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Before you start reading, I'd just like to let you know, THIS IS NOT THE FIRST BOOK IN THIS SERIES. In fact, it's the second! It would probably be a good idea to read the first book, The Time Before, well, before you read this one

Anyway! If you've already done that, then enjoy the story!


... Ah. Hello there.

I suppose you are here in search of a story?

Well. Provided that you are actually here, and not just another figment of my imagination. It gets so lonely here, so dark and cold and quiet, that sometimes I cannot tell if they are real or not.

Or, as real as things can get, here in the Void. But I digress.

You are here in search of a story. And, as I suppose I have nothing better to do, and, in fact, nothing much else to do at all, I suppose I shall take on the role of storyteller for you.

Regardless of whether or not I've only imagined you.

So, then, if I am a storyteller, I suppose my next task is to decide which story should be told.

I could tell you a story of a family, reunited once more, living on the surface world. But such a story has not come to pass, nor do I know how such a story would come to pass. So I will not tell that story.

I could tell you the story of how I came to be here, stuck in the black depths of nothingness. The story of how I went from being one of the most prestigious, respected monsters of the Underground to the barest fragment of a memory in a single person's mind. I could tell you the story of a time before. But, I have the distinct sense that this story has already been told, by hands not my own. So I will not tell that story.

I could tell you a forgotten story. A story of a name long gone, a time erased eternities ago.

... Yes, this one, I think, is the story I will tell.

For the name that was once my own, the name that has been lost to the Void, that is a name to remember.

WD Gaster is a Name to Remember.

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