Chapter Two

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So I know I have a million stories with just one chapter and you probably thought I'd do the same with this story, but no. What is the title? CHAPTER TWO. Which means another chapter. I would be updating more, but I've been building my new house so... Yeah.

     Annabeth's POV

     It's been two days of endless flirting from Percy, girls telling me I was lucky, and our group mocking Percy behind his back. I've seen him walking home, but it was weird, he didn't talk to me until we got close to our apartment and looked extremely uncomfortable, always looking around and basically acting paranoid. One day, today, I couldn't stand it. He was drumming his fingers on his legs, constantly swiveling his head around and jumping at the smallest noises, but he was actually flirting with me a lot while doing so, the entire way home. I had heard some small noises, like occasional crashes or muffled thumps from his apartment, but that was it. Until later today, that is.

       "So, you still not interested?" He asked, giving me a trouble maker smirk.

       "Nope." I responded, continuing to walk.

       "Not even the tiniest bit?" He pressed. I saw something that looked like despair flicker in his sea green eyes.

       "Not the tiniest bit. Would you leave me alone?" I asked. He looked down at the ground slightly, but kept his mouth shut, unlike he would at school. "Why do you keep acting paranoid?" I asked after a minute of silence. He looked like he was about to jump out of his skin.

      "W-What?" He stuttered.

      "You're acting paranoid. You're looking around, have nervous energy, and keep jumping. This is nothing like school you. At school you're cocky and arrogant. The jerky fuckboy. Now you're some little kid alone in a mall." I explained in a monotone. I saw hurt flash in his eyes, which surprised me.

     "Whatever." He grumbled before running as fast as he could to the apartment, leaving me in the dust. Call me insane, but I could have sworn I heard a muffled sob escape him as he ran.

       I sighed but continued to walk home my normal pace. I was about to unlock my door, but I heard clatter from Percy's apartment. Then someone screamed, "WHY NOT BOY!?"

       Shocked at the yell, I walked over to his apartment and put my ear to the door. I heard a loud smack and a whimper. "I-I t-t-tried, s-s-she d-doesn't l-like me!" Someone stuttered. They sounded pained, weak, scared. It took me a minute to realize, with a shock, that it was Percy.

      "I TOLD YOU TO FUCK HER, YOU WORTHLESS FAG!" I heard a loud smack and another whimper. "HER FAMILIES RICH, SO YOU BETTER GO FUCK ANNABETH OR I SWEAR I WILL END YOUR LIFE, YOU HEAR ME?! I WANT IT DONE BY THE END OF THE WEEK!" There was a loud crunch and a pained yelp, followed by whimpers. Someone stormed out of the room, and they were to heavy to be Percy's.

        My eyes were wide, and I'm sure my face was pale. Percy was being forced into sleeping with me because my parents were rich? Was... Was this what happened with all the other girls? No wonder he was so nervous on the way home, who ever the other guy was is abusing Percy! I took a breath and raised my hand to the door. Whimpers were still heard.

      I was about to knock when I heard someone call my name, really loudly. The whimpering stopped suddenly, and I heard Percy swear under his breath. I turned to who had called my name and saw it was Thalia. She saw my face, the door, my hand, and her expression grew confused. "What are you doing?"

       I ignored her and knocked on the door. I heard some groans and some shuffling. "What the hell are you doing?!" Thalia hissed, but I ignored her.

       The door swung open, and there stood Percy, in the complete opposite of glory. He glared at me and Thalia, grabbed our arms, dragging us in. He shut the door behind us. "Hey, what do you think you-!?" Percy clamped a hand over Thalia's mouth, wincing as he glanced in the direction of the door.

     Just then did I realize how bad Percy was. He was covered in bruises and was putting most his weight on his left leg. His apartment smelled of beer and cigarettes, which littered all over everything. "How much did you hear?" He hissed, looking at me with fearful eyes.

      "E-Everything." I stuttered. He swore under his breath, running and hand through his hair.  He began to pace, despite the fact that he was limping, and ignored Thalia's confused looks.

      "What's going on?" Thalia asked. Percy glared at her.

      "Thalia... Just leave me with Percy, okay?" I told her. She got a confused look on her face but nodded, stepping out the door and shutting it behind her.

       "What the hell was that?!" I hissed at him. He groaned and slid down the back of a stained and disgusting couch.

        "Just get out." he muttered.

        "Excuse me?" I asked.

       "Get out!" He yelled, looking up at me. "Gabe's going to see you! Get out!" Only then did I hear the footsteps charging from a bedroom. My eyes widened and I slipped out the door, as much as it pained me to leave Percy.

       "Who are you talking to!?" Some guy yelled.

      "N-No one." Percy stuttered.

      "Go to your room. Now." I heard some scrambling and a weak 'yes sir' before the noise faded.

      Percy's bedroom is right next to mine, and the walls are thin. I ran into my apartment. My parents weren't home yet. I tapped on the wall, using Morse code. 'Do you know Morse code?'

      He tapped back, and for some reason my stomach jumped into my chest. 'Leo taught me. Before he left.'

       I sighed. 'Are you okay?'

      'Why do you care? I'm just the fuckboy, you said it yourself.'

      'that's before I knew about your situation. Why haven't you told your mom, or some other adult?'

       'I told my mom.'

       'why isn't she doing anything?'

      'she's dead.' That hit me like a ton of bricks. 'Gabe kills anyone who knows. You're lucky you got out of the house.'



      'Does anyone else know?' I tapped.


      'No one else?'

      'if I had told anyone they'd be dead.' I didn't know how to reply.

      'go to the cops. Have them arrest him.'

      'You think I haven't tried? They'd tell me to buzz off and that abuse isn't a joke.'

      'that's not right.'

      There was no reply for a good five minutes. 'I'm going to have to be a jerk tomorrow again, you realize that?'


      'Gabe tells me what to do... Who to do...'

      I didn't know how to respond to that. I gave a simple, 'I'm sorry.'

      His response was delayed. 'I'm sorry too. For being a jerk.'

     'I'd do it to, if it were for that reason.'

      Another paused response. 'I'll see you at school, when I try to flirt with you. Don't take it personally.'

      'Bye, Percy.'

      My phone dinged and I sighed, picking it up. It was Thalia.

Thalia- What's up with you and Percy?

Annabeth- Just wanted to talk about homework. Hit on me a few times, but that's it. He's really bad at schoolwork.

Thalia- Why was he all beaten up then?

Annabeth- He hurt himself running home. He was trying to race me.

Thalia- ... Fine, though I don't completely believe you. I believe the homework thing though. See you tomorrow Annie!

Annabeth- Bye, and don't call me Annie!

     I shut off my phone with another sigh, then began working on my homework for tomorrow.

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