19. Blind

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"What in the Underworld are you doing here?!" I heard a voice from behind me.

I was here checking every room for my sister. It's been three days and I was sent out alone to find her.

I turned and there she was, standing in the doorway. "Kate, you are okay!" I breathed as she ran up to me and hugged me.

"I told you to stay at the camp. You could have been hurt." She scolded. "Thank you for coming." She sighed after.

I pulled away and held her shoulders at arm's length. She looked a little off, but I couldn't see why. Until I looked at her eyes. "Kate, what's wrong with your eyes?" She was looking at me, but she didn't seem to see me and her eyes were a milky white.

"Ryan blinded her. But it's temporary." A girl responded, walking through the doorway. I recognized her.

"You're one of them!" I accused and drew my sword, pushing Kate behind me.

"No, Percy. She helped me. Angel is on our side." Kate grabbed my sword arm. Although I wasn't sure how she knew where it was.

"Angel?" I asked.

"That's me. Now I hate to break up this sibling bonding time but we have to leave before anyone else gets here and Kate can't move very fast without being able to see." The girl said.

I nodded. "I have an idea. Get on my back." I told Kate.

"What?" She asked.

"I'll carry you."

"Percy-" she started but I already pulled her onto my back and we were following Angel down the hall.

Once we can to the door Angel stopped. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"I can't come with you. Someone has to stay and cover for you. And I think if I came I would only lead him to you." She answered.

"I understand but just know you are always welcome at Camp Half-Blood." Kate said.

Angel nodded thanks and closed the door behind us. I started back the way I got here, Kate on my back with her arms around my neck.

"You know you can set me down if you are tired." She said.

"Don't worry about me. You are lighter than Annabeth and I carried her for longer." I answered.

"You should be glad she's not here."


"Girls don't like it when people say that another girl is lighter than them. Especially when that person is their boyfriend." She answered.

I gulped. "Please don't tell her."

"Your secret's safe with me." She laughed.

"Let's stay here for the night." I sat Kate on the tree and sat next to her.

Now that my adrenaline from escaping has died. I took a better look at Kate. She was covered in deep varying cuts and bruises.

"Kate, what happened?" I asked.

Her eyes stared at me, but she looked right through me. "Ryan was having a little fun in my death." She answered solemnly.

"Here." I said, handing her a square of ambrosia.

"Thank you Percy." She took it.

"Could Ryan actually kill you?"

"I don't know. In theory, I think he could. I'm a goddess, but I don't have anything that really anchors me to my immortality so enough trauma could kill me." She answered solemnly.


"Are you sure you're not tired?" Kate asked. We were about a mile from camp and I had been carrying her on my back since we left the clearing.

"I'm fine. If anything I'm more worried about you." I answered. It was true. Since we left her wounds have been getting worse without attention. Even after taking the ambrosia. Ichor from her soaked my shirt and that was very concerning.

Kate was still blind and I didn't want to risk her getting more hurt by walking. She sighed in frustration. I smiled slightly at the thought of annoying my sister. It was something that was a little normal for siblings to do.

"Are you guys still in the caves?" She asked.

"Yeah. Annabeth insisted that we all stay in the caves until you come back and say otherwise." I answered.

"Remind me to thank her. At least she had the sense to stay safe." She teased.


We finally made it to the camp boundary and crossed the barrier without problem. "Wow." I said. The camp, my home, looked deserted. Well I guess it wasn't really, but it was still hard to see.

"What? What's wrong?" Kate asked and I remembered she couldn't see.

"Oh, it's just that the camp is so empty." I answered.

"Well they are all in the caves Percy." She responded calmly.

"I know. Hey are you okay?" I asked. She suddenly sounded really tired.

"I don't know. I'm getting really tired." She started to grow limp on my back.

I started running for the beach. Once we were there I plunged into the water and used the currents to rocket us to the cave entrance.

"Perseus Jackson." I spoke and the door grinded open. I raced inside and into the main room.

Annabeth, Piper, Leo, and the rest of the cabin leaders were there on the various couches and chairs. When Annabeth saw me she leaped up and ran over, followed by the rest of them. Will immediately went to Kate. I set her on one of the chairs. She was pale and barely breathing.

"What happened?" Annabeth asked.

"Kate said that Ryan tried to kill her." I responded.

"Can he actually do that?"

"I don't know."

Apollo burst into the chamber from the tunnel where the arena was. Seeing Kate he rushed over and started healing her cuts and bruises. Color started to return to her face and she slowly opened her eyes.

Apollo gasped when he saw them. "Kate, what did he do to you?" He touched her face slightly.

"He blinded me. Angel said it's temporary." She breathed.

"Who-who's Angel? Ya know, never mind. I'm just glad you're okay." Apollo responded. He pulled Kate into his arms and I saw her eyes droop closed as she fell asleep. Apollo smiled over her shoulder and lifted her into his arms, carrying her towards his room.

"Fill us in, Percy." Annabeth said, pulling my attention back to her and the rest of the campers around me.


All Kate needed was rest. So I used a sleeping, uh, thing, to help with that. Now I was carrying her towards my room. I would have taken her to her own, but before she left she locked two doors in this cave. The one to her room, and the other was a mystery of what lay beyond.

I pushed my door open to be greeted by a room that resembled my chamber on Olympus. Sky blue walls that shimmered with clouds and sunlight. The light in the room came from a large group of fire crystals that formed in the shape of a sun on the ceiling. My bed was draped with plush yellow and orange sheets, blankets, and pillows.

I set her on the bed and tucked her into the blankets. She was breathing softly and curled into the pillow. I smiled at her. Even after Ryan took her, Kate still looked peaceful as she slept and just as beautiful. I changed into boxers and a thin tank and slid in bed next to her. It was getting late when Percy got here, and it was even later now.

Kate was sound asleep as I pulled her to my chest. The nights, even in the caves, were getting cold, as they have been for the past month. As much as I try, Artemis refused to let me extend summer. So it looks like the cold was here to stay.

I soon fell asleep to the sound of her slow breaths.


I woke to heavy breathing and a loud, frantic gasp. Kate was sitting up patting the area around her.

"Hey, what happened?" I asked softly, sitting up and wrapping my arms around her.

She flinched at my touch for a moment. "Apollo?" She asked.

"It's me darling. Are you okay?" I pulled her head to my chest.

Her breathing slowed. "I-I forgot I couldn't see." She choked and my heart broke. Kate's voice sounded so vulnerable that it hurt to hear.

I held her until she fell asleep, but I couldn't do the same. Anger bubbled inside me as I thought of Ryan. That rotten boy who hurt her like this. More than anything I wanted to see him again so I could wrap my hands around his neck and watch the light leave his eyes.

I heard a small knock on the door and Percy peaked his head in. Once he saw Kate he smiled and turned to me. "Is she okay?" He whispered.

I nodded and he smiled and ducked his head back out, softly closing the door behind him.

"You're angry." Kate whispered.

I jumped slightly thinking she was asleep. "I didn't know you were still awake." I cood.

"That doesn't matter. What does is that you're angry. I might not be able to see you, but I know what you think." She looked up at me with milky eyes and rested her chin on my chest.

"Of course I'm angry. He hurt you and now I want to hurt him."

"Trust me, so do I. But you can't let your anger take control. At least not yet. There will be a time to, Apollo."

"How is it that you are so wise?" I laughed softly.

"Just because I'm blind, doesn't mean I can't be wise." She giggled back, laying her head on my chest again. She slowly fell asleep and this time, I followed her example.


"Apollo? Apollo wake up!" A voice laughed, hitting my shoulder.

"Wha- Kate, what happened?" I gasped awake.

"I can see!" She squealed.

I sat up and looked at her eyes. They were their usual bright sea green. "Oh my Zeus!" I breathed. She sucked in a sharp breath as she realized how close we were.

I leaned in and gently kissed her, resting my hand on her cheek. She returned it and we only stopped when there was a soft knock on the door. "Come in." I called.

Annabeth walked in, followed closely by Percy. "Oh my gods!" Kate exclaimed and leaped up, tackling Percy in a hug. "Thank you so much!" Then she pulled away and looked him straight in the eyes. "And if you ever follow me again I will personally make sure you can never follow anyone ever again." She growled.

Percy gulped and nodded.

"Good. Now I have something to show you. All of you." She said and gestured for me to follow.

I smiled and followed her down the cave halls along with Percy and Annabeth. We stopped in front of the second locked door. The one that was a mystery. Kate tapped the lock and opened the door.

She turned to us. "This place is sacred to children of Poseidon. Its called an ocean garden." Smiling, she opened the door and stepped aside.

"Why haven't i heard of it?" Percy awed, following Annabeth inside after she gasped.

"You mean you haven't seen it?" Kate asked, amused.

"No why would I have?"

"Because the door was always open to you. Don't tell me you never tried the door while I was gone?" She laughed.

Percy's face turned red. "No I never thought to." He mumbled.

"Annabeth's right, you are a Seaweed Brain." Kate laughed and walked past him inside.

The garden was amazing. And that's saying something I've seen some pretty amazing things. It was a giant circular cave with trees, various other plants, and wildlife. In the middle, taking up most of the garden was a giant saltwater lake. As i watched a whale breached the surface and sprayed us with water, leaving me and Annabeth soaked. Kate and Percy dried us off and Percy ran for the lake.

"Don't bother the whale!" Kate called and took off after him, both of them plunging into the water.

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