A Hyrule Holiday

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Snow fell from the sky, covering the ground with a thick layer of white. It was exactly the sort of weather one would hope for on Solstice, and Zelda could not be happier. It hadn't snowed in Central Hyrule in years, and she hadn't celebrated Solstice properly since her mother was alive, spending the holy day praying from dawn until night instead.

But now she had her powers, and finally, finally she could celebrate with her loved ones.

She only wished she had been able to sleep in a bit longer. At an ungodly hour, Daruk burst into her room, Link in tow.

"It's solstice!" Daruk thundered, his voice so loud that books fell off Zelda's shelf. "Wake up, sleepyhead!"

Link raised an eyebrow, despite Daruk facing away from him. "I tried to keep him out," he signed, "I really did. But he's as stubborn as... well, as a rock."

"Is that a saying?"

"Is what a saying?" Daruk asked.

"As stubborn as a rock."

"I don't know. But anyway, it's solstice, Princess! Urbosa told me you haven't celebrated in a long time, so we all decided to throw a party!"

"I didn't agree to start it so early," Link interjected. Daruk didn't see him say this, either.

"That's very sweet of you," Zelda said. "Is there anything I should do to help?"

"Nope!" Daruk marched over to the curtains and pulled them open, then opened the window. A freezing gust of wind blew into the room. It flipped open one of the books Daruk had knocked over. "Ahhh, feel that cold winter air!"

Link ran behind him and closed the window. "I am not going to let Zelda get hypothermia again. Especially not with all the planning we've done for the party."

Zelda was appreciative of the window's closure. She still had goosebumps from the brief moment it had been opened. Still, she decided to tease Link a bit. "When did you get so grumpy? Trying to stop Daruk from waking me up at—" she glanced at the clock, "—6:14am. Trying to stop him from letting my eyelashes grow icicles."

"He woke me up at 5:30. I'm cranky."

"Exactly!" Daruk boomed, "It's solstice, little guy! The time for cold air and waking up early!" He shoved the window open again and cupped his hands around his mouth in a makeshift megaphone. He shouted out into the training grounds. "Stop training, soldiers! It's solstice!"

The grounds were mostly empty, but the soldiers that were there cheered.

"You don't have clearance to do that," Zelda pointed out. "Besides, the soldiers are off today for solstice."

"Then... who're those people?" He pointed down at the handful of people.

"Those are people decorating the training dummies with lights."

"Huh," he turned back to the window and shouted again. "My bad, everyone! Get back to work." By the time he had yelled this, though, all the decorators had left, leaving their lights trailing on the floor around the dummies.

Link closed the window again. "Hey, Daruk! I know what you should do. How about you go make sure the fire is still going?"

"Are you just trying to get rid of me?"


"I appreciate your honesty, little guy. I'll leave so the princess can get dressed. Then we'll come back!"

"The party doesn't even start until after lunch!"

Link and Daruk kept bickering as Link guided him out of the room and down the hall. "See you after lunch," he said before they left the room. "We'll come get you."


Zelda got started on her morning routine straight away. She got dressed, washed her face, and did her prayers.

Not a full minute after she had finished, she heard a knock on her door. She laughed, thinking Daruk was back to hurry her to the celebration, despite it not starting until after lunch. She was surprised to find her father at her door instead.

"Oh! Father!"

"Hello, Zelda. Happy solstice!" He opened his arms up for a hug. Zelda obliged. "I came to get you for a solstice breakfast."

Zelda blinked back tears, of joy or sadness she could not say. She was glad that her and her father's relationship was on the mend. She no longer felt suffocated and small when hugging him. Whether this was because he had grown more understanding or she had grown more confident, she was unsure. Perhaps, she decided, a bit of both.

"I would be delighted."


After breakfast, Zelda decided to do some research on bringing back Terrako. She plopped a book down on her desk and flipped it open to the page she had left off on. How to reassemble a broken guardian, pt. 497.

Yes, it was solstice, but science took no breaks!

Well, it might. Purah and Robbie weren't working today, after all. But also, to be fair, Zelda was pretty sure their tree was a giant test tube, and she knew for a fact that they had given each other the same textbook for a gift.

She wasn't sure how, but by the time she looked at the clock, hours had past. She worked until Daruk burst through the door again. On instinct, she snapped her book shut and swept her guardian parts into a drawer. Upon realising it was only Daruk, and that no one would be angry at her for research anymore anyway, she felt foolish. She was grateful that Daruk didn't seem to notice her embarrassment. Link entered behind him, his eyes less tired and his smile more apparent than earlier.

"Come on, Princess! It's party time!" Daruk ran over and opened the window. This time, Zelda was prepared. She had made sure to keep her coat close in case this happened again. She was glad she had, because the air was even more frigid than earlier.

Daruk and Link led her to a living room. It was beautiful. Holly and evergreen were draped on the walls in garlands and wreaths, little red and white berries giving pops of colour. A fire roared in the fireplace, near which stood a tree covered in lights and ornaments. Below the tree sat a pile of presents for everyone. Couches surrounded it, and opposite the tree and fireplace was a table, at which sat all of her friends.

While the room looked amazing, Zelda could not say the same for her friends. Indeed, everyone looked hideous. Link wore a green sweater with a horrendous pattern on it. Mipha's sweater was blue and read, 'catch bass eat 'em fast', and Urbosa's had a pattern so hideous it rivalled Link's. Daruk... well, it was hard to say if his was a sweater. It looked as if a Lynel had shaved its mane and hastily hot glued the hair into the shape of a pea coat.

"It's an ugly sweater party!" Mipha cheered, "Here, Link and I made you one." She handed her a mauve sweater with puce pompoms in the design of a horse.

"Oh, my! This is atrocious!"

"We picked it specially for you," Urbosa guided her to the table, on which sat gingerbread cookies and a variety of decorating supplies.

"Here's the itinerary!" Daruk unraveled a short scroll. "First I wake up. Then I brush my teeth. Then I do push-ups. Then— wait. Wrong scroll. This is my everyday to do list," he laughed so loud the table shook. He pulled out a different scroll. "Okay, here we go. First we wake Zelda up. Then we get the party ready. Then after lunch, we get Zelda. Then we decorate cookies. Then we eat dinner. Then we open presents."

"A lot of words to say little information," Urbosa said, "But it's true. Let's sit and decorate."

Zelda sat down in between Link and Urbosa. She picked a cookie that looked like a little person and started decorating.

"Will you pass the pink frosting?" Mipha asked.

Zelda passed it. "What are you making?"

"I'm making a Grizzlemaw bear. I need pink for its ears."

"I can hardly wait to see it. I'm sure it will be lovely."

"I'm making a dog," Link sat down the frosting and said. Daruk inched away from him. "How about you, Urbosa?"

"I plan on decorating a gingerbread man, like you."

"And you, Daruk?"

He looked over to Link's dog, then considered it for a moment. "I think I'm actually going to sit this one out. Let me just—" He grabbed a cookie and some icing. He poured it on the cookie, some spilling onto his place and hand, and left the table. "I think I'll just eat my cookie over here. No reason."

The gingerbread cookies turned out wonderfully. Everyone decorated several, and while there were some flubs, it was a fun experience. Daruk even came back to the table once Link had finished his dog. It didn't end up looking like a dog at all. It was more of a messed up sheep.


After making gingerbread, it was time for dinner. The food looked divine. Zelda was expecting a meal, but this was a straight-up feast. There were at least twenty dishes on the long, wooden table. "Goodness! There's so much food!"

"Everyone brought two dishes," Link explained, "I got a kitchen staff friend of mine to teach me to make fruitcake and hearty fried greens."

"I brought rock roast for Link and I," Daruk added, "And some chicken for everyone else. I got a little carried away and made some green beans, kidney beans, navy beans, black beans, pinto beans, lima beans, cannelinni beans, great northern beans, fava beans, red beans, and garbanzo beans, too. A lot of beans, heh."

"I made herb crusted salmon and steamed bass." Mipha chimed in.

"Oh yeah. I also brought a 3-bean-salad." Daruk added.

"I brought virgin and regular noble pursuits, and melon salad." Urbosa said.

"Oh, wow! This is amazing!"

"Revali's coming later. He said he was coming late so he wouldn't lose his mind from our 'shenanigans' before we opened gifts. He wanted to be sane for that."

"That's probably for the best," Zelda agreed.

"But he did drop off nut cake and savoury crepes."

"That's very kind of him," she said, surprised. Revali wasn't the sort of person who would do that, as far as she was aware. Perhaps he had a soft side after all. "And very kind of the rest of you, as well. Though I do feel guilty. I didn't prepare anything."

"No need to feel bad, Little Bird. We did this to surprise you. If we had wanted you to make something, we would have told you so."

"This must have taken so much work. Thank you so much, everyone!"

"Now, let's eat!"

Everyone scooped food onto their plates and sat down at the table. Zelda sat in between Urbosa and Mipha. Daruk and Link sat on the other side of the table. Urbosa, being very gay, sat with both legs beside her in a way Zelda couldn't imagine was comfortable.

Zelda took a big scoop, slice, or cup of everything, except the beans, for which she took a small scoop of each. If she had taken a large scoop of each, she would be full before she had gotten to anything else.

"Mmmm," Daruk said, munching on a bite of hearty fried greens. "I love the herby flavour. It's no rock roast, but I think it's my new second favourite food!"

"I adore the noble pursuits," Mipha said, "I've never had one before."

Zelda loved everything.

Link choked down the rock roast Daruk had brought him. "Yum. Wow, I feel like there's a rock in my stomach."

"The best feeling in the world," Daruk laughed.

"Ha. Yeah..."

Daruk handed him a noble pursuit.

"Daruk!" Urbosa scolded, "He's seventeen."

"Oh, right. He should have two, to build up his alcohol tolerance. He's still growing." He grabbed another for Link. Link sat them down.

"No. Give him a virgin one."

"Three drinks?"

"No, a virgin one and no regular ones."

"Huh. But how will he build up his tolerance with that?"

"Hylians live over a hundred years. He has plenty of time."

Daruk nodded and downed the drinks himself. He wiped his mouth with his hairy sleeve and sighed. "Aaaaahhhh. That hits the spot."

Link took a virgin noble pursuit. "Looks pretty."

"It tastes even better," Mipha giggled, "Though I had a regular one."

Zelda often forgot Mipha was older than her. She acted like a teenager, just kinder, and less likely to mock you for your acne.

Link sipped the drink and smiled. "Very good."

"I don't think I've ever had so many beans," Daruk patted his stomach. "I can't eat another bite."

Mipha passed a plate of nutcake over to Link. Daruk must have assumed she was passing it to him, because he took it from her hand before Link could. "Thanks, Princess! You know me so well. I'm going to have to unbutton my sweater after all this food!"

Mipha smiled and nodded. "It's my pleasure. I will get Link a slice, too," she said to make sure Daruk didn't take this one, too.

There were lots of leftovers. Everyone but Daruk packed them up as leftovers for everyone to take home. He tried, but couldn't stand. He was sure to have gained at least a few pounds just from the beans. Add in the rock roast, noble pursuits, and everything else, and it was no wonder he couldn't walk.


Daruk had to roll over to the couches to get there, but with everyone's help, he was able to get there for presents.

"Who wants to open the first gift?"

"I'll go first," Mipha volunteered, "I wish to see what Link gave me."

Link rubbed the back of his head, then signed, "Hope you like it."

She took the gift bag and took the gift out. It was a beautiful necklace made with luminous stones.  "Oh, Link! I love it! Thank you so much!"

"I'm glad you like it! Seru the jeweller helped me make it."

"You made it? Oh, my! That's impressive."

"I think Urbosa should open the next one," Mipha suggested. "I made it for you."

"I'd be honoured," Urbosa took the box and removed the paper. She took out a skirt made of a thin, flowing fabric. It was red with gold and purple flowers embroidered on the bottom. It was to be tied in the same manner she usually wore her skirts. She smiled at Mipha. "This is gorgeous. I'm surprised you made this. I didn't know you sew."

"I'm a bit of a seamstress. I need to get lots of practice for... um, for a project I'm working on." She glanced at Link before quickly looking away.

Link smiled at her and tilted his head. "You're very talented."

"I agree," Urbosa left to change into the skirt. "I'll only be a moment."

"It's so exciting," Mipha said as Urbosa left. "I can't believe it's been so long since you've celebrated! Usually I spend the holiday with my father and Sidon, but I would never pass this up. They understood."

"I'm very glad you're here," Zelda said. "It wouldn't be the same without you."

Urbosa reentered the room, looking as fabulous as ever.

"Woah!" Daruk exclaimed, "You look great."

Revali stepped out from behind her, holding a bag. "Ah, thank you. I didn't realise we were supposed to look our worst tonight. I'm afraid that until this morning, I didn't own any sweaters, much less 'ugly' ones."

"Eek!" Mipha squeaked, "Revali! I didn't see you there."

"I'm not easy to miss, but it's understandable. I'm not nearly as... reflective or gaudy. I'm surprised to say I don't even stand out in this crowd. Though I did bring a sweater." He pulled a sweater from his bag and threw the bag in the fire. The fire grew larger, crackling more loudly than before, fuelled by the plastic. It started to smell worse, too.

"Is that safe?"

"It's fine. Ta-da!" He spread his arms to show off his sweater. It was neon violet wool with a picture printed in the middle.

"Link?!" Everyone yelled at the same time, except Link, who gasped and went, "Me?!" instead.

In the middle was a large photo of Link. "You said to find something ugly. I had to have this custom made."

Mipha threw a gift across the room at him. Everyone looked to him, then to her, then him again, hoping to both stop the drama and fuel it on, like a car crash you can't tear your eyes from.

"Oh, no!" She put her hands on her face in mock surprise. "I meant to toss it to you gently! I was just so shocked that you said Link was ugly."

Revali scowled at her, then thought about it for a moment. He considered that she had a crush on Link, she was a force to be reckoned with in battle, and she didn't at all look sorry. Then he considered her peaceful nature, the fact that she was always kind, and that it was solstice, and he decided to let it slide. "It's... fine."

"Take a seat," Urbosa sat and gestured to a couch.  Mipha scooted closer to Link, as if Revali would sit next to him otherwise. He sat down in the empty spot by Daruk instead.

Urbosa picked up a gift and passed it to Zelda. It was blue with a silver bow stuck on the top. "For my little bird."

Zelda took off the top and looked inside. In a nest of tissue paper sat a beautiful glass ornament of a bird.

"Oh, Urbosa! It's wonderful!" She wrapped her in a hug. "I'm going to go hang it right now!"

She hung it on the tree. On her way back, she glanced over to Link, who was opening a gift from Revali. "Are you sure?" he asked him, "I wasn't expecting you to get me anything."

"Positive," Revali responded, "I picked it specially for you."

"Why am I suspicious?" Urbosa asked, rolling her eyes.

"I can open it, if you wish," Mipha offered. "Just in case..."

"In case of what?" Revali seemed genuinely offended by the implications. "I didn't put a bomb in it or anything."

"Now I'm even more concerned for him!"

Link carefully unfolded the wrapping.

"He's going so slow," Daruk whispered. "It's killin' me."

Finally, Link opened the box. Inside sat a baseball cap with words written in papyrus font. 'No one likes me.'

Revali's smile was bigger than Zelda had ever seen it. "I think it suits you."

Link grimaced. "I, uh... I can't read this font."

Revali gasped, "I can't believe this! It says 'no one likes me.'"

"Oh, don't say that," Link said with faux-pity, "Lots of people like you, Revali."

"No, it says no one likes you."

"But you're the one that bought the hat. That means you're the one who no one likes." Link slapped the hat onto his head. "How much defence does this give?"

"One. And no, it's saying no one likes you, since you're the one wearing it."

"Well, I'm just touched that you got Link something," Mipha spoke. "Spending money on him was truly kind, and it shows you two are good friends."


"Why don't you open your gift from Link, Revali?" Urbosa suggested.

He squinted at her, then at Link. "Why would you get me something?"

"I got everyone something."

"Hmmm..." Revali reluctantly opened the parcel. Inside was a hat with writing in papyrus font. It was the same colour as the hat he had gotten Link. "Everyone likes me." He scoffed, "Well, this is both asinine and insulting."

"Awwww," Daruk said, "That's sweet. Really makes you think."

"It's not sweet. It's very clearly meant to be sarcastic. But it is a very nice font and colour, I will admit."

"See? Holidays bring everyone together. It's the true meaning of solstice!"


"Daruk! Open one of yours!" Zelda clapped excitedly, "You're going to love what I got you!"

"Oh, yes please!" Daruk grabbed a gift from under the tree. It didn't belong to him, so he put it back and grabbed another. This repeated until he finally found one of his. "This is so exciting!"

He tore off the wrapping paper. "From Zelda to Daruk. Oooo, it's beautiful!" He held up a large porcelain statue of a rock roast. How it had looked square when it was wrapped up, no one was sure. "I'm going to put this in a display case when I get home so no one eats it!"

Zelda clapped excitedly. "Oh, I'm so glad you like it!"

"I don't just like it, I love it!"


Once everyone had opened their gifts, Mipha declared it was time for holiday games. "I have a traditional Zora game called Swimming Swans."

"I have one called Cluck Me Nuggen!" Daruk added.

"Isn't that from the TV show Psych?"

"The one on Psych is a reference to the Goron game."



"Alright. Well, let's play Swimming Swans first, then yours next, unless it will injure someone."

"Link, Urbosa, and I would be fine."

"I'm sure you would. But Revali is too proud to sit this one out, and he's..." Zelda attempted to find a way of saying what she wanted to say without offending Revali. "He's too non-made-of-rocks to survive being clucked on his nuggen, if nuggen means head like I assume."

"I'd be gentle," Daruk promised, putting his hand over where his heart would be. Zelda wasn't sure if Gorons had hearts. Zora had 3, Rito, Zora, Gerudo, and Hylians all had one. Daruk had a metaphorical heart for sure, but as for a physical heart, she was unsure. She would ask, but she did not want to offend.

"Let's steer away from any game where Revali gets concussed, and play games in which everyone can participate."

"Hey! I could take it!" Revali protested, "But it sounds idiotic, so I won't."

"Good choice, no one wants you to get injured," she gestured to his hat. "After all, everyone loves you."

And so everyone played games until the wee hours of the night. They fell asleep in the room on the couches and chairs, the fire still blazing as snowflakes danced outside. Everyone agreed, it was a wonderful solstice.

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