying to get out as quick as possible, but I was being suffocated by the fan girls that were swarming Percy's locker. I finally got it open, putting my books away before slamming the locker shut. I turned to go to class when I remembered I had no clue where the Language Arts room is. I frowned and looked at my schedule before decided to head in a random direction. You have no idea how badly that failed.

      I wondered for a few minutes, trying to find my LA class with no prevail. "Lost?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

      I turned and saw Percy, smirking and leaning up against a locker. "No." I sneered, glancing at a clock on the wall. I was going to be sooo late.

     "Looks like it." He smirked, taking a step towards me. I took a step back.

      "I don't want your help." I growled. He just raised an eyebrow at me, giving me an 'I know you're lying look.'

      "A girl as fine as you shouldn't lie you know." He said. I just scowled at him while he smirked.

     "Don't call me fine. Now are you going to get to your class or are you going to unsuccessfully try to flirt with me?"

     "Oh trust me, I'll grow on you." He smirked, winking at me. "Trust me, I always do. How about I point you to your class? What do you have?" He asked. I frowned.

     I sighed in defeat, though I hated it. "I have Language Arts."

     "Cool, same. Follow me." He turned and started to walk off and I hesitated, but decided to follow. He was my only hope right now, as much as I hated to admit it.

      He didn't say a word as he stood to the side of a classroom. My LA class. "You first. I like to be late." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes before walking into the classroom.

      "Hello there Mrs... Chase was it?" The teacher asked. He was a small, lean man with round glasses. He had a turtleneck brown sweater on and olive green jeans.

      "Yes sir." I responded. He smiled.

      "Take a seat anywhere, though it will be your pernament seat so be weary of where you sit." He told me. I nodded thanks to him and sat in the front row, next to a girl with choppy brown hair, which had feathers braided into it.

      "Hey. My name's Piper." She greeted, looking over at me as I set my bag of needed supplies on the floor under my desk.

      "I'm Annabeth, nice to meet you." I greeted back. She smiled at me, tipping her seat back slightly.

      "I saw you walk by with Percy. You a fan?" She asked. I shook my head no violently.

     "Hell no. I may be new but I've seen enough of him for a life time." I grumbled, shaking my head. She grinned and held up her hand for a high-five, which I accepted.

      "You're pretty cool. Wanna hang at lunch?" She asked. I grinned and nodded, surprised I had already made a possible friend just by not liking the school 'heart throb.'

       The scrawny teacher clear his throat and stood from his seat. "My name is Mr. Thickly. Pleased to meet you all. I will be your Language Arts teacher. Now I know that everyone hates school-" a few kids laughed at that "-so I'll give you the first day to chat with your friends."

      Just then Percy walked into the room. No, he didn't walk in, he strutted in like a king to his palace. He sat down in a seat as everyone started to talk, and immediately half the class switched seats to be closer to him. He smirked at me and winked, making me roll my eyes. I turned my attention back to Piper, who was wrinkling her nose in disgust. "I hate that guy. Acts like he owns the place."

      I nodded in agreement, widening my eyes. By the end of class we had pretty much gotten to know everything about each other. Birthdays, friends, embarrassing stories, everything. Turns out she's friends with Thalia and Luke, as well as a bunch of others, and they all sit together at lunch.

     Piper and I had all of our classes together, which we were both enthralled about. Piper also told me that she had some of friends in our classes scattered through the day. In my next class, Social studies, there was no Percy, which we both were happy about, and a guy named Will, one of Pipers friends, was in that class. Next class (Spanish) Frank and Hazel, and unfortunately Percy, more of Pipers friends, then we had lunch. Piper, Frank and Hazel lead me to the lunch table, where once we were all seated nine people sat.

      "Everyone, this is Annabeth. She moved here from California." Everyone nodded hello to me in there own way.

      Piper grinned at me, Frank and Hazel smiled shyly, Will grinned widely, a pale/olive complexioned guy with dark bags under his eyes studied me, a guy with impish features and curly hair waved over enthusiastically and grinned extremely wide, a guy with short cropped hair and wire-framed glasses gave a confident smile, and Luke just smiled at me.

      "That's Nico, don't mind him, he's a pessimist-" Nico scowled at Thalia who just rolled her eyes. "-That's Leo and Jason. I'm assuming you've already met Hazel, Frank, Will and Piper, so I'll leave you at that."

      I nodded and smiled at everyone, including Nico. "So, where do you live now Annie?" Thalia asked, scrunching her nose as she picked up a piece of what was supposed to look like pizza from her lunch tray.

       "Don't call me Annie, it's not my name, and I live in an apartment down the road from the school." I didn't tell her the exact address because I did not like the mischievous twinkle in Leo's eyes.

       Thalia choked on her own breath and everyone's face paled. "Dude, the one with the elevator?" Piper asked.

     "I- Uh... Yeah?" I asked, confused. Why was it such a big deal?

     "Dude, that's where Percy lives! He's A7!" Leo exclaimed. Everyone looked at him.

     "What? I used to hang with the guy before he turned into that." He shrugged.

     "Guys... I'm A8..." I whispered. All of their eyes widened. "They previous owners moved out because of ruckus complaints coming from A7..."

     "Probably from all the girls he brings home." Jason muttered, obvious disgust in his tone.

     We all scowled at the mention. "Anyway, you'll have to see him every day now. Twice, at least. Why didn't you see him this morning?" Thalia asked.

      "I left really early, probably earlier than him." I shrugged, but inside my insides were twisting into knots. I lived next to Percy Jackson, the school's fuckboy.

Authors Note

     So I read a story like this, and I'm like OMG I LOVE THIS I WANT TO WRITE ONE!!!!!!!!! Yeah. That's mostly how I get most of my story ideas. Some or original though, straight from my crazy mind. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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