Percy's POV

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She cursed me ! How could she ?!! What a girl !! Well , infact Miss.Angry Bird . Instead of apologizing she calls me names! I just hate her. She stormed off -- literally.

Her friends gave me a please-don't mind-her look, I shrugged and gave them a small smile and turned back to my to my new friends. One of them is my cousin, LEO, Leo Valdez. He is the best cousin, full of energy, jokes and crazy ideas. His mother and my step dad , Paul are cousins. 🤣🤣 He is the entertainer guy in the group,yeah I know, its my first day, so how come I already have a group?

Well, Leo, its his group. Anyways, I already have a best friend. My broddy, Jason Grace, his eyes are sky blue and is really cool. When I met him we hit it off.

Then there is Frank Zhang, I can't believe it he is just a year younger than me , I mean his body can match any wrestler's , but one look at his face and you immediately get the feeling that this is a mismatch. No, he is not ugly, I like him, only thing, he has a baby boy's face. But his attitude? He is really nice and good natured.

I had noticed, when I was returning to my friends from that 'fight' Jason was staring after some girl. She had brown choppy hair and feathers were tucked in her messy braid. I don't know her, but she is cute .Pretty.

Then there was Frank , who tried hard not to show his attraction towards this girl , Hazel. I know her because she lives only two blocks away. Her dad and my dad, whom I lost when I was 3 knew each other.

She is like a little sister to me. Hazel Levesque, she is very sweet, she has got short curly brown hair and golden eyes. This big guy has a crush on her. Wow...........

It is end of the school day. Yep. This whole drama took place at the end of the day. We head towards the parking. Jason is coming over, to have my mom's best blue cookies.

"Hey ! I'm your cousin and you don't invite your bro ? "complained Leo. We laugh.
" someone feeling bad? C'mon man, you know you are always welcome at my place. Uh..Frank? Wanna come along?"
"Uh.okay." said Frank.
" C'mon , let's go. "
What's the matter with this guy? I guess he is just too shy. We walked to my apartment. I enter my apartment and run straight to the kitchen where the cookies are waiting for me. There's a note below the plate.

Gotta go. Work. There are extra cookies in the jar.You know where to find them. Don't eat them all. Okay? Bye honey.
Love, Mom.

Woohoo more cookies. I distribute the cookies and we crash on the couch to watch a movie. I want Frank to talk so I let him decide the movie.
"Hey. Frank, which movie?"
"Oh! How about Divergent?"
"Okay, so Divergent it is. I have that."
We watch the movie and later do the homework. After about 2 hours , we are done. They leave . I got to know Frank more. He isn't shy just a bit , okay shy.


" perrrrrrccccccyyyyyy !"
Its mom. Why is she shouting?
" Youuuuuu arrrreee llllaaatttee !! GET UP!!"
Whoops. Not ready. Late. Worse, its my 2nd day. I quickly get ready and put on a light blue t- shirt, black zip hoodie and black jeans. I grab an apple and two blue cookies and run out .
"Bye mom, love ya!"
"Bye dear, love you too"
No time..can't walk it'll take 20 mins. I get in a taxi after a blonde girl gets in.
"Where to?"
"Goode High!" I and the blonde say in unison.
"Why, isn't this Miss.Angry Bird? I ask with a smirk. We scowl at each other and look out of the window.
Great! Just Great! I get late, don't have a proper breakfast and the first person I meet after my mom has to be someone I hate.

This is going to be a long day.


Hey everyone!! I'm sorry I didn't update. Anyways.,what do you think of this chapter? Is it good? Please let me know in comments. MacaroniGalore has helped me. Thank you very much.😊 Make sure you read her books. Percabeth one-shots, You were always mine, Demigods in Highschool.

Keep reading and be safe.👍

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