Poke'mon Training

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(Y/n) POV

     I have been helping Team RWBY care for their new Poke'mon, firstly to create a bond with them.

Ruby: How do we do that?

(Y/n): Well, how do you bond with a new pet?

Ruby: I like to play with them. I think I'll try that. Come on, Fenris.

Fenris: *playful* Hound!

Fenris leaves with Ruby.

Weiss: Well, I've never had a pet, and admittadly, I'm not good at making friends.

Yang: You seem to get along with us fine.

Weiss: Yeah now, but at the beginning I was acting like a spoiled princess.

Yang: Sometimes you still do, Ice Queen.

Weiss: Yang!

(Y/n): *chuckles* Okay, okay. Yang, why don't you and Scorchimp hit the training room for a bit. I think it might give him some inspiration.

Yang: Right. Ready Scorchimp?

Scorchimp: *agreed* Chimchar.

Weiss: I think, I'm going to start with going for a walk with Snowflake.

(Y/n): A great place to start. I am going to train with some of my Poke'mon.

Blake: I think I'll join you, if that's okay?

(Y/n): Sure.

Blake and Spooky follow me and Sylveon to the greenhouse and I select the Poke'mon training today, until-

Blake: Do you think you could teach me and Spooky?

(Y/n): How to battle?

Blake nods her head nervously.

(Y/n): Alright, uhm, Heracross. Why don't you help us out.

The massive beetle-like Poke'mon lumbers over and takes a solid stance.

Blake: *disbelief* Whoa. *pulls out Poke'Dex*

Poke'Dex: Heracross, the Single Horn Poke'mon. A Bug and Fighting type. With it's herculean strength, it can throw objects 100 times heavier than they are.

(Y/n): For a Bug type, my Heracross is resistant to a lot of attacks thanks to it's hardened exoskeleton, so he'll be a good sparring sponge. Spooky can attack with everything he's got and it won't damage Heracross.

After Blake figures out what moves Spooky actually knows, we start training.

(Y/n): Remember, build trust with your Poke'mon partner. You call the shots, Purrloin will learn what they mean.

Blake: *deep breath* Now, Spooky, use Scratch!

Spooky: *aggressive* Purr! *uses Scratch*

(Y/n): Just take whatever Spooky throws at you.

Heracross: *affirmative* Heracro.

As Spooky attacks from multiple directions, it isn't doing any damage to Heracross. Even though this was just battle training, Spooky was getting upset that Heracross wasn't even feeling it's attacks. After an hour, Blake stops Spooky because he's exhausted, but Spooky is a little down.

Blake: *kneels down and pets Spooky* Hey, it's alright. You did good for your first time, Heracross just has years of experience and has grown strong through training. You'll be that strong one day, I know it.

Spooky: *curious* Purr?

Heracross: *reassuring*

Heracross then surprised Spooky by slurping on the top of his head, Spooky then slashed at Heracross's face to get him to stop, this caused Blake and I to laugh.

(Y/n): Oh, I just remembered I need to work on something for Charizard. Will you be alright here?

Blake: Yeah, we'll just be hanging out reading. What are you working on?

(Y/n): You'll have to wait and see. Come on, Charizard!

Charizard: *affirmative*

I walk to the armory and blacksmith room, the school has for students to maintain their weapons and armor.

Charizard: *inquisitive* ?

(Y/n): Well, I figured you and probably a few others could benefit from some armor.

Charizard: *unsure*

(Y/n): I know it sounds heavy, but you and my other poke'mon mean too much to me, I don't want to risk losing any of you. Will you at least try?

Charizard: .... *agreement*

(Y/n): Thank you, my best friend.

Charizard: *affectionate lick*

(Y/n): *chuckles* Now, let's get the forge working.


After 4 days of almost nonstop work, Charizard's armor is done and it looks like it could take on the world.

(Y/n): Not bad, if I do say so myself.

Ruby: Oh my gosh! That looks so cool! Can I help test it?

(Y/n): Maybe in a little bit, first I need to check how Charizard flies with it on. Ready to try it on, bud?

Charizard: *agreement*

It takes a little while but Charizard is finally outfitted and ready for a test flight.

I put on some flight gear myself and we set out over for the Emerald Forest.

*Interrupt Story Momentarily*

(A/N): Alright, sorry for the interruption, but I wanted to run through Charizard's armor and the features it has.

First off, it's armor, duh. It's a perfect blend of being lightweight but also extreme durability, it can resist claws, teeth, talons as well as many melee weapons. It is resistant to most firearms ranging from small caliber to shotgun slugs, it is still vulnerable from high caliber rifles and high explosives. You also equipped the helmet with a one way communicator to let you give Charizard commands from long distances, a tracking device to let you find Charizard should you get separated. You've also given Charizard a device that will allow you to see what Charizard sees and let's you plan an attack according to what Charizard sees. The device that both you and Charizard wear is displayed below.

And with that explained back to our regularly scheduled programming.

*End Story Interruption*


(Y/n): Alright, bud. We'll take this nice and slow to start.

Charizard does some soaring near the clouds then goes into a gradual dive.

(Y/n): Alright, pick it up!

Charizard: *affirmative*

Charizard picks up speed and flies between some cliffs, until suddenly-

*Grimm Screech*

I look behind me and see several Grimm Lancers.

(Y/n): Oh scrap. *looks at audience* What? I know what Transformers is. *to Charizard* Fly fast!

Charizard takes off as the Lancer's give chase, one Lancer strikes and Charizard expertly dodges by spinning to the right, then flares his wings to suddenly stop as the other Lancers barrel past us.

(Y/n): Fire Blast!

Charizard: *aggressive* *uses Fire Blast*

The move hits and takes out three Lancers at once, another lancer shoots it's hooks and nicks Charizard's armor, but doesn't damage him.

(Y/n): At least the armor works. *sees tight cliffs* Fly for those cliffs!

Charizard: *affirmative*

Charizard flies while dodging the other lancers, as Charizard passes through the tight space-

(Y/n): Now Rock Smash, bring down the cliff face!

Charizard: *aggressive*

Charizard uses Rock Smash and starts a rockslide, the boulders hit and take out the rest of the Lancers, while Charizard maneuvers though the falling boulders and out into the open.

(Y/n): Whew, that was close-

Something then hit me from behind and knocked me off Charizard's back and plummeting to the ground, I regain consciousness seconds later and see Charizard fighting off the Queen Lancer.

(Y/n): *looks down* AHH! Oh Arceus! AHHHH-

I look and see Charizard has used Double Team to get away from the Queen Lancer and dive to get me, I reach out and grab Charizard's saddle and get into it as we continue towards the ground.

(Y/n): Pull up!

Charizard: *ROAR*

Charizard flares his wings to slow himself down, but we are headed towards some large stacks of rocks, I decide to tap Charizard's neck letting it know to just go for it and he flies fast towards the stacks, I tap each side of Charizard's neck to indicate which direction to turn, we make it out of the stacks and while I was happy about it, we still had to deal with the Queen Lancer.

(A/N): End music here.


(Y/n): Alright, let's turn this thing to ash. Flamethrower!

Charizard throws a powerful Flamethrower and because the battle is now more intense his flames are more powerful too. The Queen Lancer dodges the Flamethrower and fires it's stingers and while they hit the armor they do little damage.

(Y/n): Looks like we'll have to get in it's face, Smokescreen!

Charizard let's out a huge plume of smoke and it engulfs the Queen Lancer, we use it to cover our approach and-

(Y/n): Combine Fire Punch and Thunder Punch!

Charizard rushes in and punches the Lancer several times paralyzing it and setting it's bone-like armor on fire, as the smoke cleared.

(Y/n): Charizard, one last Mega Punch!

Charizard: *aggressive ROAR*

Charizard delivers Mega Punch right to this things Thorax sending it careening into the cliffside, when the dust cleared the Lancer turns to ash.

(A/N): End music here.

(Y/n): *sigh of relief* Alright, let's head back to Beacon. I think we've had enough for one day.

Charizard and I head back and we land in the courtyard where Team RWBY seemed to be waiting.

Yang: Whoa. Ruby wasn't kidding when she said you made armor for Charizard.

Weiss: With all the battling you do, getting hit is bound to happen.

(Y/n): My thoughts exactly. All in all, I say the new brand of Poke'mon armor is a success.

Charizard: *exhausted cheer*

(Y/n): *chuckles* Okay, Charizard you definitely deserve a break, let's get this armor off you. Thanks again, bud, I don't know what I'd do without you.

Charizard: *blushes in embarrassment*

I get the armor off and let Charizard have a dinner break in the greenhouse, I put his armor on a mannequin and turned to the others.

(Y/n): So, how did bonding with your new friend go?

Ruby: Oh, great! Fenris is already really fast and can already use a fire attack, we're gonna be great!

Weiss: Snowflake is a little shy but when it comes down to it she won't hesitate to defend herself.

(Y/n): Good.

Yang: Scorchimp was really into my training, and was trying to imitate me.

(Y/n): I thought it might.

Blake: Spooky is really relaxed most of the time, but is a hard worker when he wants to be.

(Y/n): Great job, keeping strengthening the bond between you and your Poke'mon and there's nothing you can't do. Keep them close on our training mission at least until they gain more training and experience.

RWBY: Right.

Timeskip Next Day

I get all my camping gear packed and select the Poke'mon I feel will be essential on this trip, I already asked Professor Goodwitch to care for the rest of my Poke'mon while I'm gone. I get Charizard suited in his armor and get my combat gear ready then we head to the auditorium and meet up with Team RWBY whilst they made a decision to what mission they should take.

Blake: *notices my approach* Oh, good morning, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Mornin'. So, where we headed?

Weiss: We need a mission that will take us to the southeast.

Ruby: Let's check 'Search and Destroy'. *searches* Look, this area needs Grimm cleared out.

Blake: Well, it is in the southeast.

(Y/n): Sounds easy enough to me.

Ruby attempts to put team RWBY's name in, but the mission was restricted to first years.

Weiss: *sarcastic* Wonderful.

Yang: Now what do we do?

Ruby: We'll mail ourselves there.

(Y/n): Not ideal, but we'll use it as a back up.

Ozpin: You could do that. It's a wonder how you five ended up always being in the right place at the right time.

Everyone looks at Ruby and I while we simply smile a little sheepishly.

Ozpin: I doubt I'll find the answers, so instead of waiting for you to break the rules, why don't we bend them.

Ozpin then does something on his tablet to lift the restriction on Team RWBY's entry on the mission.

Ruby: We won't let you down. Thank you Professor.

Ozpin: Do not thank me for this. You may be students, but the threats that wait beyond the safety of the kingdom will not care. Stay close to your Huntsman and just as he will allow you to go, he can send you back if he feels your abilities are less than satisfactory. *walks away but comes back for a moment* Good luck.

With that the group head out through the courtyard to get to the landing pads, and the mood was a little down.

Yang: That wasn't exactly uplifting.

Blake: But it's the truth.

Ruby: It's going to be tough, but I know we can do it.

Student: Hey, Team CFVY is back.

Indeed, as we look across the yard, the four members of Team CFVY are just arriving back from their mission.

Blake: *approaches* Velvet, are you alright?

Velvet: Yes, I had Yatsuhashi to look out for me.

Weiss: Your mission was supposed to end a week ago, what happened?

(Y/n): Yeah, I was about to fly out and try to find you myself.

Velvet: Nothing happened, there was just so many. *silence* Oh, but don't worry. You first years are just shadowing Huntsman, so you should be fine.

Yang: Right.

Velvet: I should go. Be careful.

Velvet walks away and we all start to realize the danger we're probably headed into.

Ruby: Don't worry, we've never backed down before, and we're not going to start now.

(Y/n): No way, we're backing down.

Charizard: *confidant*

Blake: Right.

Ruby: Besides, it won't just be us out there. we'll be alongside a genuine Huntsman.

Yang: Yeah!


Oobleck: Well hello, students and beasts! Who's ready to fight for their lives?

Ruby: Uhh

(Y/n): What the-

Charizard: *facepalm* *grunts*

(A/N): Well, they're dead. Tune in next time for the start of Team RWBY's mission of exposing secrets and heroism. As the journey continues...

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed. please leave a vote and consider following my channel so you never miss content from me, I upload whenever I can in my busy schedule. Until then, I'll see you in the next one. PEACE OUT!!!

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