Chapter three

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Dusk's pov:

Dusk had only just met Ignis, and she already felt as if she was in charge. This didn't just annoy her, it also annoyed Bree a little as well. Ignis was stubborn at her best, and hotheaded at her worst. She always was trying to prove herself, to herself, perhaps. Either way, it could get on Dusk's nerves, no matter how good Dusk was at hiding it.

"Alright, so we're going THIS way."  Ignis said, turning her head while still walking forward.  Ignis suddenly bumped into a blonde haired girl in a large trench coat.

"Watch where your walking!" The girl snapped, her one blue eye glaring at Ignis's orange eyes. "You watch it!" Ignis snapped back, stepping forward and placing her hands on her hips. Bree forced her way between them.

"Please! Stop fighting!" She yelled, looking a little sad. Ignis rolled her eyes and pushed Bree away. "Stay out of this." Bree's smile that she always wore was gone, and she looked as though she was about to cry. Dusk felt anger burn up inside her at the treatment of her friend.

"You two are acting like idiots. Please, control yourselves before you embarrass us any further." Dusk snarled, her vibrant purple eyes glaring back and forth at the two girls like a cat's. Bree stood next to Dusk, crossing her arms like a disappointed mother.

Dusk's face was usually very neutral, however it was now angry and dark.  Ignis and the blonde haired girl are clearly shocked.  "Tell me, who are you?"  Dusk directed the question to the stranger, who had finally recovered from her initial shock.  "My name's Mitsuki.  You've probably heard of me."  Mitsuki smirked smugly, raising her chin up and looking at Dusk through narrowed eyes.  "I haven't." Dusk said bluntly, and Bree shrugged in response. 

Ignis scoffed.  "I've never heard of you ever!  You must be less of a big deal than you thought, huh?"  Ignis looked smug, and laughed cruelly.  Mitsuki's eyes narrowed, and she opened her mouth to speak. 

"Please stop."  Dusk stated, looking at Mitsuki.  Mitsuki grumbled, and stopped. 

-/:-/:-/: Time skip -/:-/:-/:-/:

"Where are you headed?"  Bree asked Mitsuki, after helping Dusk cook since Ignis and Mitsuki had refused to help.  Dusk was a horrible cook, and had always had had Bree do her cooking for her.  Bree and Dusk (but mostly Bree), had made a meat pie, and some buttery green beans.  Dusk spread out a blanket, and they all had sat to enjoy a meal. 

"Redige town's gym."  Mitsuki said, after wiping her mouth.  "So are we!  We should go together!"  Bree exclaimed, smiling brightly. Mitsuki sighed, rolling her eyes. "I SUPPOSE, since I have no one else to go with." She put emphasis on suppose. Ignis rolled her eyes, scowling at Mitsuki.

Dusk sighed, there would  clearly be far more fights now.  The more, not merrier. 

"What Pokemon do you have?"  Dusk questions Mitsuki, her response letting out her Pokemon.  A growlithe and an eevee emerged, preening and fluffing themselves up.  "The eevee's name is Lumi.  She's new."  Mitsuki looked extremely proud of her two fluffy Pokemon, each curling up next to the other Pokemon and napping.

"They're so cute!" Bree squealed, hugging Lumi. Dusk smiled at her friend, and she was tackled by Flame, Shadow, and Camri. Dusk laughed as their tongues tickled her pale skin. Everyone laughed as the eevees attacked their pale friend.

-/:-/:-/:-/:-/:More time skip brought to you by Doritos!-/:-/:-/:-/:-/:-/:

Dusk started to sing to pass the long walk quicker. (Play music)

My friends don't walk, they run
Skinny dip in rabbit holes for fun
Popping, popping balloons with guns,
getting high off helium
We paint white roses red,
Each shade from a different person's head
This dream, dream is a killer
Getting drunk with the blue caterpillar

I'm peeling the skin off my face
'Cause I really hate being safe
The normal's, they make me afraid
The crazies, they make me feel sane

I'm nuts, baby, I'm mad,
The craziest friend that you've ever had
You think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone
Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong
Over the bend, entirely bonkers
You like me best when I'm off my rocker
Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed
So what if I'm crazy? The best people are
All the best people are crazy, all the best people are

Where is my prescription?
Doctor, doctor please listen
My brain is scattered
You can be Alice,
I'll be the mad hatter.

I'm peeling the skin off my face
'Cause I really hate being safe
The normal's, they make me afraid
The crazies, they make me feel sane

I'm nuts, baby, I'm mad,
The craziest friend that you've ever had
You think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone
Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong
Over the bend, entirely bonkers
You like me best when I'm off my rocker
Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed
So what if I'm crazy? The best people are

You think I'm crazy, you think I'm gone
So what if I'm crazy? All the best people are
And I think you're crazy too, I know you're gone
That's probably the reason that we get along

I'm nuts, baby, I'm mad,
The craziest friend that you've ever had
You think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone
Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong
Over the bend, entirely bonkers
You like me best when I'm off my rocker
Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed
So what if I'm crazy? The best people are
All the best people are crazy, all the best people are
All the best people are crazy, all the best people are

Dusk finished, and everyone stared at her. Dusk felt her face going red, and quickly brushed her hair into her face. "Wh-what...what is it?" Dusk stuttered nervously. Bree smiled at Dusk. "You're a really good singer!" Dusk blushed.

"Let's continue on. Hurry up!" Mitsuki said, taking charge. Ignis huffed, but had no choice but to keep up. Dusk smiled, today was a good day.


Hey guys! I'm back, and this is my second update today! Mitsuki belongs to secretylpie
Anyways, sorry that it's so bad, I just wanted to introduce Mitsuki as a character, and I hope I accurately portrayed her!
Anyways, please don't forget to vote and comment!


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