An Evilized Ballerina

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Out on a stage in front of the Eiffel Tower, ballet dancers were practicing for the classic holiday perfomance "The Nutcracker" with young preteen dancers doing a dress rehersal for their public performance. One girl dressed to fit the part of a sugarplum fairy putting on her pearly white ballet pointe shoes.

The instructor plays the music and the other young dancers begin to practice the routine for the "Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy" and they danced ever so perfectly and the one girl stumbles almost making the girl next to her fall. The music cuts and the instructor could see that the she was trying to adjust to her pointe slippers. "Juliet, you were doing good in the first part but you're still new to recently graduating with your pointe shoes and remember to not overly exaggerate your dance steps and twirls." Juliet nods getting her balance right. "Okay girls, once again from the top."

Juliet takes her pointe slippers off replacing them with her other ballet slippers she adapted to for so long. One the girls that fell from Juliet's accidental stumble. "You nearly made me hurt myself, Juliet!" She says bitterly holding her ballet dance bag once the dress rehearsal was finished. "But Louisa it was an accident. I'm still not used to my pointe shoes."
"Well you better get used to them fast, the others wouldn't want a stumbling clumsy sugarplum fairy." Louisa said coldly as she went off leaving the poor aspiring ballerina in tears running off crying her eyes out until she was far from the stage in front of the Eiffel Tower.

"The tears of an aspiring dancer's broken self-confidence, just perfect for my akumas to thrive." A white butterfly flew into a black gloved hand and another hand covers it as it became dark and malevolent. "Fly my little akuma and evilize her.

The akuma flies away and Juliet sat under a tree softly crying until it flew into her pointe shoes. "Sugarplum, I am Hawkmoth, I will give you the power to prove your fellow dancers that you can be the prima ballerina but in return, I need you to bring me Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous."

"All of Paris shall be my stage and only I shall have my chance to shine." Juliet becomes akumatized into the villainess Sugarplum with her hair being platinum blond done up with a crystal tiara on top wearing a purple with silver ombré ballet outifit and her pointe shoes on perfect as the leaps to terrorize Paris.

Marinette was with her friend Alya walking in the streets to find people running and dancing? "Marinette are you seeing this, girl." She says ajusting her glasses to see that she is not seeing things. Marinette nods seeing she isn't the only one seeing the scene before her and Alya. This looks like Hawkmoth's dirty work with someone who just got akumatized and it's a job for Ladybug and Chat Noir. She runs to an alleyway looking to see if the coast is clear her to transform. So far, there's nobody to see her. "Time to transform."

"Tikki, spots on!"

Marinette transforms becoming Paris' superheroine, Ladybug. She zips with her trusty yo-yo to find the akumatized dancer and to stop her evil performance."

Sugarplum flawlessly dances humming dark melody of the song cruelly terrorizing everyone with her dance.

Ladybug contacts Chat Noir to notify him of the akumatized villainess.

She gets her yo-yo and catches Sugarplum by her wrist. She turns to see Ladybug trying to restrain her. "So you're Ladybug?" She pulls hard making her fall towards her. She stares down at the superheroine with a cold smile. "You made it just in time to see my dance." She says with a twirl and Ladybug leaps to avoid the blast which was causing the people running to ballet dance just like her.

Right on time, Chat Noir arrives at the scene. "Is this the tiny dancer giving you a problem, Milady?" He says in a flirty manner. "I am not tiny dancer, I am Sugarplum and I say let's dance."

Ladybug and Chat Noir try to catch Sugarplum but she is too fleet and light-footed as she takes another twirl and leap.

"If I were the both of you, I'd surrender you miraculous." She lunges for Ladybug's eyemask trying rip it off her face. "Sugarplum, Ladybug's miraculous is in her earrings." She smiles slyly at hearing Hawkmoth. "Thanks for the tip." She reaches for one of Ladybug's earrings until Chat Noir caught her wrist. "Not a chance Sugarplum. You're not sweet like your name implies."

"Easy for you to say pussycat."

She notices his ring seeing it must be where his miraculous is. Ladybug's yo-yo got her wrist and Sugarplum whirls and twirls bringing Ladybug into her whirlwind almost knocking her and Chat Noir out somewhere in the street.

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug cries and in a beam of light it becomes a pair of ballet pointe shoes. "Ballet pointe slippers?" She looks at the dance shoes confused. "If you're gonna challenge her to a ballet dance-off might as help find where her akuma is." Said Chat Noir.

Ladybug looks closely to the her lucky charm, Chat Noir and then to Sugarplum's pointe slippers. "Partner up with me, kitty, I have an idea." Ladybug quickly gets the ballet shoes on.

"Sugarplum!" She turns to see Ladybug and Chat Noir looking like they are about to challenge her.

"A single round dance-off you win, you get mine and Chat's miraculous."

Sugarplum smiles at the idea with an evil giggle. "You're on, twinkle toes."

Ladybug and Chat Noir dance-off against Sugarplum and Ladybug finds that the akuma is in Sugarplum's pointe shoes. "Her akuma must be in the shoes.

"Cataclysm!" Chat Noir yells out unleashing his power. He has one shot at this once Ladybug distracts the akumatized ballerina and he reaches for the loose ribbon of her slipper and destroys them both completely rendering Sugarplum powerless and the akuma flying out.

"No more evildoing for you little akuma. Time to de-evilize!"

Ladybug captures the akuma before it gets away. "Gotcha!" Once it was de-evilized it became a white butterfly. "Bye bye, little butterfly."

"Miraculous Ladybug!" Everything once back to the way it was and Juliet is back to normal not remembering what happened and saw Ladybug and Chat Noir. "Pound it." They said fistbumping each other. "L-Ladybug, Chat Noir?" Juilet says seeing them. "You're a an amazing dancer and I'm sure you'll do great." She says to her making the preteen dancer smile. Ladybug hears the beeps in her earrings indicating that she'll transform back. "I better go, bug out!" Chat Noir looks and he'll be transforming back soon as well and makes a run for it.

"So very close! Ladybug and Chat Noir, soon I will be taking control of this final dance." Hawkmoth says foiled again.

Alya was telling Marinette that she got video footage of Ladybug and Chat Noir dancing off against Sugarplum and was gonna post it to her LadyBlog with such glee as they make it to the front of the Effiel Tower where the stage is for the ballerinas to perform for the crowd.

The performance was spectacular as Marinette, Alya and Adrien watch and Juliette took the spotlight as a beautiful and graceful sugarplum fairy in her own way.

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