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Chapter 6:
I'm still a human.
Borra P.O.V.

I groaned as I turned over in my nest, feeling my scars still ache despite it having been a month since my punishment. I was not given the best medical treatment, but there was one person who stuck by me through it all.

And she was laying right beside me.

I sleepily opened my eyes to see Flower, sound asleep next to me and slightly shivering. So I did what any good mate would do, and I pulled her closer to me and placed my wing over her body.

I know you're only here because of what I did to you - being as mates must have a nest together, but. . .

I pushed her brown locks out of her face, admiring her beauty and wanting nothing more than for her to open up those unmatched blue eyes just for me.

"The eyes of a killer."

I cringed as that phrase echoed in my head. I never thought that my mate would be a human, one of royal blood either, and although I never want to ever cause her as much pain as I did that day, I do not regret my choice.

Because she is now mine, and I am hers.

"Borra. . .?" She mumbled out, her eyes fluttering open.

"Morning Flower," I smiled softly down at her, only showing such vulnerability to my Flower, and she softly smiled back.

"Ready for more training today?" She groaned and turned around, making me chuckle.

"I'm too sore."

But when she turned around, I was once again faced with the mark upon her neck. There were no more bruises, no more bleeding or soreness in the neck, yet just like a vampire bit her neck. Yes, it's traditional but. . .her screams still haunt me as I sleep and I never want to make her feel that kind of pain again.

"Why don't I start working on the political aspect of it all?" She suggested.

"Because I hate politics," She turned back to me.

"Not everything can be solved with violence. Fighting fire with fire only breeds-"

"More fire?" I smirked.


"Controlled chaos, Flower," I corrected, getting up and stretching my wings outside of our nest and she walked to be directly infront of me.

"Go inside."

"Why? Because you don't want to do something that you don't like, despite me having to do fighting that I hate?" She questioned, crossing her arms at me and pouting.

"Yes, and no. You're only in your nightgown," She looked down, and was reminded that she indeed was, but stood her ground.


"I am yours, and you are mine. Only I can see you wearing your nightly attire," She blushed, and oh how I adored how flushed her cheeks became everytime I reminded her. The community sees us as mates, two who will one day consummate their sacred path together and have little Dark Fey-human hybrids flying about, but unfortunately, it isn't how Florence sees it.

She sees it as an alliance to one day show her people, to prove that we can coexist without the need for violence, and one day marry a King and be truly happy.

Not suck in a loveless union.

Well. . .loveless from one side.

"War never ends in peace on both sides - not forever. Please, just this one time?" She pleaded, looking up at me with her beautiful eyes that shone as she looked up at me.


"Borra," Udo flew down, interrupting our conversation and I ushered her behind me as to not show her in her indecent state.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Connal wants us both to prepare all the Fey for a meeting, he's found a Dark Fey shot down by humans in the waters," Udo informed me, and Florence stepped out from behind me.

"A Dark Fey? Did they sneak out?"

"It appears that she has been living amongst the humans."

"Maleficent. . ." She breathed out, relief washing over her.

"Please, I have to see her. She was like a mother to me after mine was killed. Is she alright? How badly was she injured?" She kept shooting questions at him, and I put my hand on her shoulder and she glanced back at me.

"Florence, get dressed and I will take you to the gathering. We will find out then," She reluctantly nodded and rushed back inside, closing the door for her own privacy.

"You're not going to take her."

"Of course I'm not," I replied.

"Why do you hold her back? This is someone she has a connection to in the outside world."

"It is that very reason that I will not take her. Even if it is just for a few more minutes, I do not want her to find a reason to leave. To find someone who can take her away from me-here," I quickly corrected myself, but Udo knew what I meant.

"She is a Queen of all of the lands. One word, and she could bring our kind back to the skies," Udo pointed out.

"And back to being threatened by others who feel intimated by her power. Besides, being a female Queen means nothing without a King and an heir. She stands no chance with just words, as we all clearly saw before. Now let's go," I took off in flight towards the gathering, and Udo in tow.

But what I didn't realize is how much she heard of that conversation, and how she interpreted it as being too weak, even in her own element. That she wouldn't last if she were to go back, and with rage and tears in her eyes and that feeling of betrayal, she decided that she was going to fight fire with fire, but it would be in her own element.

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