Chapter Three

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Annabeth's POV

      I saw Percy on the way out of the door for once. His face was completely cleaned up, no sign of the previous bruises or cuts, and looked just like every other day. Except this time, his smile was half hearted. "How did you..?" I asked, reaching up to his face. He flinched away, not allowing me brush my hands along his face.

      "Make up." He replied bluntly.

      "You know how to put on make up?" I asked.

      "I've been hiding bruises since second grade. What do you think? And it's not like I put on eye shadow- Just foundation to hide bruises." He responded.

       "That's sad." I said, frowning. He just shrugged and smiled- but it wasn't his trouble maker smirk. It was bitter, lonley and sad.

       "It's been like this since freshmen year. Gabe find a girl with rich parents, I do the dirty work and he smooches money off of their asses, just so he can waste it on his fucking poker parties."

       I frowned. This wasn't a life anyone deserved. No one. "I'm sorry." I whispered as we walked down the stairs. I realized he hasn't taken the elevator the entire time. Granted, he was on the second floor so it wasn't much a walk, but it still hit me as odd.

      He just shrugged and we didn't talk the whole way to school until we were almost at the gates, when he sighed miserably. He turned towards me and attempted his troublemaker grin. "Is this right?"

      I just giggled, but not in an attracted way. "You can't even smile right Jackson, you're gonna have some trouble getting through the day."

       He sighed miserably. "Well, I could ditch-"

       "No, you are not ditching. They won't know the difference, they're all wooed by your hair, eyes and abs." I reached up and quiffed his hair a little bit, making him blush and get wide eyes, looking at my stupidly.

       "A-Abs?" he stuttered, self consiously looking down at his stomach, making me laugh.

      "Yeah. You know, you're flustered self is a lot better than your cocky self. Didn't think I, of all people, would make you, of all people, flustered." I teased.

       He just rolled his sea green eyes. "You did not make me flustered."

       "You were sooo flustered Jackson." I said, letting out a loud laugh.

       He huffed, crossing his arms. "Was not."

      "Was to, now go flirt like you usually do!" I exclaimed. He rolled his eyes before starting to casually walk away. I just rolled my eyes and began walking to the school, when a voice stopped me in my tracks.

       "What the hell was that?" I spun around and saw Thalia, Luke, Leo and Nico staring at me with wide eyes.

      "W-What was what?" I stuttered.

      "You and Jackson!" Thalia exclaimed.

       "What about it?" I asked.

       "He's not his arrogant, cocky self and you're joking around with him!" Leo exclaimed.

       I frowned. "He's nice, you just have to look past his exterior."

       Thalia rolled her eyes. "He's got you in a trap Chase. He's going to try to get with you as soon as you show a weakness."

       "No, he's not. I know he's not." I said sternly.

      "Sure, but you aren't crying to me when he breaks your heart." Thalia muttered.

      I just rolled my eyes and we walked into the school together. I was greeted by Percy's horde of fan girls. I don't know how he put up with it, but when I saw him that fake, flirty smile was plastered on his face and his eyes glittered. But when I looked closer, I saw that was fake as well. He caught my eyesight and we locked eyes for a second, his eyes pleading me to help. I frowned and shrugged. He then smirked. He pulled his backpack off of his shoulder and tossed it to me, then mouthed 'Shirt!' to me. I got his drift.

       I shuffled through until I found his shirt. "Hey, look!" I called, waving his shirt around. Dozens of girls turned and squealed. I threw it up and bolted, dragging Thalia and Luke with me, hoping Leo made it.

       He slowly backed away, then ran up to me. "Oh my god, you're a life saver." He gasped, holding a hand over his heart.

        Just then did he notice Thalia, Luke and Leo next to me. He cleared his throat. "Uh..."

       I just rolled my eyes. Thalia glared at him and he put his hands up in surrender. "What'd I do to you?" He asked.

       "You're trying to take advantage of my cousin. I know it." Thalia growled.

       "Your cousin? I thought that Nico and I were your only cousins?"

        "Well Annabeth here is my second cousin in law." Thalia said, jabbing a finger in my direction. "And you're no cousin of mine. Don't mess with her or you're dead, you got that?"

       "I promise I have no intent of..." He shuddered and looked actually disgusted. "T-That."

       "Dude, you've literally done 'that' a million times." Leo said, glaring at Percy.

       "It's not like I want to!" Percy exclaimed in a sudden outbreak, yelling. "You think I want to be the fuckboy?! No! My fucking life just had to turn out like this! I don't want to-" His voice cracked and I saw his eyes were misty and glazed. "I have to go." He whispered before running down the hallways, dissapearing around the corner of a hallway.

       "Great." I sighed, hefting Percy's bag over my shoulder. "I'm going to go find him. See in in class."

      I ran off, following the direction I saw him in. I heard some muffled talking and sobs coming from the English room. I immediately pushed the door open. Percy was sitting in Mr. Blofis' wheelie chair, taking deep breaths and sobbing while Mr. Blofis tried to console him. "Percy..." I whispered. I knelt next to him, turning the chair so he was facing me.

       His eyes were red and puffy and his lower lip was trembling, tears falling steadily from his eyes. "Shh, it's okay." I whispered, wiping tears from his face. Then I surpised myself by hugging him.

       I almost expected his hands to lower to my hips, my thighs, like he did everyone else. No. He kept his hands, palm flat on my shoulder blades as he buried his face in my neck and cried. I rubbed his back, soothing him, until his sobbing slowly stopped. I slowly pulled away, a frown on my face. "Are you okay?" I whispered. He smiled weakly and nodded.

       "School has been canceled due to a freak accident in the hallway. Someone was sent to the hospital." Mr. Blofis said with a frown.

        "Sorry." Percy and I chorused sheepishly.

        Then it dawned in Percy. "I don't want to go home..."

        "It's okay, I bet we'll all go over to Thalias. She said that if school ever canceled that we'd be invited in a heartbeat. I'll see if I can invite you too, okay?" I asked gently.

       "I don't want to be a burden, plus everyone hates me already." He muttered bitterly.

        "You wont be a burden, just let me ask, okay?" I asked gently. He sighed.

       "A little more rejection couldn't hurt."

       I smiled softly and pulled out my phone. I was about to text Thalia when she texted me. "He's invited."

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