Chapter 1

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"Serene, run faster!" Antinomy yelled as he ran deeper into the endless forest. "They are gaining on us!"
The sound of three runners filled the air as they got closer and closer to the two convicts. All that could be heard was their heavy breathing and the endless buzzing coming from the runners.
"I am running as fast as I can!" The young key yelled in return as she ran after him, nearly tripping over her own feet. "How much farther till we reach your runner?!"
"We still have about twenty feet!" He replied while fixing his red visor in place.
The roar of the runners got louder and louder.
"You two cannot run forever!" The voice of Z-One yelled.
Insane laughter could be heard from Paradox, followed by the growl of Aporia.
"Insolent fools. We will catch you both!" Aporia yelled at them.
"No you won't!" Antinomy yelled in reply as he finally reached his runner. He jumped on and waited for Serene. "Serene hurry!!"
"I am!" She replied, hurrying for the runner.
She was about to reach the runner until a hand reached out and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her onto a runner. Serene screamed and struggled as she tried to get out of Paradox's grip. Paradox smirked proudly as he held a tight grip on her. "I got Serene!"
Paradox then turned his runner around and drove back in the direction they came from. Z-One and Aporia followed him.
"We will be back for you soon, Antinomy!!" Z-One laughed as they drove off.
"Antinomy! Help!" Serene screamed as they got further and further away.
Antinomy quickly started his runner and quickly drove after them. This was going to be a very long and destructive day.

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