Lila, Chloé and the fear of Krampus

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Marinette was out for a snowy day out and she finds Lila talking with Adrien and his cousin Amelia. "It's a true story, last Christmas I was given a necklace with the Hope Diamond and it was the prettiest gift I was ever given." Amelia did not believe a word she said until Chloé arrived seeing Adrien. "Adrikins, I didn't see you here." She says wrapping her arm around the male blond's shoulder. Amelia quickly excuses herself and once she was out of earshot of them she kicks a nearby tree in frustration. "I swear to all that is good and Christmassy that if I hear one more lie out of her, I am gonna-"
"Gonna what?" She stopped seeing Marinette walking in the snowy park. "I was gonna politely point out that Lila never got a necklace with the Hope Diamond." The dark blue haired teen saw that like her, Amelia couldn't stand Lila's compulsive lying either. "I understand how you feel." She says gently placing her hand on her shoulder. "You do?" She asked. She nods in reply.

"There was this one lie that she told Adrien and let's just say that she crossed a personal line." Marinette said keeping it at that. "I really wish she would stop lying."
"The same here." Both girls looked at each other until Amelia got an idea and whispered it into Marinette's ear.

"Are you sure using old folklore is going to scare Lila into not lying and Chloé to stop being well a brat?" Amelia nods holding book on European myths and folklore. "This one for sure will serve as a way of getting them to change their behaviors and chance for them to celebrate Christmas with a clean slate." Marinette knows that she doesn't like Lila for her compulsive lying or Chloé for being such spoiled, scroogy, grinchy, rotten brat but using a tale from ancient folklore as a scare tactic sounded really wrong but a the same time right to teach them a lesson.

"Hi, Lila, Chloé." She says to them. Both of them said hi and Chloé was nice to her 'cause she and Adrien are cousins. "I found this book and there was a tale from ancient folklore that really caught my eye and it looked like it suited this time of the year." She says opening the book. "The tale of Krampus." She reads. "Krampus? Sounds like some kind of pastry no one would eat." Said Chloé.

"According to Germanic folklore, Krampus is considered to be the dark counterpart of St. Nicholas who we commonly associate as Santa Claus, like his shadow. He does not give but takes, he does not come to reward but to punish," Lila softly gulped and so did Marinette. "They say that Krampus is half, goat, half demon and slightly humaniod with cloven feet carrying chains, iron bells, along with a sack and birch branches for beating and whipping the worst behaving children,"

One terrifying tale later...

"So you better watch out and be good or else Krampus will get you and stuff you in his sack to make both of you his next Christmas meal." Lila got really scared and Chloé didn't looked at all convinced that this story is true. "This Krampus is not real, it's like some made-up story used to scare kids into being good."

Amelia had got half a mind to chuck a snowball at her as she walks away but Marinette stops her from doing so. But at least it got Lila scared straight hoping to put a stop to her lying.

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